political scienceexam2
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- who is the agricultural commissioner
- the elected state official who is primarily responsible for enforcing agricultural laws
- who is the lieutenant governor?
- the second highest elected official in the state and president of the state senate
- how often does redistricting happen and what does it reflect?
- it happens every ten years and reflects shifts in population or in response to legal challenges in existing districts
- what are constituents
- the residents in the area from which an official is elected
- what is bicameral
- having a legislative assembly composed of two chambers or houses
- what is sociological representation
- representatives have the same racial, gender, ethnic, religious, or educational backgrounds as their constituents
- what is sociological representation based on?
- the principal that if two individuals are similar in background, character, interests, and perspectives, then one could correctly represent the other's views
- what is agency representation
- a representative is held accountable to a constituency if he or she fails to represent that constituency properly
- what is incumbency
- holding a political office for which one is running
- what are term limits?
- legally prescribed limits on the number of terms an elected official can serve
- what is apportionment
- the process occurring after every decennial census, that allocates congressional seats among the fifty states
- what is redistricting?
- the process of redrawing election districts and redistributing legislative representatives
- what is gerrymandering?
- apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one racial or ethnic group or political party
- what is patronage?
- the resources available to higher officials, usually opportunities to make partisan appointments to offices and to confer grants, licenses, or special favors to supporters
- what is a pork barrel
- appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but that are created so that local representatives can win re-election in their home districts
- what is a private bill
- a proposal in congress to provide a specific person with some kind of relief, such as a special exemption from immigration quotas
- what is a conference
- a gathering of house republicans every two years to elect their house leaders.
- what do democrats call their conference?
- the caucus
- what is a caucus (political)
- a normally closed meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislative matters
- who is the speaker of the house?
- the chief presiding officer of the house of representatives.
- who is the most important house leader?
- the speaker of the house
- who is the majority leader?
- the elected leader of the majority party in the house of representatives or in the senate.
- in the house, who is subordinate in the party heirarchy to the speaker of the house?
- the majority leader
- who is the minority leader?
- the elected leader of the minority party in the house or senate
- what is a whip?
- a party member in the house or senate responsible for coordinating the party's legislative strategy, building support for key issues, and counting votes
- what is a standing committee?
- a permanent committee with the power to propose and write legislation that covers a particular subject such as finance or agriculture
- what is a select committee
- a (usually) temporary legislative committee set up to highlight or investigate a particular issue or address an issue not within the jurisdiction of existing committees
- what is a joint committee?
- a legislative committee formed of members of both the house and the senate
- what is a conference committee?
- a joint committee created to work out a compromise on house and senate versions of a piece of legislation
- what is seniority?
- ranking given to an individual on the basis of length of continuous service on a committee in congress
- what is staff agency?
- a legislative support agency responsible for policy analysis
- what is a caucus (congressional)?
- an association of members of congress based on party, interest, or social group, such as gender, or race
- what is a bill?
- a proposed law that has been sponsored by a member of congress and submitted to the clerk of the house or senate
- what is a committee markup?
- session in which a congressional committee rewrites legislation to incorporate changes discussed during hearings on the bill
- what is a closed rule?
- a provision by the house rules committee limiting or prohibiting the introduction of amendments during debate
- what is open rule
- a provision by the house rules committee that permits floor debate and the addition of new amendments to a bill
- what is a filibuster
- a tactic used by members of the senate to prevent action on legislation they oppose by continuously holding the floor and speaking until the majority back down.
- what is a cloture?
- a rule allowing a majority of two-thirds or three-fifths of the members of a legislative body to set a time limit on debate over a given bill
- what is a veto?
- the presidents constitutional power to turn down acts of congress
- what is a pocket veto?
- a presidentional veto that is automatically triggered in the president does not act on a given piece of legislation passed during the final ten days of a legislative session
- what is a party unity vote?
- a roll-call vote in the house or senate in which at least 50 percent of the members of one party take a particular position and are opposed by at least 50 percent of the members of the other party
- what is a roll-call vote?
- a vote in which each legislator's yes or no vote is recorded as the clerk calls the names of the members alphabetically
- what is logrolling?
- a legislative practice whereby agreements are made between legislators in voting for or against a bill; vote trading
- what is oversight?
- the effort by congress, through hearings, investigation, and other techniques, to exercise control over the activities of executive agencies
- what are appropriations
- the amounts of money approved by congress in statutes (bills) that each unit or agency of government can spend
- what is an executive agreement?
- an agreement made between the prsident and another country that has the force of a treaty but does not require the senate's advice and consent
- what is impeachment?
