airman chapter 1&2
undefined, object
copy deck
- What is the mission and primary function of Naval Aviation?
- To closley coordinate with other Naval forces in maintaining command of the sea.
- The navy purchased it's first aircraft fron what company on what date?
- 8 May 1911
- Who was the first Naval Aviator to fly into space?
- Alan B. Shepard Jr
- What year did the Secretary of Defence lift the band allowing women into combat roles?
- 1993
- What is the purpose of the chain of comand?
- Provides direction in the assignment of duties.
- Major changes to the aviation ratings structure took place in what year?
- 1948
- What manual lists the requiremants for all aviation ratings?
- navpers 18068
- What are aviation service ratings?
- subdivisions of a general rating, require specialized training within that general rating
- What general rating begins at paygrade E-6 instead of E-4?
- Air Support Equipment Technician (AS)
- What officer or office should you contact for assisting in finding the publications you need to study for advancement?
- Division Training Petty Officer or Educational Service Officer
- What is the primary mission of a naval air station?
- T provide service and support to the fleet.
- What officer is responsible for the safety, well being, and efficiency of the command?
- Commanding Officer
- On a naval air station, what department is responsible for providing and operating the airfield?
- Air Operations Department
- What are three primary responsibilities of the supply department?
- The logistics support of the naval air station and all activities on the station.
- What are the three levels of aircraft maintenance?
Organizational Maintenance
Intermediate Maintenance
Depot Maintenance - What is the basic concept of quality assurance (QA)?
- That of preventing defects.
- What are the two control centers in the maintenance material control division?
Material Control
Production Control - What division performs all three degree gas turbine engine repairs?
- Power Plants Division
- In what respect dose a naval air facility (NAF) differ from a naval air station?
- Naval air facilitys are not equipped to handle large numbers of aircraft.
- What are the four bassic types of squadrons?
Noncombatant - What are the five types of carrier squadrons?
Airborne Early-Warning - What are the three types of noncombatant squadrons?
Training - What type of aircraft are assigned to a development squadron?
- All types of aircraft that require testing and evaluation
- What is the primary mission of a tactical support squadron?
- provide for long distance transfer of personal and supplies
- What officer is responsible for the operational readiness of a squadron?
- Commanding Officer
- What officer plans, schedules, and supervises all activities of the production divisions?
- Maintenance Material Control Officer
- What are the four basic departments that make up an aircraft squadron?
Administrative Department
Safety Department
Operations Department
M<aintenance Department - What are the four basic types of divisions within a squadron?
Target Division
Aircraft Division
Avionics/Armament Division
Line Division - I addition to being a line officer qualified for command at sea, the commanding officer of an aircraft carrier must have what other qualifications?
- Be a Naval Aviator
- In peacetime, what is the maximum number of divisions normally assigned to the aircraft department?
- Four
- What division is responsible for handling all aircraft on the flight deck?
V-1 Division
(flight deck division) - What division is responsible for upkeep of the carrier aviation fuel and lube oil transfer system?
V-4 Division
(aircraft fuels division) - What department on an aircraft carrier is entirely responsible for all intermediate-level aircraft maintenance?
- The comander of a carrier division is usally an officer of what rank?
- Admiral
- Who is the Navy representative for the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
- Chief of Naval Operations
- Define a "yard" period as it relates to an aircraft carrier.
- time scheduled for periodic repair and refitting
- How are aircraft carriers supplied with provisions during deployment?
- Supply ships, carrier onboard delivery aircraft, or vertical replenishment helicopter
- In what year was the present naval Aircraft Identification System initiated?
- 1962
- In the aircraft designation F/A-18E, what dose the letter 'F' specify?
(basic mission) - In the aircraft designation F/A-18E, what dose the letter 'E' represent?
- How many times it has been modified
- What contractor manufacturers the SV-22 Osprey?
- Bell-Boeing
- The willingness of an object to stay at rest because of intertia is described by which of Newton's Laws of motion?
- Newtons First Law
- A heavy object will accelerate more slowly, than a light object when an equal amount of force is applied. Which of Newton's laws describes this statement?
- Newton's Second Law (force)
- When fluid reaches a narrow part of a tube, its speed increases and its pressure is decreased. What law dose this statement describe?
- Bernoulli's Principle
- What happens when the relative wind strikes the leading edge of an airfoil?
- The flow of air will split
- What are the four forces of flight?
Drag - Any Vehicle (ship,car, or aircraft) is capable of making what three primary movements?
yaw - How dose the pilot change the angle of attack on (a) an airplane ans (b) a helicopter?
(a) by raising one wing
(b)tilting the main rotor - The resistance to pulling apart or streching production by two forces pulling in opposite directions along the same straight lines is defined by what term?
- Tension
- Define the term shear as it relates to an aircraft structure?
- stress exerted when two pieces of fastened material tend to separate
- The resistance to crushing a produced by two forces pushing toward each other in the same straight line is defined by what term?
- compression
- Define the term bending.
- combination of tension and compression
- Define the term torsion.
- stress result from a twisting force
- Materials currently used in aircraft construction are classified as what type of materials?
- metallic materials or nonmetallic materials
- What are the most common materials used in aircraft construction?
- aluminum, magnesium, titanium,steel, and their alloys
- What are the nonmetallic materials used in aircraft construction?
- tranparent plastic, plastics, renforced plastics, composite, and carbon-fiber materials
- In an aircraft, what are the main structural mambers of the wing?
- spars
- What dose the term 'wet wing' mean?
- the wing that is constructed so it can be used as a fuel cell
- The stabilizing surface of an aircraft consist of what two airfoils?
- vertical and horizontal airfoils
- What are the three groups of flight control surfaces?