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Grammar Terms


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Action Verb
shows action
noun or pronoun that follows and renames another noun or pronoun
Prepositional Phrase
group of words beginning with preposition and ending with noun or pronoun
Direct Object
follows an action verb; noun or pronoun
Compound Sentence
two or more independent clauses
Simple Sentence
one independent clause
Independent Clause
can usually stand alone; doesn't start with a relative pronoun or subordinating conjuction
modifies adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs; tells how, when, where, to what extent
part of sentence about which something is said; must be noun, pronoun, gerund, or infinitive
Intransitive Verb
doesn't take a direct object
modifies nouns and pronouns; articles: a, an, the
Helping Verb
"helps" an action verb or linking verb
Personal Pronoun
takes the place of a noun; 1st person: "me" 2nd person: "you" 3rd person: everyone else
Object of Preposition
follows preposition and tells "what?"
Coordinating Conjunction
joins words, phrases, and clauses; FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
person, place, thing, idea
Transitive Verb
takes a direct object
shows relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word in the sentence

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