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ABeka History 7 - Unit 1, Chap. 2 Bold Words


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nomads (p. 23)
wandering herdsmen with no permanent home
Joseph (p. 23)
Jacob's favorite son; sold into slavery by his brothers
Sargon (p. 16)
the Akkadian king who conquered the Sumerians
monotheist (p. 17)
worshiper of one god
polytheist (p. 17)
worshiper of many gods
Mesopotamia (p. 16)
180,000 square mile area between and immediately around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Anu (p. 18)
the Sumerian god of the sky; ruled over their other gods
empire (p. 19)
rule by one city or people over other cities or peoples
Abraham (p. 12)
the father of the nation of Israel
Middle East (p. 12)
where Africa, Asia and Europe meet
cuneiform (p. 17)
a wedge-shaped writing used in the Middle East
humanists (p. 18)
elevate men to the status of a god
King Ur-Nammu (p. 18)
king of Ur
Babylon (p. 19)
the city of the original tower of Babel
Babylonia (p. 19)
Sumer and the surrounding lands
Shamash (p. 20)
the sun god
laws (p. 20)
rules people follow in living together
promulgation (p. 20)
making the laws known
Inanna (p. 21)
Sumerian goddess of love
Marduk (p. 21)
the chief god of the city of Babylon
Baal (p. 22)
the chief god of the Canaanites
Ishtar (p. 21)
another name for the Sumerian goddess of love, Inanna
Hammurabi (p. 19)
king of Babylon; united all of Mesopotamia under his rule
ziggurats (p. 18)
towers built in tiers or stages, each stage smaller than the one beneath, all atop a large mound of clay or debris
bureaucracy (p. 19)
an organized group of people appointed by a ruler to help him govern
equality under the law (p. 21)
all people who commit the same crime should be punished in the same way
Canaan (p. 22)
the land to which God led Abraham; located at the western end of the fertile crescent beside the Mediterranean Sea; known as the center of the ancient world
Megiddo or Armageddon (p. 22)
a valley in Israel, known as the last battelground of world history
Patriarchs (p. 22)
Abraham, his son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob, who lived in Canaan for a total of 230 years; known as the founding fathers of Israel; God's promises to Abraham passed first to Isaac and then to Jacob
nation-state (p. 22)
a nation or a people living in its own land with its own government
the first people after the flood to have used writing

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