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C. Greece Western Civ.


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philosopher who believed in an absolute right or wrong; asked students pointed questions to make them use their reason, later became Socratic method
A Greek Philospher, taught Alexander the Great, started a famous school, studied with Plato
Hellenistic age
Greek culture spread across western Asia and northeastern Africa after the conquests of Alexander the Great. The period ended with the fall of the last major Hellenistic kingdom to Rome, but Greek cultural influence persisted until spread of islam. (137)
Battle of Plataea
a defeat of the Persian army by the Greeks in 479 BC
Greatest King of Mycenae, great warrior, led Myceneans to win Trojan War
king of Sparta and hero of the battle of Thermopylae where he was killed by the Persians (died in 480 BC)
city on a hill where upperclass lived
cancelled all agricultural debts, ended debt slavery, and freed debt slaves, member of Aeropagus, made political reforms.
Palace where the kings lived and was capital of the Minoan Kingdom, Had running water
The greek thought the________ were barbarians.
ruled during most of the dark age but because the people did not like them, they colonized many city-states under creating individual rule without Dorians
Wrote the history and fought in the Peloponnesian War
He is the father of geometry and wrote a book explaining geometry that was used as a text book till the 1900
Powerful Greek city-state that was a long time rival of Athens
student under Socrates, another greek philospher who taugh about human behavior, government, math, and astronomy
Illiad & Oddysey, sang it and people recorded it, legend was he was blind
Indo-European in a Peloponesus (pininsula), fortified cities with huge walls (Sparta and Mycenae), royalty and priests live in acropolis, farther away from acropolis lower class you are, Lion's Gate, trade with olive products, Trojan War
700 BC, wrote Works and Days (first farmer's almanac), wrote Theogony (geneology and origination of the mythological gods)
Classical age
Archaic Age
little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type
the main temple of the goddess Athena
the capital and largest city of Greece
Dark Age
time period when the was no writing 200-400 years, no learning, Durian rule, farming weaving pottery and language all survived, relgion from indo-euros, pan-helinic games and olympia
Persian War
King Cyrus conquers Liddians, Greek city-states in anotola had to pay taxes and military service to Persian empire, miletus revolts from Persian empire and needs help so Athens sends ships, king darius sends Persian army to stop revolt then Persian delegates go to greek city-states to tell they are attacking Athens and do not help them. 490 BC-King Darius attacks.
a culture that lived in greece between 3000 B.C. and 1400 B.C.
the ancient Greek known as the father of history
exiled by Hippias, goes to Delphi, rebuilds temple of Apollo to get a good prophecy, prophecy to Spartans tells them to remove hippies from power and this guy becomes leader, starts decomcracy
Battle of Thermopylae
300! Battle during the Persian wars in which Spartan troops fought to the death against a much larger Persian force
the capital and largest city of Greece
market place with merchants for the middle class
an ancient Greek city famous for military prowess
PEOPLE: A group of people that were warlike and measured wealth by the number of weapons they owned.
Illiad and Odyssey
story written by Homer which discussed the last year of the Trojan war/ story wriittien by Homer which sdiscussed Odyseyuses life after defeat in the Trojan war
Greek mathematician and physicist noted for his work in hydrostatics and mechanics and geometry (287-212 BC)
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Salamis
ruler of Athens during Peloponnesian war, ideal leader, extends privileges for commonerers.
arcon who codified Athenian laws, harsh with severe penalties
Greek philosopher and mathematician who proved the Pythagorean theorem
greek military general who rules Athenian navy.
founder of Spartan law was king
Greatest King of Minoans
Peloponnesian War
Delian League vs. Peloponnesian League (Athens vs. Sparta), Corinth (ally of Sparta) to fight Athens to start war, Corinth has a colony Corcyra who wants independence, Athens helps Corcyra and send ships, Corinth to start war against Athens so Sparta comes and brings Peloponnesian league, first 10 years- Sparta attacks attica, pericles has wall built which blocks Athens called the Long Wall, besides Sparta conquering attica nothing happens in first 10 years, 430 BC- Athenians plague when 1/3 of people die (including Pericles), Peace of Nicias in 421 BC for six years then syracusan campaign-Athens helps city-state (segesta, who wants independence from Syracuse) in Sicily and grants segesta freedom, Athenian navy is then decimated in sicily, after alcibiades traps the Athenian navy spartans attack them and continue to attack for 8 more years, Athenian city-states leave their empire...405/404 BC Athens surrender. Spartans make Athens destroy wall and end their democracy. ```

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