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Ovid Poetry Terminology


undefined, object
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a prolonged metaphor

i.e. a type of imagery involving the extended use of a person or object to represent some concept outside the literal narrative of a text.
deliberate repetition of sounds, especially the initial consonant sounds, in successive words
repetition of words or phrases for emphasis
the reversal of normal word order, as with a preposition following its object, often with the effect of emphasizing the words placed earlier.
address to some person or thing not present, usually for emotional effect.
repetition of vowel or syllable sounds in successive words.
omission of conjunctions where one or more would ordinarily be expected in a series of words or phrases.
a pause between words occurring within a metrical foot.
arrangement of words or phrases in an oppositional, ABBA order
a pause between words coinciding with the end of a metrical foot, less common than caesura
lengthening of an ordinary short vowel, usually when it occurs under the ictus and before a caesura.
omission of one or more words necessary to the sense of a sentence but easily understood from the context
delay of the final word or phrase of a sentence (or clause) to the beginning of the following verse.
Golden Line
a form of interlocked word order in which a verb is positioned in the middle, with adjectives preceeding and nouns following in symmetrical arrangement.
use of two nouns connected by a conjunction, often instead of one modified noun expressing a single complex idea.
the verse accent, or beat, occurring on the first syllable of each foot in the dactylic hexameter and the elegiac couplet.
interlocked word order
arrancement of related pairs of words in an alternating ABAB pattern, often to emphasize a close connection between two thoughts
the use of language witha meaning opposite that suggested by the context
a form of deliberate understatement, generally with with a softening effect
an implied comparison, using one word for another that it suggests
a type of imagery in which one word, generally a noun, is employed to suggest another with which it is closely related. ("taedae quoque iure coissent..."
use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning or the general meaning of their immediate context.
the juxtoposition of two opposing ideas, usually to underscore an incongruity.
a type of imagery by which human traits are attributed to non-human things.
use of a greater number of conjunctions than usual or necessary, often to emphasize the elements in a series
attribution of some characteristic to a person or thing before it is logically appropriate
an explicit comparison (often introduced by ut, velut, qualis, or similis) between one person or thing and another, the latter generally something more familiar to the reader
a type of metonymy in whicha part is named in place of an entire object, or a material for a thing made of that material, etc.
shortening of a vowel which was ordinarily long, sometimes reflecting an archaic pronunciation, and not ordinarily occuring when the vowel was under the ictus
separation of a compound word into its constituent parts, generally for metrical convenience
transferred epithet
application of an adjective to one noun when it properly applies to another, often involving personification and focusing special attention on the modified noun
tricolon crescens
a climactic series of three (or more) examples or illustrations, each more fully developed than the preceding
a type of imagery in which the words of a phrase are arranged in an order that visually suggests the image being described
use of a single word with a pair of others (e.g. a verb with two objects, an adjective with two nouns), when it logically applied to only one of them or applied to them both, but ing two quite different ways.

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