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SPN 2200 - Mid Term


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our (short forms) =
Este (singular: masc & fem):
este, esta
Formal Negative Command - Usted (Comer, Tomar, Vivir)
subjuntivo - No coma, No tome, No viva
Aquel (plural: masc & fem):
aquellos, aquellas
Example of the difference between Demonstartive Adjectives & Demonstartive Pronouns:
Dem Adj: Quires comprar este radio? (the noun is always named) // Dem Pro: No, no quiero éste. Quiero ése. (*note: noun is not named & accentos are used)
Ese (plural: masc & fem):
esos, esas
Informal Negative Command - Tú (Comer, Tomar, Vivir)
subjuntivo - No comas, No tomes, No vivas
my, mine (long forms) =
your, his, hers, its (short forms) =
their (short forms) =
examples of hacerse:
El yerno de dona Lidia *se ha hecho* abogado // Mi bisabuelo *se hizo* rico a pesar de haber dejado su patria sin un solo centavo.
Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns: specify to which noun a speaker is reffering to
Precede the nouns they modify and agree in gender and number
Informal Affirmative Command - Tú (Comer, Tomar, Vivir)
Present Third Person - Come, Toma, Vive
To Become Verbs (reflexive):
Hacerse, Ponerse, Volverse
Este (plural: masc & fem):
estos, estas
The construction: *Llegar a ser* = involunatry, long term (change)
indicates: * a change over time & does not imply the subject's voluntary effort. *
The construction: Volverse + [adjective] expresses = *** not-so temporal mental (change)***
A radical ** mental ** or psychological change. It often conveys a gradual change in character (note: ** not temporal: longer lasting change **) - in English expressed as: "has turned/become"
Possesive Adjectives (short & long forms): used to express ownership or possesion
must agree in gender and number with the object owned, and not with the owner
your, yours (long forms) =
example of ponerse:
No *te pongas histerico!* // La senora Urbina *se pone muy feliz* cuando su familia la visita.
your (short forms) =
Basic Ireggular Subjunctive Verbs for Formal Commands: Dar, Estar, Ir, Saber, Ser, Dormir, Pedir, Jugar, Pensar, Mostrar
Dé, Esté, Vaya, Sepa, Sea, Duerma, Pida, Juegue, Piense, Muestre
Ese is used:
to modify nouns that are not close to the speaker, though they may be close to the listner
example of volverse:
*Te has vuelto loca?* // Durante los ultimos anos, mi primo *se ha vuelto insoportable.*
your, yours, their, theirs (long forms) =
Reflexive Verb Commands (Ustedes & Tú (Aff + Neg): Ponerse
Ustedes: Ponganse, Tú (Aff): Ponte // Tú (Neg): No te pongas
Aquel is used:
to refer to nouns that are far away from both the speaker and the listner
Formal Affirmative Command - Ustedes (Comer, Tomar, Vivir)
subjuntivo - Coman, Tomen, Vivan
my (short forms) =
Three sets of Demonstratvie Adjectives:
Este (this), Ese (that), Aquel (those over there)
Formal Negative Command - Ustedes (Comer, Tomar, Vivir)
subjuntivo - No coman, No tomen, No vivan
Este is used:
to point out nouns that are close to the speaker and the listner
your, his, hers, its (long forms) =
Demonstrative Pronouns: refer to the respective nouns as pronouns under the assumption the noun is already known
identical to dem adejectives, except they carry accent marks - agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace
Aquel (singular: masc & fem):
aquel, aquella
ours (long forms) =
Ese (singular: masc & fem):
ese, esa
The construction: *Hacerse* can be followed by a noun or an adjective = *** profession (change)***
It often implies a change that results from the subject's own effort, such as changes in ** profession ** or social and political status.
Formal Affirmative Command - Usted (Comer, Tomar, Vivir)
subjuntivo - Coma, Tome, Viva
The construction: Ponerse + [adjective] expresses = *** temporal emotional (change)***
A change in mental, ** emotional **, or physical state that is genrally not long-lasting ( ** temporal ** kind of like estar).
Irregular Informal Affirmative Commands - Tú (Decir, Hacer, Ir, Poner, Salir, Ser, Tener, Venir)
Di, Haz, Ve, Pon, Sal, Sé, Ten, Ven
examples of Llegar a ser:
La novela que escribio el ano pasado *ha llegado a ser* un superventas.

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