Math definitions
undefined, object
copy deck
- expressions that contain the same variables
- like terms
- for any numbers a and b, if a=b, then a may be replaced with b
- substitution property of equality
- place holders that stand for unknown numbers
- variables
- a graphic form using bars to make comparisons
- bar graph
- vertical number line
- y-axis
- (0,0)
- origin
- horizontal number line
- x- axis
- (x,y)
- ordered pair
- a bar graph whose columns are right next to each other to show the distribution of data.
- histogram
- 2nd number in the ordered pair
- y- coordinate
- The identity property for addition is....
- 0
- smaller groups representative of the entire population
- samples
- a mathematical sentence that contains the equal sign.
- equation
- an equation that contains variables
- open sentence
- formed by two number lines that intersect at their zero points
- coordinate system
- combinations of variables, numbers and at least one operation
- algebraic expressions
- a chart that indicates the number of values in each interval
- frequency table
- 1st number in the ordered pair
- x- coordinate
- the identity property for multiplication is....
- 1
- operations that undo each other
- inverse operation
- information that has been collected, analyzed, abd presented in an organized way
- statistics