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ABeka History 11 - Chapter 1 - People


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(8) Mayas and Aztecs
Mexican Indians
(10) John Calvin
Protestant reformer who had an important influence on the people who colonized North America.
(10) Prince Henry the Navigator
Portuguese prince who founded a navigation school and encouraged exploration in the mid-1400s.
(10) Bartholomeu Dias
Portuguese explorer who reached the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa by 1488.
(10) Vasco da Gama
Portuguese explorer who sailed around Africa to India, opening a new all-water route to the East in 1498.
(10) Christopher Columbus
Italian explorer who sailed across the Atlantic and accidentally discovered America in 1492.
(11) Ferdinand and Isabella
Spanish monarchs who sponsored Columbus' voyage to the New World.
(12) Amerigo Vespucci
Italian sailor who was the first to realize that Columbus had discovered a new continent; America is named after him.
(13) Pedro Cabral
Portuguese explorer who landed on the coast of Brazil and claimed that land for Portugal in 1500.
(13) Ponce de Leon
Spanish explorer who embarked on a search for a fabled fountain of youth in 1513; made the first Spanish landing on the mainland of North America when he discovered Florida.
(13) Vasco de Balboa
Spanish explorer who crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean in 1513.
(14) Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese sailor employed by the Spanish; embarked on an epic three-year voyage around the world in 1519.
(14) Hernando Cortes
Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs of Mexico by 1521.
(14) Montezuma
Powerful chieftain of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish conquest.
(14) Francisco Pizarro
Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas of Peru by 1533.
(14) Cabeza de Vaca
Spaniard who explored southern Texas and parts of New Mexico and Arizona between 1528 and 1536.
(14) Francisco Coronado
Spanish explorer who explored what is today the southwestern United States in 1540; a party of his men discovered the Grand Canyon.
(14) Hernando de Soto
Spaniard who explored what is today the southeastern United States in 1540; discovered the Mississippi River in 1541.
(14) Juan Cabrillo
Portuguese explorer employed by the Spanish; explored the coast of California in 1542.
(16) Philip II
King of Spain who sent the "Invicible Armada" against England in 1588.
(16) Elizabeth I
Protestant queen of England at the time of the defeat of the Spanish Armada
(18) Giovanni da Verrazano
Italian sailor who explored the eastern coast of North America for France in 1524.
(18) Jacques Cartier
Frenchman who led an expedition that discovered the St. Lawrence River in 1534-1535.
(18) Huguenots
French Protestant who established Charlesfort on the coast of South Carolina and Fort Caroline on the coast of Florida in the 1560s.
(18) Samuel de Champlain
called the "Father of New France"; established Quebec, the first permanent French settlement in the New World, in 1608.
(18) Jacques Marquette
French Jesuit missionary who explored the Central Mississippi River in 1673
(18) Louis Joliet
French fur trader who explored the central Mississippi River with Marquette
(18) Robert Cavelier de la Salle
French explorer who claimed the entire Mississippi Valley and named it "Louisiana" in 1682.
(19) Iroquois
American Indian tribe which did not ally themselves with the French.
(5) Lief Ericson
Viking adventurer who landed in North America around A.D. 1000.
(8) Moors
Muslims from North America.
(8) Marco Polo
Italian merchant who became the first European to travel the length of Asia.
(8) Incas
Indians from Peru
(9) Johann Gutenberg
German printer who introduced the movable-type printing press in Europe around 1440.
(9) Martin Luther
German monk who protested false doctrines of the Roman Catholic church in 1517, beginning the Protestant Reformation.
(9) John Calvin
Protestant reformer who had an important influence on the people who colonized North America.

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