random redos
undefined, object
copy deck
- Conservation
preschoolers dont understand, *the knowledge that quantity is unrelated to the arrangement and physical appearance of objects
preschoolers in which one state is changed into another bc they ignore intermediate steps - Centration
- *the process of concentrating on one thing and ignoring all others, major characteristic of preoperational, and major limitation of period bc it leads to inaccuracy of thought
- Until 3+ years, children have problems understanding the relationship bw pictures, maps or scale models and the objects they represent
- -explained by the dual representation hypothesis, its hard bc it requires a child to mentally represent both the symbol and the thing it stands for at the same time (preoperational)*
- Animism
- Life and conscienceness to physical objects
- Categorization
- By age 4, children are able to classify according to criteria (ex. color and shape)
- Artificialism
- -Assuming that environmental events are human inventions, "Everything was made."
- Preoperational thinking
-Stability and great change
Preschoolers ages 2-7; symbolized by symbolic thinking
-mental reasoning and use of concepts increases
**Symbolic Function -
Class Inclusion
preoperational - -Not being able to keep 2 categories/classifications at the same time, for example, "the dogs and cats"-they say there are dogs instead of saying its an animal
Symbolic Function
preoperational -
-the ability to use symbols or mental representations, numbers, or images to which a person has attached meaning
-Most evident in pretend play wherein children make an object stand for or symbolize somthing else - Symbolic Function
-Language allows preschoolers to represent actions symbolically permitting much greater speed
-Language can be used to consider several possibilities at the same time
-Addressing the question if thought determines language or if language determines thought; is directly related to language acquisition - Elizabeth Loftus
- *did experiments on susceptibility to college students- Bugs Bunny at Disney world
- Info Processing Approach
-cognitive development consists of gradual improvements in the way people perveive, understand, and remember info
-greater sophistication, longer attention spans - Autobiographical Memory
*memory of a particular event from ones life; not very accurate until after 3
-fade and susceptible to suggestion - By age 3 or 4, children haev words for comparing quantities ("bigger")
- Preoperational thinking
- By age 4, most are able to carry out simple addition and subtraction problems by counting
- Information Processing Approaches
- Preschoolers have difficulty describing certain information and oversimplify recollections
- Information Processing
- Egocentrism
- *the inability to take others' perspectives; HALLMARK OF PREOPERATIONAL THINKING, 2 forms- lack of awareness that others see things from different physical perspectives and failure to realize that others hold thoughts, etc. different from ones own