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nutrition test 1


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your attitude, beliefs, and values.
what factors influence dietary changes?
safe and effective weight loss practices(diet and exercise)
what is the main factor accounting for the decline of heart disease in the U.S. over the past 35 years.
heart disease
what is the leading cause of death in the U.S.?
a medium sized fruit
whats a serving size of fruit?
chemical substances in plants, some of which perform important functions in the human body. these give plants color and flavor, participate in processes that enable plants to grow, and protect plants against insects and diseases.
heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic inflammation
what are some diseases associated with excessive fat consumption?
vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, and iron
what vitamins and minerals are required on food labels?
physically obvious signs of the disease
progression of a deficiency disease usually causes what?
20 to 35 percent
keep total fat intake between ______ to ______ percent of calories
nonessential nutrients
nutrients required for normal growth and health that the body can manufacture in sufficient quantities from other components of the diet. we do not require a dietary source of this.
sugar and salt
what are the two major intentional food additives?
vitamin A, iron, and calcium
what are some examples of essential nutrients?
diabetes, heart disease, and cancer of the breast and colon
what are some disease that are on the rise in Japan mainly due to the westernized diet that they have adapted?
heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension
what are some diseases associated with excessive levels of body fat?
what is the second leading cause of death in the U.S.?
broccoli, collards, bread, cantaloupe, and lean meats are examples of these kinds of foods
nutrient dense food examples
it can cause low intelligence, poor memory, short attention span, and social passivity.
what impact does malnutrition have on mental development?
the replacement of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron lost when grains are refined.
double blind study
a study in which neither the subjects participating in the research nor the scientists performing the research know which subjects are receiving the treatment and which are getting the placebo.
tissues, organs, and organ systems
cells are the building blocks of what?
the addition of one or more vitamins and/ or minerals to a food product
assesses dietary intake, health, and nutritional status in a sample of adults and children in the united states on a continual basis.
less brain function, do worse on tests
what are the effects of skipping breakfast?
many people believe what they want to hear, people tend to believe what they see in print, promotional materials are made to sound scientific and true
what are some reasons for why people buy fraudulent nutrition products?
nutrient dense foods
foods that contain relatively high amounts of nutrients compared to their calorie value.
where can you find phytochemicals in?
by replacing two unhealthy types of food with two healthy types of food (ex: replace a donut with a bagel, replace cookies with a granola bar)
what is a good strategy for eating healthy?
cholesterol, creatine, and glucose
what are some examples of nonessential nutrients?
heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension
what are some diet related diseases?
essential nutrients
substances required for normal growth and health that the body cannot generally produce, or produce in sufficient amounts; they must be obtained in the diet.
women who are pregnant, infants, the elderly, those recovering from an illness.
what are some groups of people that are at higher risk of becoming inadequately nourished and have a greater need for nutrients than others?
what is an uncontrollable factor of obtaining diseases related to diet?
longer reaction times, impaired reading skills, increased absenteeism from school, and higher dropout rates
what are some effects of excessive exposure to lead?
Japan (81.5)
what is the country with the highest life expectancy?
whole wheat flour, spaghetti noodles, rice, white bread
what are some examples of enriched foods?
coca cola is an example of what?
example of a less nutrient dense food
protein, carbohydrates, fat
what are some energy rich nutrients?
national health and nutrition examination survey
what does NHANES stand for?
registered dietitians
who are qualified nutrition experts?
nutrition bars, powerade, cereal, orange juice, butter
what are some examples of fortified foods?
recommended dietary allowances (RDAs)
these are levels of essential nutrient intake judged to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy persons while decreasing the risk of certain chronic diseases.
a phytochemical called anthocyanins
what give blueberries their characteristic blue color?

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