UIL Spelling
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- soporiferous
- bringing sleep; soporific
- alliaceous
- Having the smell of garlic or onions
- psychosocial
- of or pertaining to the interaction between social and psychological factors
- condescend
- to stoop or deign to do something
- vox humana
- a pipe-organ stop designed to produce tones resembling those of the human voice
- algophobia
- Fear of pain
- presumptuous
- 1. Full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume in conduct or thought; 2. Unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward
- démodé
- no longer in fashion; out of date; outmoded
- thanatoloqy
- the study of death and its surrounding circumstances
- thermocouple
- a thermoelectric device used to measure temperatures accurately
- decennium
- a period of ten years; a decade
- salmonellosis
- food poisoning caused by consumption of food contaminated with bacteria of the genus Salmonella, characterized by the sudden onset of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever
- vincible
- capable of being conquered or overcome; opposite of invincible
- homologous
- corresponding in structure due to derivation from the same or similar part of an ancestor
- xylography
- The art of wood ingraving
- erythrism
- unusual red pigmentation as of hair or plumage
- Wahpekute
- a member of a North American Indian people belonging to the Santee branch of the Dakota
- hemiplegia
- paralysis on one side of the body
- embolectomy
- removal of an embolus
- redolent
- 1. Having a pleasant odor, fragrant; 2. Reminiscent; 3. Being odorous
- histamine
- compound occurring in animal tissue that is believed to play a role in allergic reactions
- habilirnents
- dress characteristic of an occupation or occasion
- corpus callosum
- a great band of deeply situated transverse white fibers uniting the two halves of the cerebrum in humans and other mammals
- precipice
- 1. A cliff with a vertical or overhanging face; 2. A situation of great peril
- dryopithecine
- Extinct ape considered an ancestor of humans and apes
- aposiopesis
- Leaving off a thought in speech or writing
- siderosis
- a disease of the lungs caused by inhaling iron or other metallic particles
- susurrus
- a soft murmuring or rustling sound; whisper
- conveyance
- the act of conveying; transmission; communication
- synovitis
- inflammation of a synovial membrane
- Yqqdrasil/Ygdrasil
- the great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and branches in Norse mythology
- chasmoianious
- pertaining to or having pollination occur in a fully opened flower
- gibbosity
- protuberance; swelling
- eidetic
- marked by vivid recall especially of visual images
- escadrille
- European air command containing usually 6 planes
- rubiginous
- rusty; rust-colored; brownish-red
- cainotophobia
- Fear of newness
- in loco parentis
- in place of parents
- Camembert
- French molded cheese whose insides soften as it matures
- crocodilian
- Any of various reptiles of the order Crocodylia, which includes the alligators, crocodiles, caimans, and gavials
- tercentenary
- a 300th anniversary or its celebration
- catadromous
- Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed
- apparition
- A ghost
- eclampsia
- coma and convulsions during of after pregnancy
- bulimarexia
- Combination of bulimia and anorexia
- isolationism
- national policy of avoiding international, political and economic relations
- hackamore
- a bridle that controls by a slip noose about the nose or lower jaw
- etiologic
- statement of cause
- basso profundo
- A singer with a bass voice of the lowest range
- vinaceous
- having the color of red wine
- dipetalous
- Having two petals
- Delacroix
- French romantic painter (1798-1863)
- speculum
- a mirror or reflector, esp. one of polished metal, as on a reflecting telescope
- senectitude
- the last stage of life; old age
- Te Deum
- a hymn of praise to God sung as part of a liturgy
- implausible
- not trustworthy or fair
