medical termimology
undefined, object
copy deck
- aden/o
- gland
- append/o, appendic/o
- appendix
- arteri/o
- artery
- arthr/o
- joint
- bi/o
- living thing, life
- cardi/o
- heart, upper part of stomach
- col/o, colon/o
- large intestine, colon
- crani/o
- skull
- cyst/o
- sac of fluid, bladder
- cyt/o
- cell
- derm/o, dermat/o
- skin
- duct/o
- carry
- enter/o
- small intestine
- gastr/o
- stomach
- gen/o
- giving rise to, creating
- gloss/o
- tongue
- glyc/o
- sugar
- hem/o, hemat/o
- blood
- hepat/o
- liver
- hist/o
- tissue
- hydr/o
- water, fluid
- leuk/o
- white
- lith/o
- stone
- muc/o
- mucus
- my/o
- muscle
- myel/o
- bone marrow, spinal cord
- neur/o
- nerve
- norm/o
- proper, rule
- oste/o
- bone
- path/o
- disease
- ped/o
- shild, infant, foot
- pulmon/o
- lung
- ren/o
- kidney
- secti/o
- cut into
- splen/o
- spleen
- tens/o
- pressure
- the/o
- put
- therm/o
- heat
- thorac/o
- chest
- thromb/o
- clot
- ven/o
- vein
- acr/o
- extremity, tip
- a/, an/
- without, absent
- ab/
- away from
- ac/
- toward, near
- ad/
- toward, near (same as ac/)
- anti/
- against, opposed
- brady/
- slower than usual
- de/
- lessened, removed
- dia/
- through
- ec/, ex/
- outside, outer
- ecto/, exo/
- outside, outer
- en/, endo/
- within
- intra/
- within
- epi/
- upon, in addition
- hemi/
- half
- hyper/
- increased, above
- hypo/
- decreased, below
- cata/
- negative, down
- in/
- into; not
- infra/
- inferior to, below
- inter/
- between
- macro/
- gross, large
- micro/
- small, tiny
- pan/
- all, every
- para/
- beside, beyond
- per/
- through
- peri/
- around, surrounding
- post/
- after, past
- pre/
- before
- re/
- again, back
- retro/
- behind, back
- sub/
- under, inferior to
- tachy/
- faster than usual
- /algia (noun)
- pain
- /centesis (noun)
- withdrawing fluid
- /cyte (noun)
- cell
- /ectomy (noun)
- removal
- /emia or /hemia (noun)
- throughout the blood
- /grade (adj.)
- go
- /gram (n.)
- picture, record, tracing
- /graph (n.)
- instrument that creates a picture or recording
- /graphy (n.)
- process of creating a picture, record, tracing
- /ia (n.)
- condition
- /ism (n.)
- situation, process, condition
- /ist (n.)
- one who specializes
/itis, /itic
(n.) (adj.) - inflammation
- /ium (n.)
- structure
- /logy (n.)
study of, also used as a
root word-log/o - /megaly (n.)
- enlargement
- /meter (n.)
- distance, measure, instrument to measure
- /opsy (n.)
- look at
- /osis (n.)
- pathologic condition
- /pathy (n.)
- disease process
- /scope (n.)
- instrument to see through or with
- /stasis (n.)
- control, hold in
- /y (n.)
- process of
- /ac (adj.)
- relating to
- /al (adj.)
- relating to
- /ar (adj.)
- relating to
- /ary (adj.)
- relating to
- /eal (adj.)
- relating to
- /iac (adj.)
- relating to
- /ic (adj.)
- relating to
- /ior (adj.)
- relating to
- /oid (adj.)
- like
- /ose (adj.)
- like, relating to (also suffix for chemical name for sugar)
- /ous (adj.)
- relating to
- /tic (adj.)
