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Japans 601


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zokushutsu (続出)
successive/frequent occurrence; a succession of [-> 続発]
zonmei suru (存命する)
to be living, to be alive
zokusuru (属す[る])
to belong to, to come under, to fall under, to be subject to
zōhon (造本)
zokuseken (俗世間)
secular society, the world
zōheikyoku (造幣局)
a mint, the Mint Bureau
zokushō (俗称)
a popular/familiar name; a common/vernacular name
zōgezaiku (象牙細工)
ivory work
zokusetsu (俗説)
a common saying, a popular view
zokuuke ga suru (俗受けがする)
to appeal to the popular taste, to be popular
zokuron (俗論)
conventional views, a popular opinion
zōhan suru (造反する)
to make rebellion, to rebel [against the Establishment]
zōka (増加)
increase, addition, augmentation
zokuji ni owareru (俗事に追われる)
to be busy with routine work
zōhatsu suru (増発する)
to issue [additional notes]; to run a special train
zokuuke (俗受け)
zokujin (俗人)
a layman, [Collectively] the laity
zotto saseru (ぞっとさせる)
to make a person's blood run cold, to make a person shudder, to curdle a person's blood
zokumei (俗名)
a common name, a popular name
zokuji (俗事)
everyday business, worldly affairs, mundane affairs
zōfu (臓腑)
entrails, intestines
zōeizai (造影剤)
a contrast medium
zōka suru (増加する)
to increase, to augment, to multiply, to grow
zōgen suru (増減する)
to increase or decrease, to vary, to rise and fall
zonzaini (ぞんざいに)
roughly, slovenly, carelessly
zōchō suru (増長する)
to grow presumptuous, to be puffed up
zōdai suru (増大する)
to enlarge, to increase
zōgo (造語)
a coined word, a coinage
zonbun ni (存分に)
without reserve, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content
zōin suru (増員する)
to increase the staff/personnel
zōfuku suru (増幅する)
to amplify
zotto suru (ぞっとする)
to shudder, to shiver, to thrill, to feel a thrill, to be horrified; thrilling, gruesome, bloodcurdling
zōho suru (増補する)
to enlarge, to supplement
zorozoro (ぞろぞろ)
in succession, in great numbers
zōfukuki (増幅器)
an amplifier
zokusei (属性)
an attribute
zōhatsu (増発)
an increased issue; operation of an extra train
zōhan (造反)
making rebellion, anti-Establishment
zokuzoku suru (ぞくぞくする)
to feel a chill, to shiver; to thrill, to feel a thrill, to be thrilled
zokuryū (俗流)
the common run of men
zōenka (造園家)
a landscape gardener
zokuppoi (俗っぽい)
common, vulgar
zonmeichū (存命中)
while in life, in life, in one's lifetime
zōho (増補)
an enlargement, a supplement
zōen (増援)
zōbutsushu (造物主)
the Creator, the Maker
zōgaku suru (増額する)
to increase, to raise [a person's salary to]
zokushūfunpuntaru (俗臭紛々たる)
extremely vulgar
zōgan shita (象眼した)
zōgeshitsu (象牙質)
[歯の] dentine
zōhei suru (増兵する)
to reinforce the troops
zōge no (象牙の)
zōhibyō (象皮病)
zōgan suru (象眼する)
to inlay [a thing with gold]
kaitei zōhoban (改訂増補版)
a revised and enlarged edition
zokushū (俗習)
a convention, a (popular) custom, a vulgar practice
zorozoro tōru (ぞろぞろ通る)
to pass in stream
zonzaina (ぞんざいな)
impolite, rude; careless, negligent; slovenly, rough, sloppy
zōhansha (造反者)
a rebel
zokushū (俗臭)
low taste, vulgarity, worldly-mindedness
zokumyō (俗名)
[僧の] one's name as a layman, a secular name
zō (象)
an elephant
zōka (造化)
creation, nature
zōhei (造幣)
zōen suru (増援する)
to reinforce
zōchiku (増築)
extension of a building, enlargement of a building, an annex
zōgaku (増額)
an increase
zokuke (俗気)
worldliness, vulgarity
zōhon ga yoi (造本が良い)
to be well bound
zōfuku (増幅)
zokuzoku to (続々と)
in (rapid) succession, successively, one after another
zōei suru (造営する)
to build, to construct, to erect
zōge no tō (象牙の塔)
an ivory tower
zōka (造花)
an artificial flower
zōchiku suru (増築する)
to extend/enlarge a building
zōka no kami (造化の神)
the Creator
zōhoban (増補版)
an enlarged edition
zōgan (象眼)
inlaid work
zōbin (増便)
an increase in the number of flights
zokumei (属名)
a generic name
zōka (贈花)
a floral gift/tribute
zō (像)
an image, a figure, a statue, a portrait, a picture
zōhai (増配)
an increased dividend, an increased ration
zokuryō (属領)
a possession, a dominion
zōen (造園)
landscape gardening

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