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Italian: adjectives w different prepositions

adjectives w different dependent prepositions


undefined, object
copy deck
coperta da
covered by
coperto con
covered with, wrapped in
pronto a
ready to (before a verb or tutto)
costituito da/di
consists of
libero da
free of (before a noun)
dipinto di
painted in (eg colour)
pronto per
ready for (before a noun)
coperto di
covered in
generoso verso
moral generosity
dipinto in
painted in (eg colour - more emphasis)
bravo a
good at school, a game
circondato di
surrounded by - figurative (love)
generoso con
material generosity
bravo in
good at a subject of study
circondato da
surrounded by - literal (enemies)
libero di
free to (before a verb)

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