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Posttest 6
Question 1
DSM IV includes a discussion of the differences between GAD and nonpathological anxiety. One difference is that, especially in adults, GAD is accompanied by physical symptoms. In addition, a person with GAD:
a. feels
d. finds it difficult to control his or her worrying.
EPPP Posttest 6
Question 3 - I/O
In terms of incremental validity, which of the following siutations most supports the use of a new predictor:
a. moderate base rate with many applicants and few job openings
b. low base rate with many
a. moderate base rate with many applicants and few job openings
EPPP Posttest 6
Question 4
To test the spatial perception of a two month old infant, a researcher compares the infant's heart rate as he is being lowered over the shallow and deep sides of the visual cliff. Most likely, theis researcher will fi
c. the infant exhibits greater interest ( a slwoer heart rate) when over the deep side
Posttest #6
Question 5
A person with anosgognosia will
a. be unable to recognzie parts of her own body
b. unable to recognize familiar faces
c. deny the paralysis in her left leg
d. report an area of blindness in her left vi
c. deny the paralysis in her left leg
Posttest 6
Question 6
Primacy in the context of the serial position effect:
a. is due to transfer of information from short to long term memory
b. is due to interference that prohibits transfer from short to long term memory
c. i
a. is due to transfer of information from short to long term memory
Posttest 6
Question 10
The Buckley Amendment
a. establishes the right of the school psychologist to determine who should have access to information included in school records
b. establishes the right of parents to inspect the school r
b. establishes the right of parents to inspect the school records of their children
Posttest 6
Question 11
Which of the following are required by DSM-IV for a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder:
a. a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others that began prior to age 15 plus a curren
d. a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others since age 15, a history of Conduct Disorder symptoms prior to age 15, plus a current age of 18 or older
Posttest 6
Question 12
When using Atkinson, Morten and Sue's (1993) racial/cultural identity develpment model, a person's stage of identity develpment is determined by:
a. identifying his/her degree of acceptance of the minority and majori
c. assessing his/her attitudes toward the minority and majority cultures
Posttest 6
Question 13
A transformational leader defines a goal to employees in a way that imbues the goal with meaning and purpose. This is referred to as:
a. priming
b. escalating commitment
c. framing
d. positioning
c. framing
Posttest 6
Question 14
According to Kohlberg's cognitive theory, gender identity development involves three stages that occur in the following order:
a. stability, constancy, identity
b. constancy, stability, identity
c. identity
d. identitty, stability, constancy

I See Clearly!!!
Posttest 6
22. Research on Helm's white racial identity development model has shown that white therapists are most effective in cross-cultural counseling situations when they are in which stage of identity development:
a. the stage that matches
d. the autonomy stage.
Posttest 6
25. Vinny Vibrissa is unable to recognzie familiar objects by touch. This is most likely due to damage to his:
a. prefrontal cortex
b. mesencephaon
c. temporal lobe
d. parietal lobe
d. parietal lobe
Posttest 6
26. Inspection of an examinee's K-corrected MMPI-2 profile reveals that she obtained a T score of 65 or above on the majority of the clinical scales. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this profile:
a. the exam
a. the examinee has randomly selectred true and false responses
Posttest 6
27. YOu conduct an item analysis of the items you plan to include in anew test of computer knowlege. YOu obtain a p-value of .85 for item #47. This indicates that this item:
a. is difficult
b. is easy
c. has poor dicriminat
b. is easy
Posttest 6
28.Dr. Looby receive a letter from the Ethics Committee stating that the Committee has received a complaint from a current client who is concerned about Dr. Looby's office staff and procedures. The client has found two members of the staf
d. respond to the Committee in writing.
Posttest 6
29. A 68 year old woman is having problems retaining new information (although she denies any trouble with her memory), has become uncharacteristically irritable, and isn't interested in her usual activities. A PET scan is negative and in
c. AD
Posttest 6
30. According to Troiden (1988), homosexual identity development involves which of the following stages:
a. confustion, comparison, acceptance, synthesis
b. sensitization, confusion, assumption, integration
c. dissonance, i
b. sensitization, confusion, assumption, integration

So Clearly Am I gay...
Posttest 6
32. Research by Gerald Patterson, John Reid, and their colleages at the Oregon Social Learning Center ahs found that the likelihood that parental punishment will increase a child's aggressive behavior is greatest when the child is:
a. high in aggressiveness
Posttest 6
34. You are hired by a university to teach a graduate seminar in the psychology department. In terms of the Ethics Code, you are explicity required to do which of the following:
a. ensure that the course content reflecs the most rece
b. ensure that accurate inforation about the seminar is available to all interested parties
Posttest 6
37.The best conclusion that can be drawn about biodata as a selection technique is that:
a. it is the best predictor of organizational behavior for entry level managers, middle level managers, and nonmanagers
b. it is a very goo
b. it is a very good precitor of some aspects of organizational behavior, but additional research is needed to clarify which aspects it is best for predicting
Posttest 6
39. In AD neuron loss ocurs throught the brain. However, the greatest loss is in which of the following areas:
a. medial temporal lobe
b. anterior parietal lobe
c. medial occiptital lobe
d. posterior frontal lobe
a. medial temporal lobe

