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- Which empire developed cunefiorm?
- Sumeria
- What is cuneiform?
- system of writing
- which empire developed the 22 letter alphabet?
- Phoenician
- which empire developed hieroglyphics?
- Egypt
- developed coined money?
- lydians
- Which empire was the first to use iron
- hittites
- Which people were enslaved in Egypt?
- isreallites
- Where is the fertile crescent?
- iraq syria jordan lebanon isreal
- Which empire did king nebuchadnessar rule over?
- chaldean
- Where is Canaan?
- Isreal
- what is the scattering of jews called?
- diaspora
- What is the holy month of islam called?
- ramandan
- Muhammed funded which religion?
- Islam
- Who said that humans hasd to choose between forces of good and evil?
- Zoraster
- Why did Egyptians build pyramids?
- As places for the pharoahs
- A caliph is a religous leader of?
- Islam
- wHY do historians say "History begins at Sumer "
- Earliest know civilization
- Who developed the harsh code of laws for babylon?
- Hammurabi
- Who is King Nebachnessar?
- he extended the boundaries of the chaldean empire. He built the hanging gardens of babylon and walled the city of babylon.
- Who is Cyrus II?
- Expoanded the persian empire and conquered the chaldean empire; took over most of the middle east, egypt, asia minor and extended its boundaries to the indus river
- Who is Darius I?
- divided the persian empire into provinces + assigned satraps rule. Inspectors become the eyes and ears of the king- under darius conquered peoples were allowed to retain own language, religon and customs
- Who is Zoraster?
- called for reform in the persian religion. The world was divided by a struggle between good and evil humans were caught up in this struggle ; they had to choose between good and evil
- Christianity orgins
- palestine, 1st century BC, founder Jesus of nazareth
- Christianity Sacred texts
- Christian Bible- Old adn New testaments
- Christianity organizations
- Roman and orthodox churches
- christianity beliefs
monothesist; jesus was the maessiah or christ promised by God in the Prophecies of the old testament; freed sinners; offered an afterlife;heaven
Trinity- 1 god(father son and holy spirit) 10 commandments - christianity practices
- 2 principle rights(sacrements; baptism, initiated converts; and the eucharist, a sacred meal with prayers, chants and scripture readings(mass)
- christianity divisions
- latin church
- Judaism orgins
Canaan(palestine) Holy City- Jerusalem
Abraham, Moses, Solomon, David, prophets, and judges - Judaism Sacred texts
Torah(Mishna + Talmud)
hebrew bible<--old testament - Judaism organizations
- autonmous local synagouges led by rabbi
- Judaism beliefs
- judaism 1st religion to teach monotheism. God had special covenant with the ancient isrealites to bring God's message to humanity by their examples; seeks a just and peaceful worl order; prohibition of images. (Heaven and Hell)
- Judaism Practices
- strict discipline through daily prayer , family relationships, ethical behavior---> 10 commandments, ritual practices, dictory laws--> Kosher food, no pork etc.... public diservances
- Judaism divisions
- wide variations of individuals adherance to dictory and sabbath behavior
- Islam founder
- Muhammed
- Islam holy book
- koran
- Islam main beliefs
monotheistic- allah
5 pillars of faith
purdah -seclusion of women; veiled
theocratic rule- theocracy
- no seperation of church and government
Jihad or holy war
equality for all before allah
heaven for true believers and those who act righteously - Islam holy city
- Mcca
- Islam area practiced
- middle east, northern africa and western africa
- Arameans location
modern day syria
- fertile cresent - Arameans acheivments
-trade- (egypt and mespotamia)
-aramic became the language of trade - Phoenicians location
- modern day lebanon isreal and jordan
- phoenicians acheivements
- created22 letter alphabet which became the foundation for our modern alphabet
- Lydians location
Asia minor
-modern day turkey - Lydians acheivements
rich gold deeposits
developed coin money system - Isrealites location
- Isreal
- Isrealites achivements
- monotheism
- Hittites achievements
- iron weapons
- assyrians accomplishments
- ARMY!!
- chadeans achievements
- astronomy
- persians achievements
assigned empire into provinces led by satraps
persian religon zorastisn,
good and evil - egyptians achievements
mummifications - sumerian achievements
wgaon wheel
number system - babylon achievements
tower of babel 'hammurabis code
hanging gardens - monarchy
- rule by one king
- dynasty
- a line of rulers from one family
- theocracy
- a government in which the ruler is both the religous and political leader
- bureancracy
- a group of government officials headed by an administrator
- pharoah
- egyptian king or ruler
- empire
- civilization which brings many territories under one ruler
- monotheism
- belief in one god
- polytheism
- blief in more than one god
- hieroglyphics
- egyptian picture writing
- city-state
- and independant state consisting of a city and the surrounding land villages
- cuneiform
- sumerian writing using wedge shaped markings
- confederation
- a loose union of independant states or cities
- colonies
- a settlement of people outside their homeland linked with the parent country by trade and direct gov't control
- barter
- exchange of goods and services for goods and services
- covenant
- agreement
- exodus
- departure or to leave an area
- prophets
- preachers who interuptted God's will
- diaspora
- a scattering or spreading out of jews
- satrap
- provincial governers in the persian empire- "the eyes and ears of king"
- sheikh
- tribal leader of the bedouins
- revalation
- a vision
- shariah
- code of laws based on islamic moral rules
- 5 pillars of faith
faith oath 1 god but allah and muhammed is his prophet
prayer 5 times a day facing mecca
alms giving
fasting during ramandan
pilgrimmage to mecca - mosque
- a building that serves a place of worship
- Imam
- prayer leader
- hajj
- pilgrammage to mecca
- caliph
- "successor" to muhammed
- jihad
- holy war
- madrassa
- theological students
- bazaars
- marketplaces
- calligraphy
- ellagant handwriting
- arabesques
- geometric designs
- chronicles
- accounts of history
- sulton
- political leader of the ottomen empire
- grand vizier
- prime minister of the ottoman empire
- janissaries
- the sultans elite corps of soldiers
- millets
- communties in the ottoman empire