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Social Studies Review Midterm Part III


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the judicial branch
a government court system; responsible for interpreting the Constitution
persons who supported the adoption of the Constitution; most are members of the federalist party. Believe in strong federal government
Checks and balances
a system of overlapping the powers of the separate legislative,executive and judicial branch of the government, to permit each branch to check the actions of the others.
Constitutional Convention
revise the Articles of Confederation and wrote a whole new plan for a national government
"founding fathers/framers
were 55 delegates who were the most respected leaders in the states. George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, George Mason and Robert Morris were the 5 most known
a two house legislative body.
executive branch
the office of the president and his cabinets
house of representatives
one of the two law making bodies in congress; its representation is based upon state population
The legislative branch/congress
law making body of the government
responsible for assuring that the nations laws are faithfully executed. Commander in chief. he is the head of the executive branch.
Separation of Powers
to prevent any group in government to gain too much authority
purpose of the constitution: form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to our ourselves and our posterity
Supreme Court
The highest national court
a change in or addition to a Constitution or law
Anti- Federalist
persons who opposed the adoption of the Constitution; they were in favor of adopting the Bill of Rights as well as strong states government
the Bill of Rights
the first ten amendments to the Constitution, dealing mostly with civil rights.

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