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grammer midterm


undefined, object
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compound verb
consists of two or more verbs that have the same subject
interrogative sentence
asks a question and ends with a question mark
abstract noun
names an idea, a feeling, a quality or a characteristic
ia a word or a word group that is used to name a person, a place, a thing or an idea
complete predicate
consists of a verb and all the words that describe the verb and complete its meaning
exclamatory sentence
shows excitement or strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point.
complex sentences
contains one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause
independent clause
expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a complete sentence
opinion statement
compound subject
consists of two or more connected subjects that have the same verb
demonstrative pronoun
points out a person, a place, a thing or an idea
attention grabbing beginning / main idea
related unanswered question or final comment
declarative sentence
makes a statement and ends with a period
simple predicate or verb
is the main word or word group that tells something about the subject
complete subject
is the main word or word group that tells whom or what the sentence is about
supporting details
give specific details that explain or prove the main idea
is a word uded to modify a noun or a pronoun
concrete noun
names a person, place or thing that can be percieved by one or more of the senses ( sight, hearing, taste,touch and smell
simple sentence
contains one independent clause and no subordianate clauses
indefinite pronoun
refers to a person, place, a thing or an idea that may or may not be specifically named
imperative sentence
gives a command or makes a request. most imperative sentences end with a period. a strong command ends with an exclamation point.
comman noun
names any one of a group of people,places,things,or idea
is a word used in a place of one or more nouns or pronouns
compound sentence
contains tow or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses
relative pronoun
introduces a subordinate clause
proper noun
names a particular person, place,thing,or idea
collective noun
is a word that names a group
topic sentence
states the main idea of the paragraph
words are phrases that connect ideas and make writing smooth
interrogative pronoun
introduces a question
is a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition to another word
is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb
personal pronoun
refers to the one speaking ( first person ) , the one spoken to ( second person ) or the one spoken about ( third person )
pulls together the preceding sentences by emphasizing the main idea

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