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Social Studies - Culture


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majority group
the group in a country that is greater in number
cuba-under Fidel Castro
example of dictatorship
what share similar characteristics
parts of Switzerland
example of direct democracy
people who study ethnic groups
majority group
what group typically has the most power
minority group
a group in the country that is fewer in number than the majority and differs from them in some way
tv and internet
cultural diffusion happens even faster in today's high-tech world because of what 2 things
poor, middle class, rich
what are 3 economic groups
Great Britian - 1700's
where did industrialization start and in what century
cutting someone's hair & teaching someone
example of services
different forms of the same language that have unique words, meanings, and pronounciations
economic groups, age groups, gender groups
what are 3 social groups
Ancient Israel - under Moses
example of theocracy
with new machines that made work much faster, more goods produced in less time, more people began to rely on these machines so fewer people were needed to work in the fields resulting in urbanization
2 reasons why the industrial revolution was important
example of representative democracy
highly developed cultures
September 11, 2001
what is a example of dark times in american history
industrial revolution
people learned to use new methods of machinery to drastically increase work productivity is what
food & clothing
example of goods
government ruled by a certain religion; its political leaders are also its religious leaders
direct democracy
all citizens vote directly on issues is what type of government
groups of people could now produce enough food to stay in one place for longs periods of time, as groups of people begin to settle in permanent locations they could grow larger in number and more advanced, eventually civilizations began to spring up
3 reasons why agricultural revolution was important
solid things that are used and consumed; these things can be seen and touched directly
information revolution
what is computers, media, high-tech tools that allow people to access vast amounts of information and send it instantly across the world
representative democracy
people vote for representatives who lead the country and make laws is what type of government
a way of life for people who share similar beliefs and customs
government under the control of one all-powerful leader--usually by force
trade, movement of people, war
3 major ways that cultures are influenced and changed
agricultural revolution
people learned to grow their own food by planting seed - about 10,000 years ago
another factor that unites people of a common culture is
Martin Luther King, Jr.
who is a hero in american history
what is worthless by itself
leaders of this government inherit the right to rule through birth
Social Groups
the different groups a society is divided into
there may be many different ?? in a language
moving from one place to another
those that don't have money
hunters & gatherers
in first society times people were primarily ?? & ?? so they were constantly moving to where food and resources were plentiful
female, male
what are 2 gender groups
independence from Britian
what is a success of american history
USA & Canada; Latin America; Europe; Russia and Central Asian Republics; North Africa and Southwest Asia; Africa South of the Sahara; Asia; Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica
our world is divided into 8 major cultural regions - what are they?
example of ?? is calling a beverage is soda, pop, coke in different parts of the country
social groups; language; religion; daily life; history; arts; government; economy
what are 8 traits geographers look at when studying culture
information revolution
what revolution is happening now
young, middle-age, elderly
what are 3 age groups
Ancient Greek City-States
example of obligarchy
there may be many different ?? groups in a country
agricultural, industrial, information
3 revolutions
the system of rules and laws that people use to run a country
what do not remain the same and are constantly changing over time
what share similar characteristics and can be classified into regions
direct democracy, representative democracy
2 types of democracy
goods & services
what 2 things do we need in life
work done for others
ethnic group
majority group & minority group are subcatogories of what group
allows us to get what we need in life - good&services
why is money important
the process of using machines & factories to make goods faster
first human societies were ??
the events of the ?? shape us in many way
judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, hinduism, atheism
what are some major world religions
what is farming revolution
what is machinery revolution
dictatorship, oligarchy, monarchy, theocracy
what are 4 different forms of government
those that have money are called
successes, heroes, dark times
cultures tend to remember history in what 3 main way
people began leaving rural farm-based areas to live and work in the city is called what
what do we need that are not solid things
what is our form of government
dance, theatre, music, and literature
4 examples of art other than painting and sculpture
food, clothes, style of architecture
what are 3 examples of daily life
economy is directly related to ??
a system of beliefs that answers questions about the meaning of life
cultural diffusion
exchange of goods and ideas between groups
system describing how people use goods and services to make a living
government with its power in the hands of a small, elite group
is art just painting, sculpture, etc
beautiful and important
much can be learned about a culture by studying what its people think is ?? and ??
time period
United Kingdom - king/queen
example of a monarchy
everyday life
people of different cultures experience different things in regular ??
ethnic group
people who share a common history, language, religion, and physical characteristics
do regions just describe physical places

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