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latin chap 10/11


undefined, object
copy deck
Baculum, –i,
n., stick, staff
Cista, -ae,
fem. trunk or chest
Equus, -i
mas. horse
liberus, liberi
mas. book
Paratus, -a, -um,
adj. ready- prepared
Raeda, -ae,
masculin. carriage
Via, -ae,
f., road, street
gero, gerere
to wear
habo, habere
to hold
iacio, iacere
to throw
iubeo, iubere
to order, bid
Ponere, pono
to put, or place
sto, stare,
Dominus (Domini)
master 2d
amsum, amesse
to be away, or acsent adj. 2d
Area (Arae)
open space 1st
although (adverb)
Musso, Mussare
to mutter
Verbero, berberare
to beat
Ira (Irae)
anger 1st
Nox (Noctis)
night- 3d
Effurgio, effurgere
to flee or run away
Impedio, Ipedire
to stop
Celo, Celare
to hide
Porta, Portae

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