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German Grammar


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What are the standard present tense endings
-e, -st, -t, inf., -t, inf.
How do you conjugate haben in the present tense?
habe, hast, hat, haben, habt, haben
What are the personal nominative pronouns?
ich, du/Sie, er/sie/es, wir, ihr, sie
How do you conjugate sein in the present tense?
bin, bist, ist, sind, seid, sind
When a pronoun replaces a noun, it must have the same ------?
What are the indefinite nominative articles?
ein, ein, eine
conjugate werden in present tense
werde, wirst, wird, werden, werdet, werden
conjugate wissen in present tense
weiss, weisst, weiss, wissen, wisst, wissen
darf, darfst, darf, d(u)rfen, d(u)rft, d(u)rfen
what are the modal verbs and their changes
d(u)rfen darf, k(o)nnen kann, m(o)gen mag, m(u)ssen muss, wollen will, sollen soll
What are the accusative endings of definite articles
der-den, die-die, das-das
What are the ein words?
ein, kein, mein, dein, sein, sein, ihr, unser, euer, ihr (Ihr)
What are the accusative personal pronouns?
mich, dich, sie/es/ihn, uns, euch, Sie
Accusative prepositions?
bis, durch, f(u)r, gegen, ohne, um
Form imperative in Sie, wir, du, ihr
Wir +infinitive, Sie + infinitive, du - basic is delete -en from inf., du - stem change is after stem change delete -en, ihr - ihr form without ihr
What is the imperative of sein
Seien wir, Seien Sie, Seid (ihr form), Sei (du form)
What does nicht follow?
subject, inflected verb, D.O., expressions of definite time
What does nicht precede?
adverbs of manner/time \(indef.)/place, predicate adjectives, predicate nominatives, prepositional phrases showing location/destination, infinitives
How do you negate schon with/out a noun?
noch nicht, noch kein-
How do you negate noch?
nicht mehr
What is the simple past tense of sein?
war, warst, war, waren, wart, waren
How do you form perfect tense?
Inflected auxilary verb (sein or haben) + past participle
When do you use sein or haben in the perfect tense
sein is used when the verb is intransitive (doesn't take an accusative) and shows a change in location or condition (gehen -to go, or werden - to become)
How do you form the past participle of weak verbs?
ge + stem + (e)t (verbs ending in ieren are weak but don't add ge-)
How form the past participle of strong verbs?
ge- + Stem + en
How do you use modals in the perfect tense?
Modal verb infinitive goes to the end and the infinitive being used with modal goes directly in front of modal
Which verbs use a dative object?
antworten, danken, gefallen, geh(o)ren, glauben, helfen

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