- gateau
- cake
- cryptanalyze
- to study (a cryptogram) for the purpose of discovering the clear meaning; break (a code, cipher)
- rescission
- the act of repealing, annulling, or revoking
- deterrence
- the inhibition of criminal behavior by fear especially of punishment
- Bhoral
- Indian city and site of a toxic gas leak
- ellipsoid
- a surface whose plane sections are all ellipsis or circles
- inter vivos
- between living persons
- appellant
- One that accuses another of treason or a felony
- epitasis
- interaction between non-allele genes in which one gene suppresses the expression of the other
- recapitulate
- to summarize
- respondent
- a person who responds; 2. A defendant (in law); (adj) 3. Responsive; 4. Being a respondent
- al dente
- Cooked firm
- rapacious
- 1. Given to seizing for plunder for the satisfaction of greed; 2. inordinately greedy; predatory; extortionate: a rapacious disposition
- thrombophlebitis
- inflammation of a vein caused by or associated with the formation of a blood clot
- xerophthalmia
- abnormal dryness of the eyeball characterized by conjunctivitis
- joie de vivre
- keen enjoyment of life
- acatalectic
- Complete: a verse having the complete number of syllables in the last foot
- ecciesiology
- theological branch concerned with the nature, constitution, and functions of the church
- cephalometry
- Scientific measurement of the head
- abbe
- Member of the clergy in France
- vertebration
- division into segments like those of the spinal column
- succedaneum
- a substitute or replacement
- Rambouillet
- one of a breed of hardy sheep, developed from the Merino, yielding good mutton and a fine grade of wool
- bal musette
- French dance hall with an accordion band
- incandescence
- radiant, bright, or clear
- somnifacient
- causing or inducing sleep
- entrecote
- cut of steak taken from between the ribs
- Sinn Fein
- 1. a political organization in Ireland, founded about 1905,
- sedimentology
- the study of sedimentary rocks
- gloxinia
- Brazilian tuberous herb related to the African violet
- draconian
- Exceedingly harsh; very severe: a draconian legal code; draconian budget cuts
- cribriform
- pierced with small holes
- idyllic
- a simple poetic work descriptive of a peaceful rustic life; romantic narrative poem
- scurrilous
- 1. grossly or obscenely abusive; 2. jocular or derisive
- equivocation
- to make a statement that can be interpreted in two or more ways
- sapsago
- a strong, hard, usually green cheese of Swiss origin, made with sour skim milk and sweet clover
- pseudoscience
- any of various methods, theories, or systems, as astrology, psycho kinesis, or clairvoyance, considered as having no scientific basis
- wunderkinder
- a child prodigy
- tintinnabulation
- the ringing or sound of bells
- imitable
- worthy of being copied or imitated
- aficionado
- Enthusiastic follower of bullfighting; An ardent supporter
- Eurasia
- region between Europe and Asia
- derangement
- To disturb the order or arrangement of
- Darjeeling
- A town of northeast India in the lower Himalaya Mountains on the Sikkim border
- hypercholesterolemia
- excess cholesterol in bloodstream
- protagonist
- 1. The leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work; 2. The leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc
- surrealism
- a style of art and literature developed in the 20th century, stressing the significance of imagery
- Anschluss
- Political union between Germany and Austria
- truculency
- fierce; cruel; savagely brutal
- a priori
- Deductively; intuitively
- vichyssoise
- a cream soup of potatoes and leeks, usually served chilled and often garnished with chopped chives
- symbiosis
- a relationship of mutual benefit or dependence
- clairvoyant
- having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision
- conniption
- a fit of violent emotion, such as anger or panic
- adenocarcinoma
- A malignant tumor in the breast
- agent provocateur
- A secret agent; An undercover man.
