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Science Vocab Words 2


undefined, object
copy deck
addition of nutrients to the earth
fertilize, as in soil
graphic description of the physcial characteristics of a region
field map
separation of a liquid and a solid or two solids with different particle size
see Punnett SQuare method of solving genetic problems
first cross
an object at rest will stay at rest while an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force
First Law of Motion (Principle of Inertia)
moon appears as a half-moon after new cresecent; right side is completely illuminated, left side is dark
first quarter
act of process of splitting into partsl nuclear reaction in which an atom splits into fragments releasing millions of electron volts of energy; asexual repodructive where one-cell organism splits in half resulting in equal division of genetic material an
ease of matter to be ignited and capable of burning
ability of matter to bend without breaking
lines of magnetic force
flux lines
location of the crack caused by an earthquale; directly below the epicenter
materials needed by an organism for maintenance, growth and repair
the path of energy between the organisms
food chains
path of energy between all of the organisms in a community
food web
push or pull
the remains or imprints of an organish that once lived; found in rock
a nonrenweable energy resource formed from ancient forms of life; oil, natural gas, coal
fossil fuels
1819-1868. French physicist who performed an experiment to prove Earth rotates on its axis
Foucault, Jean
point from which motion is detected
frame of reference
phase change from a liquid to solid
temperature at which liquid changed to a solid
freezing point
force that opposes motion of two objects in contact
form of erosion though the expanding action of frozen water
frost action
fixed point on a level around which the bar rotates
phase when the Moon is behind Earth; entire face of the Moon is illuminated
full Moon

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