- the formal charge by the house of representatives that a government official has committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors
- what is a delegate?
- a representative who votes according to the preferences of his or her constituency
- what is a trustee?
- a representative who vites based on what he or she thinks is best for his or her constituency
- what are expressed powers?
- specific powers granted by the constitution to congress and to the president
- what are delegated powers
- constitutional powers that are assigned to one governmental agency but that are exercised by another agency with the express permission of the first
- what are inherent powers?
- powers claimed by a president that are not expressed in the constitution, but are inferred from it.
- what is the commander in chief?
- the role of the president as commander of the national military and the state national guard units
- what is the war powers resolution?
- a resolution of congress that the president can send troops into action abroud only by authorization of congress, or if american troops are already under attack or serious threat.
- what is the cabinet?
- the secretaries, or chief administrators, of the major departments of the federal government.
- who appoints the cabinet members?
- president with consent of the senate
- what is the national security council (nsc)?
- a presidential foreign policy advisory council composed of the president; the vice president; the secretaries of state, defense, and the treasury; the attorney general; and other officials invited by the president
- who are the white house staff?
- analysts and advisers to the president, often given the title "special assistant"
- what is the kitchen cabinet?
- and informal group of advisers to whom the president turns for counsel and guidance. members of the official cabinet may or may not also be members of the itchen cabinet
- what is the executive office of the president (eop)
- the permanent agencies that perform defined management tasks for the president
- what is a mandate?
- a claim by a victorious candidate that the electorate has given him orher special authority to carry out promises made during the campaign
- what is a bureaucracy?
- the complex structure of offices, tasks, rules, and principles of organization that are employed by all large scale institutions to coordinate the work of their personnel
- what is implementation?
- the efforts of departments and agencies to translate laws into specific bureaucratic routines
- what is rule making?
- a quasi-legislative administration process by which government agencies produce regultions
- what is administrative adjudication?
- applying rules and precedents to specific cases to settle disputes between regulated parties.
- what is a merit system?
- a product of civil service reform, in which appointees to positions in public bureaucracies must objectivesly be deemed qualified for those positions
- what is the department?
- the larges subunit of the executive brance. the secretaries of the fifteen departments from the cabinet
- what is an independent agency?
- an agency that is not part of a cabinet department
- what is a government corporation?
- a government agency that perform a service normally provided by the private sector
- what are regulatory agencies?
- departments, bureaus, or independent agencies whose primary mission is to impose limits restrictions, or other obligations on the conduct of individuals or companies in the private sector
- what is the iron triangle?
- the stable, cooperative relationship that often develops among a congressional committee, an administrative agency, and one or more supportive interest groups
- what is fiscal policy?
- the governments use of taxing, monetary and spending powers to manipulate the economy
- what is the federal reserve system?
- a system of twelve federal reserve banks that facilitates exchanges of cash, checks, and credit; regulates member banks; and uses monetary policies to fight inflation and deflation
- what are revenue agencies?
- agencies responsible for collecting taxes
- what is deregulation?
- a policy of reducing or eliminating regulatory restraints on the conduct of individuals or private institutions
- what is devolution?
- a policy to remove a program from one level of government by delegating it or passing it down to a lower level of government, such as from the national government to the state and local governments
- what is privatization?
- removing all or part of a program from the public sector to the private sector
- what is executive privilege?
- the claim that confidentioal communications between a president and close advisers should not be revealed without the consent of the president
- what is the sunset advisory commission (SAC)
- a commission created in 1975 for the purpose of reviewing the effectiveness of state agencies
- in congress, most of the work is done in
- committees
- what is a bicameral legislature composed of?
- two chambers or houses
- what is the regular session?
- the 140 day period during with the texas legislature meets toconsider and pass bills; occurs only in odd-numbered years
- what does biennial mean?
- occurring every two years
- what is a special session?
- a legislative session called by the governor that addresses an agenda set by him or her and that lasts no longer than thirty days
- what is a local bill?
- a bill affecting only units of local government such as a city, country, or special district
- what is a special bill?
- a bill that gives an individual or corporation a special exemption from state law
- what is a general bill?
- a bill that applies to all people and/or property in the state
- what is appointment
- the power of the chief executive, whether the president of the us or the governor of a state, to appoint persons to office
- what is a single-member district?
- an electorate that is allowed to select only one representative from each district
- what is plural executive?
- an executive branch in which power is fragmented because the election of statewide officeholders is independent of the election of the governor
- who is the secretary of state?
- the state official, appointed by the governor, whose primary responsibility is administering elections
- what is a resolution?
