blue cheese
undefined, object
copy deck
- corproal
- related to the body
- discernment
- tath which shows keen perception or judgement
- augmentative
- causing an increase related to increase
- capital
- highly important principle
- corporation
- a group fromed to act as a single body
- corpulence
- bulkiness of body a state of obesity
- certitude
- the state of being free form doubt
- auctioneer
- one who conducts the sale of goods at public auction
- auction
- a public sale of property to the highest bidder
- per capita
- per head or unit of population
- capitulate
- to cosent or yield to to surrender
- certifiable
- able to be confirmed
- certify
- to confirm make certain
- augmentation
- an addition the process of increasing
- recapitulation
- a summing up a returing to the original argument
- augment
- to make greater
- discernible
- distinuishableable to tell apart