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A stimulus or event that precedes the target behaviour
Discriminative stimulus
The stimulus that is present when a particular behaviour is reinforced
A process in which the behaviour occurs in the presence of antecedent stimuli that are similar in some way to the discriminative stimulus present when the behaviour was reinforced.
A stimulus that is present when a behaviour is not reinforced.
Stimulus class
A group of stimuli that all have the same functional effect on a particular behaviour.

For example all of them function as a discriminative stimulus

Stimulus control
A particular behaviour is more likely to occur in the presence of a particular discriminative stimulus.

The outcome of stimulus discrimination training.

Stimulus discrimination training
A process in which a behaviour is reinforced when the discriminative stimulus is present and is extinguished when the s-delta is present.

As a result you are more likely to engage in the behaviour when the Sd is present.

Three-term contingency
The ABC of behaviour modification.

The antecedent is present, the behaviour and the consequence.

Differential reinforcement
A procedure in which a specific desirable behaviour is followed by a reinforcer but other behaviours are not.
The reinforcement of successive approximation to a target behaviour.

Shaping is used to establish a novel set of behaviours.

Successive approximation
In the process of shaping, each successive approximation is a behaviour that more closely resembles the target behaviour.

The process works by reinforcing the first behaviour then once it is learned not reinforcing it anymore and only reinforcing the next step of the behaviour and continuing until it is done and the target behaviour is exhibited.

Behavioural skills training (BST)
A procedure consisting of instructions, modeling, behavioural rehearsal and feedback that is used to teach new behaviours or skills.
Involves delivering praise for successful performance in a behavioural rehearsal and in instruction on ways to improve the performance in the future.
In situ assessment
Assessment of skills in the natural environment without the person's knowledge that assessment is taking place.
In situ training
Training that occurs in the natural environment after an in situ assessment in which the child fails to use the skills.
Verbal descriptions of the behaviour to be performed.
Modeling (Modeling prompt)
A type of prompt in which the trainer demonstrates the target behaviour for the learner.
Practice of the behaviour in a role-play situation after instructions and modeling.
Backward conditioning
A respondent conditioning procedure in which the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the conditioned stimulus.

The least effective type of respondent conditioning procedure.

Conditioned emotional response (CER)
A type of conditioned response in which an emotional response such as fear, anger or happiness is elicited by a conditioned stimulus in the process of respondent conditioning.
Conditioned response (CR)
In respondent conditioning a CR is a response elicited by a conditioned stimulus after pairing the CS with the US.
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
A previously neutral stimulus that has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
Delay conditioning
A type of respondent conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus is presented and the unconditioned stimulus is then presented before the termination of the CS
Trace conditioning
A type of respondent conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus is presented and then the unconditioned stimulus is presented after the termination of the conditioned stimulus.
High-order conditioning
When a neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus a number of times, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that will then elicit the same conditioned response.
Operant conditioning
Occurs when a behaviour in a particular situation is followed by a reinforcing consequence, this making the behaviour more likely to occur in similar circumstances.
Respondent behaviour
Behaviour that is elicited by a prior stimulus.
Respondent conditioning
A process in which a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
A stimulus is salient when it is intense or easily detected by the individual
Simultaneous conditioning
The process in which the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus are presented at the same time in respondent conditioning trials
Unconditioned response (UR)
The response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
A stimulus that naturally elicits an unconditioned response because the unconditioned response has survival value.
Extrastimulus prompt
A type of stimulus prompt in which a stimulus is added to help a person make a correct discrimination
The gradual removal of prompts as the behaviour continues to occur in the presence of the discriminative stimulus
Gestural prompt
A physical movement or gesture of another person that leads to the correct behavour in the presence of the discriminative stimulus
Modeling prompt
A type of prompt in which the trainer demonstrates the target behaviour for the learner.
Physical prompt
A type of prompt in which the trainer physically assists the learner to engage in the correct behaviour at the correct time.
A prompt is used to increase the likelihood that a person will engage in the correct behaviour at the correct time

Two types of prompts are response prompts (help from the behaviour of the trainer) and stimulus prompts (help from supplemental environmental stimuli)

Prompt delay
The trainer presents the discriminative stimulus and after a specific number of time gives the prompt

Allows the learner to have time to respond before the prompt

Response prompt
A type of prompt in which the trainer engages in a behaviour to induce the client to engage in the target behaviour in the presence of the discriminative stimulus.

Includes verbal, gestural, modeling and physical prompts

Stimulus fading
The gradual elimination of a stimulus prompt as the behaviour continues to occur in the presence of the discriminative stimulus
Stimulus prompt
Some change in an antecedent stimulus or the addition or removal of an antecedent stimulus with that goal of making a correct response more likely
Transfer of stimulus control
A process in which prompts are removed once the target behaviour is occuring in the presence of the discriminative stimulus
Verbal prompt
A type of prompt in which the verbal behaviour of another person results in the correct behaviour of the learner in the presence of the discriminative stimulus
Within-stimulus prompt
A type of stimulus prompt in which some aspect of the discriminative stimulus or S is changed to help a person make a correct discrimination
Backward chaining
A type of chaining procedure in which the last component of the chain is taught first.

You continue to learn backwards as the steps link together and drop off prompts.

Behavioural chain
A complex behaviour consisting of two or more steps of behaviours that occur together in a sequence.
Chaining procedures
Procedures used to teach a person to engage in chain of behaviours.
Forward chaining
A type of chaining procedure in which the first component of the chain is taught and then the chain continues.

You continue to learn forward as the steps link together and drop off prompts.

Graduated guidance
A prompting strategy used with the total task presentation procedure in which you provide full hand-over-hand assistance as a prompt for the learner to complete the behaviour.

As the learner begins to engage in the behaviour independently, you gradually fade your assistance but continue to shadow the learner's movements so that you can provide assistance whenever it becomes necessary.

Picture prompts
A type of prompt in which the client is presented with a picture of a person engaging in the target behaviour.
Self-statements that make it more likely that a target behaviour will occur in a specific situation.
Task analysis
Identification of the discriminative stimulus and response for each component of a behavior chain
Total task presentation
A procedure for reaching a chain of behavior in which the trainer physically prompts the learner through all steps in the chain.

Eventually that trainer fades the physical prompts and shadows the learner's movements and they complete the chain.

Video modeling
A type of chaining procedure in which the learner watches a video of part or all of the chain of behaviours as a prompt to engage in the chain of behaviours
Written task analysis
A written list of each discriminative stimulus and response in a chain of behaviours.

Sometimes a written task analysis is given to the learner to guide the learner's behaviour through the chain of behaviours.

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