- relating to
- abdomin/o
- abdomen
- acu/o
- sudden, sharp
- adip/o
- fat tissues
- angi/o
- vessel containing fluid
- acill/o
- armpit
- carcin/o
- cancer of gland tissue
- cerebr/o
- brain
- chem/o
- chemical, drug
- cis/o
- cut
- cost/o
- rib
- electr/o
- electrical activity
- gynec/o
- female
- iatr/o
- treatment
- klept/o
- steal
- laryng/o
- voicebox, larynx
- mandibul/o
- lower jaw
- maxill/o
- upper jaw
- nat/o
- birth, born
- nect/o
- bind
- ox/o
- oxygen
- sarc/o
- nongland tissue, flesh
- son/o
- sound, ultrasound
- vit/o
- living, alive
- auto/
- self
- bi/
- two
- con/
- with
- contra/
- opposite, against
- meta/
- change, beyond
- poly/
- many
- syn/
- together with
- sym/
- together with
- trans/
- across
- ultra/
- beyond, higher than
- /blast (n.)
- undifferentiated, original
- /drome (n.)
- run
- /fusion (n.)
- pour, bond
- /genesis (n.)
- creating
- /malacia (n.)
- softening
/mania, /manic
(n.) (adj.) - excessive preoccupation or obsession
- /oma (n.)
- tumor, mass
- /partum (n.)
- labor, delivery
- /penia (n.)
- lack of, decrease, poor
- /plasty (n.)
- restore by surgery
- /stoma (n.)
- body opening (to the outside)
- /stomy (n.)
- surgically created body opening
- /therapy (n.)
- treatment
- /tome (n.)
- cutting instrument
- /tomy (n.)
- cut into or slice
- /trophy (n.)
- growth, development by size or nourishment
- /trophic (adj.)
- relating to growth, development
- bronch/o
- airway tubes in lung
- cephal/o
- head
- cervic/o
- neck
- chondr/o
- cartilage
- crin/o
- to separate from blood, secrete
- cutane/o
- skin surface
- dactyl/o
- digits, fingers, toes
- eosin/o
- rose colored
- erythr/o
- red
- furc/o
- branch, fork
- gnos/o
- knowledge, understanding
- lapar/o
- abdomen
- lymph/o
- watery fluid
- morph/o
- form, structure
- mort/o
- death
- necr/o
- dead
- nephr/o
- kidney
- ophthalm/o
- eye
- ot/o
- ear
- phag/o, /phage
- eat, swallow, engulf
- phob/o
- fear
- physi/o
- nature, natural
- plasm/o
- development, growth
- pneum/o
- air, gas, lung air sacs
- psych/o
- mind
- radi/o
- rays or waves, x-ray, radius, forearm
- rect/o
- upright, rectum
- rhin/o
- nose
- seps/o, sept/i
- infection, bacteria
- thyr/o
- shield, thyroid
- tom/o
- cut, slice or a hole
- tonsill/o
- tonsils
- top/o
- location
- tox/o
- poison, damaging
- trache/o
- windpipe
- vertebr/o
- back bones
- ana/
- positive, up
- ante/
- before
- dys/
- bad, labored
- eu/
- normal, even, good
- mal/
- bad, abnormal
- meso/
- middle
- pro/
- before
- pseudo/
- false
- semi/
- half
- supra/, super/
- above, superior to
- /cele (n.)
- sac protruding, hernia
- /crine (adj.)
- secrete
- /cyesis (n.)
- pregnancy
- /dynia (n.)
- pain
/lysis, /lytic
(n.) (adj.) - break down or apart, dissolve
- /pexy (n.)
- affix, attach into place
- /phobia (n.)
- fear
- /phoria (n.)
- bear
- /physis (n.)
- grow
- /plasia (n.)
- growth, development
- /pnea (n.)
- breathing
- /poiesis (n.)
- formation
- /ptosis (n.)
- drooped, slipped down
- /rrhea (n.)
- flow
/sclerosis, /sclerotic
(n.) (adj.) - hardening