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Speir Swahili Coast Set


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British Kenya
well... yeah
the swahili achitecture was thatched roofs
Slave porters
"Tribal chiefs"
the original rulers of Africa
Moresby Treaty
1822- Treaty the prevented the importation of slaves into christian nations
end of slavery in East Africa
movements tarnished slavery in Africa
omani capital
Plantation Slavery in East Africa
Giant slave trade
Arab side of """"
Clothing, religion and food were brought into the Swahili Coast by the Arabs
King Phillip II
maker of Ft. Jesus
End of Swahili independence
the Omani takeover (laking date)
Importance of trade
Swahili grew and gave to the people that they traded with the following: rice, fruit, grains, cloves, ivory, mangroves, coconut oil, rhino horns, gold, slaves and tortise shells. They got whale oil, carpets, incense, pots, glassware, cloth, perfume, ink, paper, beads and iron.
Legislative Council
a council that promoted racial superiority
Arabs = Arabian Omani= dudes from oman
Omani Sultans
rulers from oman that had tons of money and power
The Swahili. They were middlemen in between the land and sea, old culture and new influences
African side of Swahili culture
The religion and architecture of the African culture
a major island port
Swahili Towns
The most populous regions of the Swahili people is Dar-Es-Salaam, Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, and Comoros. Zanzibar is also heavily populated with Swahili people.
The original inhabitants of the Swahili Coast
Kenya capital
Hammerton Treaty
1845- A treaty banning all shipments of slaves outside of sultan's east Africa
"Native reserves"
areas w/ slaves
Native Registration Act
the exportation of the native africans
Treatments of slave
"Scramble for Africa"
the race of colonization of Africa
Fort Jesus
a barracks that was to prevent an attack from the omani but was captured
Sayyid Said
An owner of a private island that owned a huge amount of slaves for plantation work
Middle Easteners that controlled Swahili Africa and prided themselves in not being Swahili (racial superiority)
Where did the slaves come from
Bantu & Arab influences
bantu brought naval stuff, the arab traded with the Swahili
"White Highlands"
the white british part of Africa
Importance of British Rail Road
The Introduction of a whole new way of trade
An area in kenya in which many people emigrated from to Swahili
Native Authority Ordinance
the riddance of the tribal chiefs
the clothing was brought in by the arabs and they were bui-buis and kafas
The coastal language
Vasco de Gama
An explorer that was interested in the coast and introduced a spice trade
You could say that Swahili is three things: the language, the people, or the culture. The people are the inhabitors of the Swahili Coast, the language (KiSwahili) is a common language spoken in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo (Democratic), Somalia, Oman, Comoros, Mayotte, and Mozambique. The culture is the mix of local Africa and the Middle East.

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