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Call to Freedom Chapter 1 & 2 (US History)

Chapter 1 (The World Before the Opening of the Atlantic)

Chapter 2 (New Empires in the Americas)

From Holt's "Call to Freedom"


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Navajo and Pueblo
Native American people of the Southwest region included the _______ and _________
climates, land, and organisms that surround living things
a unique style of ship with curved ends
__________ was a technological development that helped the Vikings establish trade networks, explore the North Atlantic, and set out on raids
the _______ society of the Great Plains was matrilineal, with people tracing their ancestry through their mothers
Jacques Marquette
traveled the Mississippi River as far as present-day Arkansas
sea dogs
English sailors who opposed Spain's King Philip
wars that took place for possession of the Holy Land
Early, ________ tried to create a colony in the Americas, but were unsuccessful
mound builders
the ___________ were people in eastern and midwestern North America with complex culture and religion
Inca and Aztec
Like the Aztec, the ________ invaded neighboring groups and villages
narrow sea passage
Treaty of Tordesillas
agreeement signed between Spain and Portugal, moved the Line of Demarcation to the west and gave Portugal ownership of Brazil and Africa
Throughout the 1500s most of the spice trade was controlled by
Henry Hudson
English captain hired by the Netherlands to search for a Northwest Passage
Iroquois League
American Indian political confederation responsible for waging war and making peace
an important crop to early Native Americans
encomienda system
this system gave the Spanish settlers rights to force Indians off their land, BUT did not enslave the Indians
South Sea
Vasco Nunez de Balboa found what he called __________________
Queen Elizabeth I's father, Henry VIII, had broken with the Catholic Church and founded __________________
an unintended consequence of the flow of wealth to Spain was increased __________
this area was not very populated area of New Spain by 1790
Vasco de Gama
he led an expedition around the Cape of Good Hope
Native Americans who lived along the _______________ coast had a rich supply of game animals, sea life, and wild plants.
__________ was not an important source of food for many Native Americans in California because there were many other food sources available year round.
_________ believed he could reach Asia by sailing west because he thought the Atlantic Ocean was not as large as many believed
large estates owned by monarchs and nobles during the Middle Ages
study of the unwritten past
images of ancestor or animal spirits carved on tall poles by Native Americans in the Northwest
symbols and images that represent ideas
most important political offices in New Spain were held by ______________
Prince Henry
gathered experts in navigation, mapmaking, shipbuilding, and sailing to aid Portugal's exploration efforts
Silk Road
an overland trade route stretching from the Black Sea to China
died on his trip around the world, did not complete his goal to circumnavigate the world
brought the spirit of the Reconquista to the Americas
early French settlements provbided France with wealth from
Magna Carta
_______ _______ was one of the first documents to help protect the rights of free individuals
Ghana and Mali
Several African kingdoms such as ________ and _________ grew wealthy and powerful by participating in trading networks
circular huts made by some Algonquian peoples
encomienda system
established to reward settlers for moving to the Americas
Line of Demarcation
to secure Spain's rights to the lands Columbus had explored, Pope Alexander VI established __________
free tenant
a person who rented land from a lord and was able to leave the land at the end of a contract
translations of ancient Greek writings
Muslims made advances in many scholarly areas such as medicine, philosophy, and astronomy by drawing on ____________________
___________ is a social system in which all people do NOT participate equally in work and decision making
one-person canoes used by the Inuit and Aleut
Council of Indies
to oversee the government in all of Spanish America, Spain created _______
sailing around Africa
the Portuguese hoped to open direct trade with Asia by ___________________
small but sturdy ship designed to be fast and easy to manage
People in Mesoamerica learned to breed plants and animals in a process called ______________

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