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First Aid #1


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Primary consideration of first aid.
save life,prevent further injury,preserve resistance and vitality
Irreversible brain damage.
no oxygen for 4-6 minutes
Ambulance is stocked in accordance with what.
Combat situation-immediate life sustaining efforts of moderate nature. minimal time,personnel, supplies, what triage class.
Class II
Non-combat situation. Minor injuries or mortal wounds not expected to live, what priority.
Class III
What procedure is highly effective at removing water from the lungs of a drowning victim.
Abdominal thrusts
The esopgageal obturator airway.
designed for personnel who are not authorized to place ET, can be inserted blindly, prevents vomiting
What type of ventilation is most effective in NBC environment.
Back pressure arm lift
What type system was designed to help ventilate an unconscious victim for long periods, while delivering high concentrations of oxygen.
when applying CPR keep the heel of the hand off of the xiphoid tip of the sternum, can damage the .
How far to depress the sternum for adult CPR.
1 1/2 - 2 inches
Two person CPR, ratio of compressions to ventilations.
5 to 1
Compression rate for children or infants.
80 to 100
To prevent anaerobic infections, primary closure is not made for what type of wound.
Hemorrhage facts.
1. Adult body contains
2. 500cc loss of blood no effect
3. Elderly are susceptible to even small losses.
Spiral reverse bandage would be used for.
The leg
Bandage for retaining large compresses of the foot.
Triangular bandage
The cravat bandage for the temple, cheek,or ear is also known as.
Modified Barton
What pressure point is used if only critical.
Common carotid
Excretion of tarry black stools.
The pricipal aerobic bacteria that causes infection is introduced.
Sx of inflammation include.
1.Heat and Pain
2.Swelling and loss of motion
3.Redness and edema
Furuncles and Carbuncles (abscesses) facts.
1.Caused by staph mostly
2.Do not squeeze, may damage tissue and spread infection
3.Pain relieved by aspirin
Items for use on abdominal wounds and protruding intestines.
1.Physiologic saline
2.Sea water
3.Potable water
Not true concerning wound closure.
Delayed primary closure is performed at the end of the tenth day
Type of needle causes small amount of tissue damage and is used on deep tissues.
Taper point
Absorbable suture.
How is suture sized.
largest 4 to smallest 6.0
Sutures in the soles, palms,back or over joints should be removed in.
10 days
Shock due to diminished total blood volume.
Shock that carries poor prognosis and must always be treated under direct supervision of a medical officer.
Sx of shock.
1.Pupils dilated
2.Pulse rapid and weak
3.restlesnness and apprehensive
Best electrolyte solution to replace body fluids.
Lactated ringers
Degree of shock-thready pulse 100-120,Systolic 90-100,diaphoresis,anxiety,restlessness,and decreased urine output.
25-35% Decrease blood volume-Moderate
Administration of morphine facts.
1.Adult dose 8-16mgm
2.Not given in moderate shock
3.No more than a 1/4 grain may be given in a four hour period
Casualty can not move his fingers,probably suffering from what type of fracture.
Cervical spine
Jaw fracture facts.
1.Airway is prime concern
2.Four tailed bandage may be used to immobilize the fracture
3.Be sure knife or scissors are available
How to immobilize a rib fracture.
Swathe bandage
Thomas half ring or hare splint may be used to splint what type of fracture.
1.Tibia or fibula
Proper procedure for splinting the upper arm.
1.One well padded splint on the outside of the arm,sling
2.Two wide splints or four narrow ones on the arm,sling
3.Pad or folded towel in armpit, bandage arm to body and apply splint
Medical anti shock trousers facts.
1.Correct internal bleeding or hypovolemia
2.Creates pressure up to 120mm Hg in lower body
3.Upon inflation vitals every 5 minutes
Complains of feeling like they are coming apart and can not sit down.
Pelvic fracture
A dislocation should not be reduced if medical aid can be found in.
8 hours
Injury involves a momentary dislocation with the bone slipping back in place of its own accord.
What is the priority for obtaining information on a poison victim.
1.Identify poison
4.Sx and medical Hx
Phenols are what type of agent.
Corrosive poison
What is recommended in the treatment of non-corrosive poisoning.
1.Dilute the poison with one to two glasses of water or milk
2.Give an emetic
3.Collect vomitus for analysis
Treatment of corrosive acid include the following.
1.Two glasses of milk or water
2.Milk of magnesia
3.Raw eggs with an antacid
Vomiting is not induced for what type of poisoning.
Petroleum distillates
Exposure to what causes cherry red coloration of the skin and the mucous membranes.
Carbon monoxide
Fish that are not safe to eat.
Tx of bee,wasp, or fire ant sting.
1.Severe reaction give 0.5cc epinephrine if an adult
2.Use ice or anagesic for pain
3.Remove rings, bracelets, and watches
The violin shaped marking is characteristic of what.
Brown recluse spider
What poisonous snake of the crotalidae family is also called a pit viper because of the small,deep pits between the nostrils and the eyes.
Water moccasin
Which of the snakes listed below is only found in Africa.
How long should suction be applied after an incision is made for a snake bite.
30 min
Definitive care of all Western hemisphere snakebites, except coral snake.
1.Polyvalent antivenom in doses of three vials for small reactions
2.Doses 5 to 8 vials for swelling of the hand or foot
3.Doses of 8 vials for sever to moderate envenomation
First step in treating an injury caused by a jellyfish or portuguese man-of-war.
Pour sea water over the injured area
What is the most widely abused drug.
Most important consideration in evaluating burns.
If there were burns to all extremities, what percent of the body is burned.
rule of nines
Ice water immersion should be used on burns less than.
Acid burns of the eye are flushed for how long.
5 to 10 minutes
Phenol burns or carbolic acid are flushed with what.
Embedded white phosphorus particles are treated with.
Saline soaked bandages
What stage of anesthesia is used for all operations.
What heat condition is caused by loss of salt and water from the body.
Heat cramps
Which of the Sx listed below are common to heat stroke.
High body temperature
Treatment of heatstroke includes.
1.Get temperature down primary concern
2.Should be cooled til core temp is 102
3.Repeat cooling if rectal temp reaches 103
What is part of the command prevention center awareness of the environment.
2.PHEL chart
Ice crystals in the entire thickness of the extremity and fixed skin that does not move over bony ridges.
Deep frostbite
If questioned inslin shock or diabetic coma give what.
Caused by insufficient oxygen being circulated to the heart muscle.
Angina pectoris
Most serious type of epileptic seizure.
Grand mal
Childbirth is approaching if contractions are less than how many minutes.
Facts about emergency childbirth.
1.During contractions deep open mouth breathing will relieve pain and sraining
2.Watch for the top of the head and gently push against it
3.Log the time of delivery and wrap the placenta for hospital analysis
The gas mask is not effective against.
1.Carbon dioxide
2.Carbon monoxide
Stage of extraction that involves giving life saving care.
Which suit offers no protection in a fire or steam filled space.
Asbestos suit
What stretcher would be used to extricate a patient out of a main space.
Neil robertson
Used primarily in the extraction of sitting victims, especially in auto wrecks for spinal precautions.
Short spine board
Easiest way to carry an unconcious patient.
Firemans carry
Used for moving injured patients under low structures.
Hand crawl
Useful for moving victims up or down stairs with two rescuers.
Chair carry
When using the blanket drag the patient is pulled.
Head first
Type of anesthesia that blocks all impulses to and from the perennial area.
Saddle block

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