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Anthropology 100 Hominines


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organizing into kingdom, phylum, class, genus, etc.
generalized pattern: adaptability to different situations and environments, can sustain constant movement (related to efficiency), excel at long distance running; constant bipedalism: frees up hands, stimulates brain developement; large cranal capacities (310cc and up) emphasis on learning and passing on ideas
generalized characteristics of hominines
archaic humans evolved into modern humans, Milford Wolpoff, regional continuity in skull morphology as evidence, Gene Flow: requires no isolation
Multi-Regional (multi-genesis) Theory
500 000 years BP, Middle Paleolithic, double scrapers, axes, transverse scraper, more sophisticated notched flakes, seem to be adapting to colder climates, evidence of things to make clothing and shelters
Mousterian tool tradition
before Lucy (A. afarensis)
A. ardipithicus
after Lucy, appear to have become primary plant eaters, not related to us
A. robustus
after Lucy, appear to have become scavengers, not related to us
A. africanus
Paleolithic, main tool is a flake, begins with H. habilis, related to meat consumption (likely scavenging, not hunting), tools for scraping meat off bones
Oldowan tool tradition
also called African Eve: allopatric speciation: a woman and her relatives were seperated from everyone else, one small group/population of archaic humans became modern and out-competeed all other archair forms which died out and don't contribute to us (Rebecca Can mtDNA)
Out of Africa Theory
H. habilis, H. erectus, H. sapiens
humans are related to:
before Lucy (A. afarensis)
A. anamensis
started with H. erectus (1.8 million years BP), considerably more advanced than Oldowan, includes flakes, choppers, digging sticks, axes, scrapers, cleaners, allowing to hunt and butcher
Acheulian tool tradition
Qazfeh (Israel), Klasies River (S. Africa), skull morphology
additional evidence for Out of Africa Theory
emerged 40 000 y.a, vastly expanding tool tradition, creative revolution, symboic systems evident, cranal capacity 2400cc, first composite tools ex. blade, chisel, begins Upper Paleolithic
H. Sapiens Sapiens
all early hominids, males were about twice the sice of females, speculated to be because males had to perform more dangerous tasks, dimorphism declines as time goes on
sexual dimorphism
A. afarensis, A. robustus, A. africanus, A. bosei, cranal capacities of 310-530cc, evolutionary dead ends, died out about 1 million years BP
after Lucy, believed to have died out, not related to us
A. bosei
organizing into branches, ignoring physical features
Lucy, about 5 feet tall, muscular and powerful, 3.3-3.5 million years ago
A. afarensis
emerged about 500 000 years BP, associated with Neanderthalensis, cranal capacity of 1225-2000cc, begins Middle Paleolithic, appear to have adapted to a number of different climates, Mousterian tool tradition
H. Sapiens (archaic)
first hominines to leave Africa, emerged about 1.8 million years BP, cranal capacity of 775-1225cc, harness fire 700 000 years BP, lately say that erectus lived at teh same time as H. habilis, Acheulian tool tradition
H. erectus
because DNA suggests that chimps and humans actually diverged later than humans and gorillas
why should chimps be reclassified to be hominids?
without meat the body would have remained small, protein contributed to brain growth
why is meat consumption significant to hominid diet?
defined by presence of tools, emerges about 2 million y.a, Oldowan tool tradition, cranal capacity 580=732cc, begins Paleolithic
H. habilis

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