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Church History II


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When were the Apostles Creed and Didoche written?
2nd century AD
What was the Easter Controversy? When was it?
196 AD. East and West debated when the Resurrection should be celebrated. West preferred Sunday; East preferred linking it with Passover, no matter what the day.
How many New Testament books were written by 200 AD?
How many languages were the Scriptures translated into by 200?
Who divided the Roman Empire? When?
Diocletian (292)
When did Constantine see a vision of the Cross of Jesus?
312 AD
What was the Edict of Milan? When was it?
313; Constantine and Licineus agreed to tolerate Christianity in the Roman Empire
What was the Council of Nicea? When was it?
325; The Council of Nicea was called in response to many heresies. It produced an early version of the Nicene Creed with a clear definition of the Trinity.
What happened in 330 AD?
Constantine established the capital as Byzantium and renames it Constantinople. (Modern day Istanbul)
When was the Nicene Creed finalized? By whom?
381 by Council of Constantinople
What happened in 391?
Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Who was a missionary to Ireland?
St. Patick
When was Augustine the bishop of Hippo?
Where is Hippo?
395-430 AD
North Africa
Who was missionary to England?
St. Augustine of Canterbury
What is a scriptorium?
The writing room of a monastery
What is matins?
Means morning
The first canonical hour
After midnight, usually around 2 am
What is lauds?
Second canonical hour
At dawn 5 am to 6 am
What is prime?
"The first hour"
The third canonical hour
Between 6 am and 9 am
What is terce?
"The third hour"
Fourth canonical hour
Between 9 am and noon
What is sext?
"The sixth hour"
Fifth canonical hour
Between noon and 3 pm, usu. noon
What is none?
"the ninth hour"
Sixth canonical hour
Between 3 pm and sunset, usu. 3 pm
What is vespers?
"evening star"
Seventh canonical hour
What is compline?
eighth canonical hour
Why is prayer important to Christian life?
Allows you to hear God
Why is fasting important?
Shows your sacrifice for God
Allows God to fill you
How did monasteries preserve culture?
Wrote and copied Bibles and books
Made "story buildings" so that stories
could live on to the illiterate
Kept written records of events
Usually were not attacked; kept
precious art and books there
How did monasteries help the people around them?
Provided basic needs
First hospitals
First schools
Made medicine from herbs
Where are some famous cathedrals?
Name 2 examples of a famous cathedral.
Notre Dame
Abbey Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
How did art help people in the Middle Ages?
Stained glass windows, carvings, statues, paintings, and illuminations told Bible stories to the illiterate or were used to emphasize a story that someone told.
Who were the Apostolic Fathers? When did they write?
Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp, Barnabas
85-150 AD
When did John die? Why?
About 100 AD
Died a natural death
What happened in 107 AD?
Bishop St. Ignatius of Antioch was martyred
When was the second Jewish rebellion? What were its results?
132-135 AD
Jerusalem was destroyed; population dies or flees
What happened in 155 AD?
Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, burned
When were Christians in Egypt persecuted?
200 AD; martyred by the thousands
What happened in 215?
Clement of Alexandria, theologian, died
What happened from about 235 to 270?
Roman persecution of Christians under several emperors; Christianity grows; Carthage becomes a Christian center in Africa
When were the first Christian buildings made?
What happened in 287?
Mass conversion of Armenia; Kind Tridates makes Christianity official state religion
When did Diocletian persecute Christians?
303-304; scriptures burned, thousands killed
When was Constantine baptized?
337- a few days before his death!
What happened in 339?
Christians persecuted in Persia (Iran)
What did Julian the Apostate do? When did he do this?
361; attempted to restore paganism to Roman Empire
When was the Nicene Creed finalized?
381 by Council of Constantinople
Who was John Chrysotom?
Bishop of Constantinople (beginning in 398)
What was the Council of Ephesus?
431; defined Mary as the theotokos; decided Jesus was fully human and fully divine

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