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Boat Vocabulary


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Displacement Hulls
Move through the water by pushing the water aside and are designed to cut through the water with very little propulsion. They are also limited to slower speeds. (round-bottomed hull)
Large cruisers and sailboats normally have a...
displacement hull
Planning Hulls
Designed to rise up and glide on top of the water when enough power is supplied. These boats may operate like displacement hulls when at rest or at slow speeds but climb towards the surface of the water as they move faster. They can skim along at high speed, riding almost on top of the water rather than pushing it aside. (flat-bottomed and vee-bottomed hulls)
Front of a vessel
Rear of a vessel
Right side of a vessel
Left side of a vessel
Body of a vessel
Upper edge of a vessel\'s side
Metal fitting on which a boat can be fastened
Maximum width of a vessel
Distance from water to lowest point of the boat where water could come on board
The equipment that a vessel must carry is dictated by it\'s...
Length overall
The length overall is measured from the ___ to the ___
BOW to the STERN
Flat Bottom Hull (type)
Planing hull
Flat Bottom Hull (advantages)
Shallow draft, which is good for fishing in small lakes and rivers
Flat Bottom Hull (disadvantages)
Rides roughly in choppy waters
Deep Vee Hull (type)
Planing hull
Deep Vee Hull (advantages)
Gives a smoother ride than a flat bottom hull in rough water
Deep Vee Hull (disadvantages)
Takes more power to move at the same speed as flat bottom hulls. May roll or bank in sharp turns
Round Bottom Hull (type)
Displacement hull
Round Bottom Hull (advantages)
Moves easily through the water even at slow speeds
Round Bottom Hull (disadvantages)
Has a tendency to roll unless it has a deep keel or stabilizers
Multi Hull (type)
Displacement hull
Multi Hull (advantages)
Has greater stability because of its wide beam
Multi Hull (disadvantages)
Needs a large area when turning
Displacement Mode
A planing hull, when operated at very slow speeds, will cut through the water like a displacement hull
Plowing Mode
As speed increases, a planing hull will have a raised bow, reducing the operator\'s vision and throwing a very large wake. Avoid maintaining a speed that puts your boat in plowing mode
Planing Mode
When enough power is applied so that the hull glides on top of the water. Different boats reach planing mode at different speeds
Most small power-driven vessels and some small sailboats have...
Planning hulls
Depth of water needed to float a vessel
Rotates and powers a boat forward or backward
Main centerline (backbone) of a vessel or the extension of hull that increases stability in the water
drag force
Water or fluid friction applied to the boat's hull
cathedral or tri-hull
a vee bottom boat with side skirts that extends almost as far forward as the main hull
tunnel hull
uses 2 planing hulls that with a solid center that traps air. The entrapment causes an aerodynamic lift in addition to the planing lift. Similar to the ground effect that occurs in aviation. In aviation there is reduced drag from the lift in the wings.
a type of multi-hulled boat with 2 hulls joined by a frame, powered by sail or engine
a flat bottom boat or the floats used to support a structure on water. Can be powered by a motor. Cannot be sunk. Made out of closed cylinders/pipes, barrels, metal shaped like boxes, or concrete. Creating a raft.

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