undefined, object
copy deck
- what is "novem"?
- unus + octo
- what is "decim?"
- quattordecim - quattor
- what is "undecim"?
- ((tres x tres) + duo) * duo /duo
- What is "regebant"?
- 3rd person plural imperfect of regis
- what is gladius?
- A pointed device, usually shiny, used for defense
- What is "company"?
- Literally means "together or with bread"
- what is "copious"?
- From the word for "plenty", a good student will take these types of notes
- what is "altitude"?
- A high place, as on a mountain
- what is "ever upward?"
- Excelsior
- what is liber?
- An ideal which people, especially Americans hold dear
- what is "because"
- quod
- what is Africa?
- The continent that includes the countries of Kenya, Ghana and Liberia
- what is Iesus or Jesus?
- sIeus
- aqua
- water
- navigate, navigator, circumnavigate
- navigo
- accelerate, decelerate, celerity
- celer
- accusative
- this case receives the action of the verb
- es
- 2nd person singular present indicative
- eritis
- 2nd person plural future indicative
- what is "sedecim"?
- Area of a square with sides of quattor
- what is "monebaris"?
- 2nd person plural imperfect passive of moneo
- what is "to pitch camp?"
- castra ponere
- what is scribo?
- These people in the Old Testament times were responsible for copying words onto papyrus scrolls
- what is "quattro"?
- four
- what is sumus?
- we are
- what is epistulae?
- "letter" in the genitive singular
- What is "God"?
- sDue
- nunc
- now
- import, export, portable
- porto
- genitive
- it can be used for description or possession
- what is a "duke"?
- A leader, usually during medieval times in Europe
- What is fuit?
- 3rd person perfect singular of "sum"
- what is "to wage war"
- bellum gerere
- what is "let the buyer beware?"
- caveat emptor
- what is "periculum"?
- This word means "danger"
- what is "quid"?
- what
- what is tenet?
- he holds
- what is Caesar?
- earaCs
- what is Roman?
- sRouman
- acer
- sharp
- manual, manipulate, manicotti
- manus
- vocative
- its the case for direct address
- erant
- 3ed person plural imperfect indicative
- sum, esse, fui, futuras
- all four principal parts
- What is "miserable"?
- To be very sad, without hope, the name of a book and play
- what is "parabant"?
- 2nd person plural imperfect of paro
- what is "centum"?
- Viginti x quinque
- What is "monebo"?
- 1st person singular future of moneo
- what is "unwritten law?"
- lex non scripta
- what is Troianus?
- This word describes the type of horse that helped destroy the city of Troy
- what is "quinque"?
- five
- what is malam?
- "bad" in the feminine accusative singular
- what is "venus"?
- sveun
- Ager
- field
- male
- badly
- capital, decapitate, decapitation
- caput
- ablative
- the prepositions a, de & cum all take this case
- nominative
- this case is the subject of the sentence
- ero
- 1st person singular future indicative