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english mid-term


undefined, object
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nominative case
a pronoun used in the subject or predicate noun of a sentence
action; state of being
complex sentence
one independent clause plus one subordinate clause
possessive case
a pronoun showing ownership
pronoun case
nominative, objective, possessive
correlative conjunction
two word combination to join words, phrases
independent clause
a simple sentence
modifies a verb, adjective or adverb
shows the relationship of one thing to another
word that takes the place of a noun
simple sentence
one independent clause
coordinating conjuction
fanboys- joins words, phrases, clauses
subject verb agreement
subject stays the same; verb must be singular or plural to match the subject
a noun or noun phrase that renames the noun it follows: Mrs. R, my teacher, ...
using a comma in a complex sentence
only if subordinate clause if first
modifies a noun or pronoun
objective case
a pronoun used as a direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition
comma rules
use a comma: list, interrupter, appositive, compound sentence, introductory word or phrase, complex sentence, with conjunctive adverb, parenthetical expression
subordinate clause
a group of words that cannot stand alone but contain a subordinating conjuction, a subject and a verb
person, place, thing, idea
forms of be
is, are, was, were, am, be, being, been
subordinating conjunction
awhitebus- joins clauses
proper nouns, proper adjectives
the word that the pronoun is referring to/taking the place of
joins words, phrases, clauses
pronoun agreement
pronoun must match the antecedent by being singular or pluarl
compound sentence
two independent clauses joined together in one of three ways
three ways to form a compound sentence
comma coordinating conjunction; semicolon; semicolon conjunctive adverb comma
shows strong feeling

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