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Grammar for finals


undefined, object
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is am was ere are be being ben can be linking or helping verbs
state of being verbs
is a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in a sentence
linking verb
connects the subject to more information about the subject
action verb
any thing you can do ex. run walk jump
describe a noun of pronoun
helping verbs
gives more information about the verb- especially verb tense
word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverbs
double agent verbs
can be action or linking verbs
person place thing or idea
may might must is am was where are be being ben do does did should could would have has had will shall can
all helping verbs
substitutes for a noun
adverbs answer
how? to what extent? where? when?
joins words or groups of words like and but
adj answer
which one? how many? what kind?

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