- hydrocephalus
- accumulation of fluid in the head; state in which increased cerebrospinal fluid results in expansion of cerebral ventricles, enlargement of skull, and wasting away of the brain
- bioclimatology
- Study of climatic effects on organic life
- ichthyosaur
- order of extinct marine reptiles with a fish-shaped body and a long snout
- serotonergic
- containing or activated by serotonin (chemical, the lack of which causes depression)
- hemacytometer
- instrument used for red blood cell count
- prolific
- profusely productive or fruitful
- exanthema
- skin eruption due to disease
- globuliferous
- producing globules; small drops of liquid
- capacious
- Spacious or roomy
- geophyte
- perennial plant propagated by buds on underground bulbs
- corroborate
- To strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain
- coyotillo
- A poisonous shrub native to Texas and Mexico, having small greenish flowers and black fruits
- isinglass
- pure gelatin obtained from the air bladder of a fish
- abiological
- Not produced by an organism
- poignancy
- the state of being poignant (ad]): 1. profoundly moving; 2. Physically painful or keenly distressing; 3. neat, skillful, concise, relevant; 4. sharp or pungent to taste or smell; 5. agreeably intense or stimulating
- imperilment
- endanger
- extrapolate
- to infer from known facts and data
- symmetry
- perfectly proportionate
- apiculture
- Beekeeping
- bourgeoisie
- Middle class
- edification
- enlightenmnt
- Sephardi
- a descendant of the Jews who lived in Spain and Portugal during the Middle Ages until persecution culminating in expulsion in 1492 forced them to leave
- sextodecimo
- 1. A book size (about 4x6 in.; 10x15 cm) determined by printing on sheets folded to form 16 leaves or 32 pages; 2. A book of this size
- copious
- large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful
- stereopticon
- a projector usually consisting of two complete lanterns arranged so that one picture appears to dissolve while the next is forming
- euphemistic
- an expression substituting as a milder one
- Huguenot
- French protestant that persecuted during the 16th and 17th centuries.
- amalgamation
- Mixing;Uniting
- Uzbekistan
- a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian soviet
- convolution
- rolling or coiling together
- reincarnation
- 1. the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form; 2. the rebirth of the soul in a new body
- titaniferous
- containing or yielding titanium
- hypoxemia
- insufficient of oxygenation of the blood
- bel canto
- Operatic singing in 17th to 18th century Italy
- tokonoma
- a niche or an alcove in a Japanese home for displaying a flower arrangement, kakemono, or other piece of art
- bibliotics
- Examination of written documents to determine authenticity and authorship
- filibuster
- irregular mercenary; use of delaying tactic in an attempt to delay or prevent action in a legislative assembly
- polygamy
- the practice of having more than one spouse at a time
- precognition
- knowledge of a future event or situation, especially through extrasensory means
- viva voce
- by word of mouth; orally
- Guinea
- country in western Africa where there is a source of cold; currency
- exculpatory
- to clear from alleged guilt
- tardive dyskinesia
- a disorder characterized by restlessness and involuntary rolling of the tongue or twitching of the face, trunk, or limbs
- eurybathic
- capable of living in a wide range of depths
- couchant
- lying on the stomach with head raised with legs pointed forward
- amaurosis
- Partial or total loss of sight
- vermicide
- a substance or agent used to kill worms
- circumterrestrial
- surrounding or revolving about the earth
- hierophant
- interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge
- denigration
- to speak damagingly of; Qriticizyn a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character
- amicable
- Friendly; Peaceable
- preciosity
- 1. Extreme meticulousness, or fastidious or carefully affected refinement, as in language, style, or taste; 2. An instance of extreme meticulousness
- charismatic
- of, having, or characteristic of charisma; a Christian who emphasizes such a religious experience
- halophyte
- a plant thriving in salty soil
- sinology
- the study of the language, literature, history, customs, etc., of China
- evidentiary
- for determination of evidence; to make evident
- rendzina
- a dark, rich soil containing limestone or chalk, above a softer, pale, calcareous layer, developed in grassland areas of high to moderate humidity
- depauperate
- poorly or imperfectly developed
- tetralogy of Fallot
- a congenital heart defect producing cyanosis
- contrivance
- a plan or scheme; expedient
- salinometer
- an instrument for measuring the amount of salt in a solution
- tableau vivant
- a group of people attractively arranged (as if in a painting)
- ectomorph
- individual with a lean slight muscular body build in which embryonic tissues predominate
- arthrotomy
- Surgical incision into a joint
- aurora australis
- Southern Hemisphere aurora
- edacious
- voracity; devouring
- rheumatologist
- a specialist in rheumatology (arthritis)
- desiccant
- a substance that promotes drying
- synchronize
- to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together
- eclecticism
- A method of choosing what appears to be the best fióm diverse sources, systems, or styles
- dromedary
- the single-humped camel of Arabia and northern Africa
- censorious
- severely critical; faultfinding; carping
- rappel
- (in mountaineering) the act or method of moving down a steep incline or past an overhang by means of a double rope secured above and placed around the body
- anonymity
- Anonymous
- Coriolis force
- a force which, due to the Earth's rotation, acts on a body in motion; an apparent force deflecting the motion of an object or a fluid moving over the surface of a rotating body such as a planet or star
- ultramontane/Ultramontane
- beyond the mountains (Alps), esp. Italy
- aberration
- Wandering away or astray
- imminence
- imminent evil or danger
- exemplication
- an example
- bossa nova
- Brazilian music similar to the samba
- incorporeity
- immateriality; lacking body or substance
- sequester
- to seclude
- bacteriostasis
- Slowing down bacterial growth
- Bhagavad-Gita
- Hindu text where ethical matters are instructed.
