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Navy Advancement System


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What rate will a Sailor usually leave boot camp as?
Seaman Recruit (E-1); Seaman Apprentice (E-2); or Seaman (E-3).
What will typically be the first assignment after boot camp for a designated Sailor?
Technical school, known as “A” school; sometimes there is a prep/intro school before A School
What will typically be the first assignment after boot camp for a non-designated “striker” Sailor?
Apprenticeship, or on-the-job, training either in a shore or ship duty assignment.
What is a Rating?
A Navy specialty or job category.
When is a Sailor considered to be “rated”?
When they reach the paygrade of E-4 or Third Class Petty Officer (PO3).
How far can an enlisted Sailor advance in individual ratings?
Master Chief Petty Officer (E-9).
What 2 things are advancement to Seaman Apprentice and Seaman based on?
Time-in-Rate (TIR) and Commanding Officer's (CO's) recommendation.
What exam is required to advance to Seaman Apprentice or Seaman?
None, no test is required.
What training manual for specific ratings are required to advance to Seaman Apprentice or Seaman?
None, no manual completion is required.
What is required of all advancement candidates, regardless rate advancing to?
Commanding Officer's (CO's) recommendation.
What are the basic requirements to advance to Petty Officer (E-4 to E-6)?
CO recommendation; Complete advancement requirements (training & tests); required schools; Time-in-Service & Time-in-Rate; meet security requirements; be on proper advancement path.
Is advancement to rates above Seaman automatic or competitive?
Competitive, (Except for E-4 if in a program with accelerated advancement guarantee).
How do manning levels in particular ratings affect advancements?
Advancement may be slower in over-manned ratings, and faster in under-manned ratings.
In addition to the basic requirement for Petty Officer advancement, what is required for advancement to Chief Petty Officer (E-7 to E-9)?
Be “selection board eligible” (SBE), and complete selection board process.
What does TRAMAN stand for?
Training Manual
What does NRTC stand for?
Non-Resident Training Course
What are mandatory TRAMAN/NRTC eligibility requirements?
Mandatory training and school requirements as part of meeting the qualifications for advancement.
What are Personnel Advancement Requirements (PAR's)?
The process that verifies your ability to meet minimum prerequisite skill qualifications required for advancement; part of the qualifications for advancement.
What are Advancement-in-Rate examinations?
Exams that objectively test general knowledge of job skills in ratings; used to rank-order those eligible for advancement.
What are the 3 basic requirements that encompass “qualifications for advancement”?
Meet mandatory TRAMAN/NRTC (training) requirements, Personnel Advancement Requirements (PAR's), and Advancement-in-Rate exams.
Explain what “requirements for advancement” are?
The required elements that must be met before a advancement is possible; generally fall into categories such as time, tests, schools, evaluations, and recommendations.
What is FMS?
Final Multiple Score
Explain FMS (Final Multiple Score)?
An overall score intended to evaluate the “whole person” by calculating performance, experience, & knowledge
Explain the “selection process for advancement”?
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) determines vacancies available; qualified candidates are put in rank-order using FMS (Final Multiple Score); highest FMS get selected for advancement given available slots
What are PNA (Passed But Not Advanced) Points?
If a candidate has a high FMS but is not selected, then they can get points added to their FMS for the next advancement cycle.
Explain how to prepare for advancement?
An on-going process where one maintains 3 elements: Sustained superior performance; Learn from rating experiences; Study for advancement
Explain the enlisted performance evaluation system?
An on-going process where one maintains 3 elements: Sustained superior performance; Learn from rating experiences; Study for advancement
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-2?
9 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-3?
9 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-4?
6 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-5?
12 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-6?
36 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-7?
36 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-8?
36 months
What is the minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) for advancement to E-9?
36 months

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