- a proposal, made by a member of the legislature, that generally deals with the internal workings of the government
- what is a concurrent resolution?
- a resolution of interest to both chambers of the legislature, and that must pass both the house and senate and generally be signed by the governor
- what is a joint resolution?
- a resolution that must pass both the house and senate but does not require the governor's signature
- what is a simple resolution?
- a resolution that concerns only the texas house or senate such as the adoption of a rule or the appointment of an employee, and does not require the governor's signature
- what are constituent powers?
- efforts made by a member of a legislature on behalf of his or her constituency
- what is a constituent?
- a person living in the district from which an official is elected
- what are electoral powers?
- the legislature's mandated role in counting returns in the elections for governor and lieutenant governor
- what are investigative powers?
- the power to investigate problems facing the state
- what are directive and supervisory powers?
- the legislature's power over the executive branch; for example, the legislature determines the size of appropriations for state agencies
- who is the comptroller?
- the elected state official who directs the collection of taxes and other revenues
- who is the attorney general?
- the elected state official who serves as the state's chief civil lawyer
- who is the land commissioner?
- elected state official who is the manager of most publicly owned lands
- the house of representatives tends to be
- more policy generalize and deliberative
- how many members are there in the senate?
- 100
- how many members are there in the house?
- 435
- what is the one-person, one-vote principle
- the principle that all districts should have roughly equal populations
- what are judicial powers?
- the power of the house to impeach and of the senate to convict members of the executive and judicial branches of state government
- what are the steps of the legislative process. (there are 6)
- 1. introduction 2. referral 3. consideration 4. floor action 5. conference committee 6. action by the governor
- what is pigeonholing?
- a step in the legislative process during which a bill is killed by the chair of the standing committee to which it was referred, as a result of his or her setting the bill aside and not bringing it before the committee
- what is a filibuster?
- a tactic that members of the senate use to prevent action on legislation they appose by continuously holding the floor and speaking until the majority backs down
- what is a post-adjournment veto?
- a veto of a bill that occurs after the legislature adjourns, thus preventing the legislature from overriding it
- what is a line-item veto?
- the power of the executive to veto specific provisions(lines) of a bill passed by the legislature
- what is recognition?
- the speaker of the house's power to control the floor debate by recognizing who can speak before the house
- what is senatorial courtesy?
- the practice whereby the governor seeks the support of the senator from the nominee's district
- what is executive budget? the state budget prepared and submitted by the governor to the legislature, which indicates the governor's spending priorities
- what is legislative budget? that state budget that is prepared and submitted by the legislative budget board (lbb) and that is fully considered by the house and senate
- nancy pelosi, the most powerful member of the house of representatives, holds the position of
- house speaker
- by supporting budget bills with a heavy level of "pork-barrel", representatives aim to
- gain benefits for their constituency
- earmarks are funds allocated by congress that support specific projects. they commonly come in the form of tax exemptions (t or f)
- true
- representatives use a hometown orientation in hopes of presenting themselves in a positive manner to their constituency (t or f)
- true
- what is it called when representatives use a hometown orientation in hopes of presenting themselves in a positive manner to their constituency, and who is it by
- it's called homestyle and it's by robert fenno
- house representatives...
- are elected every 2 years are at least 25 years old have been a citizen for at least 7 years
- senators...
- are elected every 6 years are at least 30, have been a citizen for at least 9 years
- senatorial elections are staggered so that 1/2 are elected every 2 years (t or f)
- false
- the census is taken every...
- 10 years
- gerrymandering is ____, and is completely ____
- redistricting, illegal
- congress is demographically representative of the american government (t or f)
- false
- who originally appointed senators?
- state governments
- who appoints senators now, and by what amendment
- we do, by the 17th amendment
- who is the 26th district house representative
- burgess
- the two senators from texas are
- hutchison and cornyn
- what was the name of the court case that concluded that congress cannot refuse to seat their members?
- powell vs. mccormick
- what is an open seat?
- no incumbent or running for reelection
- what is a safe seat?
- 60 percent vote of party
- what are seats within a marginal district?
- split vote
- what is the process where congressional seats are passed out
- apportionment
- the midwest and midatlantic regions of america have experienced the greatest loss of congressional seats. areas in the west and south have gained the most. (t or f)
- true
- every 2 years at the beginning of a new congress the members of each party gather to elect their house leaders. house republicans call this the...
- conference
- every 2 years at the beginning of a new congress, the members of each party gather to elect their house leaders. house democrats call this the
- caucus
- seniority is determined by...