- bathophobia
- Fear of depth
- colloquialism
- a colloquialexpression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
- anemophilous
- Flowers normally pollinated by wind
- exacerbation
- to worsen
- hesperidium
- berry having a thick leathery rind and juicy pulp especially oranges and other citrus fruits
- catatonic
- of, relating to, being, or affected by schizophrenia
- extradite
- surrendering of an alleged criminal by one authority to another
- cytolysis
- the dissolution or degeneration of cells
- interment
- a funeral or burial
- sympathomimetic
- mimicking stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
- purloin
- to take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer
- subgenre
- a subcategory within a particular genre
- chifforobe
- a piece of furniture having both drawers and space for hanging clothes
- cybernetics
- The theoretical study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and electronic systems, especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems
- ab extra
- From without; from the outside.
- dehydrogenate
- to remove hydrogen from a compound
- schlockmeister
- a person who deals in or sells inferior or worthless goods; junk dealer
- emaciated
- to become very thin
- wallaby
- kind of small kangaroo from native Australia
- ichnolite
- fossilized foot print
- tarantella
- a rapid, whirling southern Italian dance in very quick sextuple
- impecuniosity
- penniless
- homoecious
- a parasite that spends its entire life in the same host
- zucchetto
- a skullcap worn by certain Roman Catholic clerics, varying in color according to rank
- scriptorium
- a room, as in a monastery, library, or other institution, where manuscripts are stored, read, or copied
- biathlon
- Event combining shooting and cross country
- capitulate
- Surrender; acquiesce
- prosciutto
- salted ham that has been cured by drying, always sliced paper-thin for serving
- subterranean
- hidden, secret, or below the Earth's surface
- aide-memoire
- Memory aid
- granivorous
- feeding on seeds
- tumescence
- a swollen condition
- hubris
- arrogance
- spinocerebellar
- of, relating to, or involving both the spinal cord and the cerebellum
- belle epoque
- Period between the end of the Franco-Prussian war and 'MM characterized by relative peace in Western Europe and marked by advances in art, literature, and technology
- approbatory
- Approving or commending something
- viruliferous
- carrying or containing a virus
- tuyère
- the pipe, nozzle, or other opening through which air is forced into a blast furnace or forge to facilitate combustion
- itinerant
- traveling from place to place
- visceral
- of or pertaining to the viscera (soft internal organs of the body); characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect
- addendum
- A thing that is added
- tachometer
- an instrument measuring revolutions per minute
- caravansary
- any large inn or hotel
- roma a clef
- a novel that represents historical events and characters under the guise of fiction
- dipsomania
- an irresistible, typically periodic craving for alcoholic drink
- entomophagous
- feeding on insects
- existentialist
- one who believes in the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards humans as unexplainable, stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's actions
- coxcombry
- Behavior that is characteristic of or appropriate to a coxcomb; foppish conceit
- scotopia
- vision in dim light
- Baalbek
- Town in eastern Lebanon
- subaqueous
- performed or used under water
- impenitent
- not sorry for a wrong done
- epithalamion
- a bride or bride groom
- cryptozoology
- The study of creatures, such as the Sasquatch, whose existence has not been substantiated
- apocalyptic
- Foreboding; a revelation
- Anglo-Saxon
- Englishman
- intrapsychic
- existing or taking place within the mind or psyche
- conservatory
- a greenhouse
- demyelinate
- to obliterate or remove the myelin sheath from a nerve or nerves
- zoophobia
- abnormal fear of animals