undefined, object
copy deck
- clime
- climate
- circuitous
- roundabout
- coeval
- existing in same period of time
- comeuppance
- deserts;well-deserved punishment or misfortune;rebuke
- colloquy
- informal discussion;conversation
- cipher
- nonentity
- comestible
- something fit to be eaten
- chastise
- punish by beating
- bromide
- platitude
- chauvinist
- devoted patriot
- collate
- examine to verify authenticity;arrange in order
- coddle
- treat gently;indulge excessively;pamper
- scrappy
- quarrelsome
- collusion
- conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others
- cherubic
- angelic;innocent-looking
- circumvent
- outwit;get around
- collateral
- security given for a loan
- clout
- great influence;hard blow with fist
- cognizance
- knowledge
- codicil
- supplement/later addition to a will
- clairvoyant
- having foresight;fortuneteller
- cohere
- stick together
- chide
- scold;rebuke
- chimerical
- highly unrealistic
- choleric
- hot-tempered
- colander
- utensil used to strain
- cognate
- having a common origin;related linguistically;allied by blood;similar or akin in nature
- cloying
- distasteful;excessively sweet/sentimental
- clangor
- loud resounding noise
- clemency
- disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments;mildness as of the weather
- clamber
- climb by crawling with difficulties;scramble
- cogent
- convincing
- cogitate
- think over;ponder
- cloister
- monastery/convent
- chortle
- chuckle with delight
- cog
- tooth projecting from a wheel
- coiffure
- hairstyle
- circumlocution
- indirect expression
- collation
- light meal
- chasten
- discipline;punish to correct
- clarion
- shrill trumpet-like sound
- colloquial
- pertaining to conversational/common speech
- comatose
- in a coma;extremely sleepy
- cistern
- reservoir/water tank
- comely
- attractive;agreeable
- codify
- arrange as a code;classify
- chicanery
- trickery;deception
- cohabit
- live together
- homely
- unattractive
- cohorts
- group of people who share some common quality;armed band