- length of continuous time spent on a committee
- closed rule puts severe limits on floor debate, open rule allots more time for debate. what committee establishes which system will be used?
- rules committee (house)
- debate in the senate is committed to being restrictive on time. (t or f)
- false
- filibuster is broken by how much of a vote?
- 3/4
- impeachment is...
- a formal charge by the house of representatives against a government official
- how much of a vote is needed for removal
- 2/3
- how many presidents have been impeached in american history?
- 2
- who were the presidents that were impeached?
- johnson and clinton
- _____ wanted a vigorous and oportunistic executive; government should revolve around the president; loyalty was very important.
- hamilton
- _____ wanted a carefully circumscribed executive that congress could limit through checks and balances
- madison
- ____ wanted a power based executive; congress and the president should be equals; president should be a strong party leader
- jefferson
- the president was established by which article of the constitution
- 2nd
- the presidents powers and duties are marked in article
- 2,3
- specific powers granted by the constitution to congress and to the president is called...
- expressed powers
- constitutional powers that are assigned to one governmental agency but are exercised by another agency with the expressed permission of the first
- delegated powers
- powers claimed by the president that are not expressed in the constitution but are inferred from it are
- inherited powers
- the electoral college is the direct election of the president and supports mob rule (t or f)
- false
- the house that can remove the president is the
- senate
- andrew johnson was brough up on charges of impeachment after her failed to abide by
- the tenure of office act
- how many votes kept johnson from conviction?
- 1
- who is expected to propose the nation's budget?
- the president
- the chief administrators of the major departments of the federal government are comprised in what is called a
- cabinet
- the office of management and budget has the capacity to analyze and approve all legislative proposals before they are submitted to congress (t or f)
- true
- the informal group of advisors to whom the president turns for counsel is called the
- kitchen cabinet
- white house staff members are often called
- special assistants
- the national security council is the presidents foreign advisory counsel (t or f)
- true
- presidents appeal to the public to draw support, the limitations of this include
- support is unstable and presidential promises generally are not fulfilled
- since the new deal the powers of congress have increased while presidential powers have decreased
- false
- what form of a presidential veto is no longer used
- line item veto
- what is the only state that still does line item veto
- texas
- congress can override an executive veto by
- 2/3 vote
- domestic orders that do not require the president to have congressional approval are called
- executive order
- in general, are there more treaties or executive agreements made?
- executive agreements
- the war powers act was put in place because nixon was..
- engaging in secret bombings.
- the scandal that refers to the committee to re-elect the president is known as...
- the watergate scandal
- nixon was impeached (t or f)
- false
- who investigated the clinton's connection to the whitewater vacation development?
- kenneth star
- when nixon refused to give up watergate tapes, he claimed he had
- executive privilege
- bill clinton was impeached (t or f)
- true
- texas congress meets..
- for 140 days every other year
- what kind of session is this...
- a biennial session
- how many members are in the texas house of representatives
- 150
- how many members are in the texas senate?
- 31
- who presides over the texas senate?
- the lieutenant governor
- for membership, state senators must be
- qualified voters state resident for 5 years, at least 26 years old
- for membership in the state house of representatives must be
- qualified voters, state resident for 2 years, at least 21 years old
- how long is a term in the state house of representatives
- 2 years
- how long is a term in the state senate
- 4 years
- texas congressmen get paid as much as those in the federal congress (t or f)
- false
- how much do those in federal congress make?
- 7000 dollars a year, most have other full time jobs
- the governor may call as many special sessions as he wants. who sets the agenda for these sessions?
- the governor
- revenue bills originate in..
- the house of representatives
- constituent powers, electoral powers, investigative powers, directive and supervisory powers and judicial powers are all...
- nonlegislative powers
- when a committee chair sets a bill aside and never brings it before the committee it is called
- pigeonholing
- in the texas senate bills are reviewed in numerical order (t or f)
- true
- a bill can pass the house and senate...
- only in identical form
- texas congress is different from federal congress in that...
- congress is less partisan
- who recognizes who can speak before the house of representatives?
- speaker of the house
- what party now controls the texas senate and the texas house of representatives
- republicans
- what is a cost of living adjustment?
- a bonus
- what is franking privilege?
- congress gets free mail
- who is the president pro tempore?
- the member of the senate with the most seniority
- what are the president's expressed powers?
- they're listed specifically in the constitution
- how many electoral college votes are there?
- 538
- how many electoral votes do you need to win?
- 270
- what is the war powers resolution act?
- an act that limited the president's commander in chief position. stated that congress declared war
- what is the electoral college?
- where we vote the electors and they vote the president