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Behavior analysis


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The law of effect says
the effects of our actions determine whether we will repeat them
A functional assessment is
an analysis of the contingencies responsible for behavioral problems
Checking social validity is
making sure the goals, procedures and results of an intervention are acceptable to the client, the behavior analyst and society
The target behavior is
the behavior being measured, the dependent variable
Social comparison
a comparison of the performance of clients exposed to the intervention with an equivalent or normal group
The subjective evaluation of experts is
the experts evaluation of the signifigance of the target behavior and the outcome
Force is
the intensity of the response
Inter-observer agreement is
the agreement between observation of two or more independent observers
To confound variables means to
change or allow to change two or more independent variables at the same time, so you cannot determine what variables are responsible for the change in the dependent variable
A case study is
the evauation of the effects of an applied intervention or naturally evolving set of conditions in such a way that it is not possible to discover the cause of the effects
Internal validity refers to
the extent a research design eliminates confounding variables
Research design
the arrangement of the various conditions of an experiment or intervention to reduce the confounding of independent variables
Baseline is the phase of an experiment where
the beavior is measured in the absence of an intervention
simple baseline
experimental design in which the baseline data are collected before the intervention
A reversal design is an experimental design in which
the intervention and baseline conditons are reversed to assess the effects of those conditions
A multiple-baseline design is
where the replications involve multiple baselines of different durations and interventions of different starting times
the time from the beginning to the end of a response
the # of instances of behavior
A changing criterion design is where
the replications involve interventions with criteria of differeing values
An alternating-treatments design is where
the replications involve presenting difft values of the indeendent variable in an alternating sequence under the same general conditions or in the same experimental phase, whil measuring the same dependent variables
An experimental interaction is where
one experimental condition affects the results of another
External validity
extent to which the conclusions of an experiment apply to a wide variety of conditions
performance maintenance
continuing of performance after first est.
Behavior trap
add a reinforcement contingency to increase the rate of behavior. Then the behavior will frequently contact built in contingencies will maintain that behavior
A stimulus-response chain is a
sequence of stimuli and responses, each resonse produces a change in the environment that acts as an Sd or operandum for the next response
Dual-functioning of chained stimuli
a stimulus in a behavioral chain reinforces the response that precedes it, that stimulus also acts as and Sd or operandum for the response that follows it
Forward chaining
est of the first link in a behavioral chain with the addition of successive links until final link is acquired
backward chaing
est of final link in chain, with addition of links until first link is acquired
total task presentation
simultaneous training of all links in a behavioral chain
the use of no unnecessary concepts, principles, or assumptions
respondent conditioning
neutral stimulus acquires the eliciting properties of an unconditioned stimulus through pairing the unconditioned stimuls with a neutral stimulus
operant conditioning
reinforcing consequences immediately following the response increase its future frequency and aversive consequence decrease it
Higher order conditioning
est a conditioned stimulus by pairing a neutral stimulus with an already est conditioned stimulus
systematic desensitization
combingin relaxation with a hierarchy of fear producing stimuli arranged from least to most frightening
reflex is the
relationship between the UC stimulus and the UR
The law of latency
time between the onset of the response and the eliciting stimulus
The law of intensity or magnitude
relationship between the intensity of the sliciting stimulus and the size or magnitude of the evoked response
I hate you behavior analysis
yes i do... cusswords

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