You hope it is TEMPORARY
Posttest 6
40. You recieve a court order requesting that you provide information abouta 17 year old client who is currently the defendant in a court case. YOu discuss the request with the client but he refuses to sign a waiver of confidentiality. Yo
d. provide the court with the requested information
Posttest 6
43. In the contexgt of Holland's theory of vocational choice, a high degree of differentiation:
a. reflects an uncommon or unusual pattern of interests
b. refelects a common pattern of interests
c. increases the predictabil
c. increases the predictability of the person-environoment interaction
Posttest 6
45. The beneficial effects of a phenothizanie would most likely be apparent first for which of the following symptoms:
a. hallucinations
b. social withdrawal
c. anergia
d. thought disorder
a. hallucinations
Posttest 6
46. A person with Korsakoff's syndrome will:
a show greater decrements in implicit memory than explicit memory
b. show greater decrements in explicit than implicit memory
c. show a simliar degree of impairment in implicit a
b. show greater decrements in explicit than implicit memory
Posttest 6
47. In her discussion of African American middle class families, Boyd Franklin (1989) notes that in terms of family roles, these families tend to be:
a Patriarchal
b. matriarchal
c. egaliatarian
d. linear
c. egaliatarian
Posttest 6
50. To reduce the symptoms of tradive dyskinesia, which of the following would be most effective:
a. a drug that decreases dopamine levels
b. a drug that increases norepinephrine levels
c. a drug that decreases GABA levels<
a. a drug that decreases dopamine levels
A diagnosis of Male Erectile Disorder requires:
a. a loss of or decrease in the ability to attain an erection
b. an inability to attain an erection in any cirumstance
c. an inability to attain or maintain an erectuon until compl
c. an inability to attain or maintain an erectuon until completion of sexual activity.
Research on cigarette smoking has found that:
a. only 50% of self quitters remain abstinent for two or more days following an attempt to quit
b. the nicotine patch and other forms of nicotine replacement therapy are beficial only for
c. on the average, men and women gain 6 and 8 pounds, repsectively, after they stop smoking
A person with post-traumatic amnesis will show greater impairment in:
a. verbal memory
b. spatial memory
c. sensory memory
d. implicit memory
a. verbal memory
The duration of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA):
a. is unrelated to the severity of the injury
b. is useful as an indicator of severity only when combined with the degree of retrograde amnesia
c. is less accurate as an indicator of
d. is more accurate as an indicator of severity than the degree of retrograde amnesia
The left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is dominant for speech and language functions:
a. for most left handers but few right handers
b. for nearly all left-handers and many right-handers
c. for nearly all right handers and th
c. for nearly all right handers and the majority of left handers
A brief period of electrical stimulation of the hippocampus enhances nerve cell electrical activity in that area of the brain for minutes to hours. This is referred to as:
a. graded otentiation
b. hyperpolarization
c. absolute re
d. long term potentiation
Which of the following would be a cause of conductive deafness:
a. infection of the middle ear
b. damage to the hair cells
c. cochlear damage
d. lesions in the auditory cortex
a. infection of the middle ear
Brain lateralization begins to develop by:
a. the first year of life
b. the second year of life
c. the third year of life
d. the age of 5
a. the first year of life
Research on attraction suggests that we are most likely to join a gropu when members are:
a. similar in terms of attitude and ability
b. dissimilar in terms of attitudes and ability
c. similar in terms of attitude but diverse in
a. similar in terms of attitude and ability
"Group polarization" occurs when
a. group members are slit in their solution to a problem
b. group members make riskier decisions as a group than they would have as individuals
c. group members make more extreme decisio
c. group members make more extreme decisions (riskier or conservative) as a group than they would have as individuals
A woman who suffers from recurrent migrains shoudl be advised to:
a. take an assertivness training class
b. determine if certain foods precede her headaches
c. avoid becoming chilled
d. perform relaxation exercises immediate
b. determine if certain foods precede her headaches
IF an adult takens phenobarbital every night for six weeks and then abruptly stops taking the drug, what will be the most likely result:
a. she will not experince any change in REM slee
b. she will experience an increase in REM sleep<
b. she will experience an increase in REM sleep
Research investiagating the impact of maternal employment on parent-child interactions has shown that mothers who are employed full-tim
a. describe their sons and daughters more favorably than mothers who are unemployed
b. describe th
d. describe only their daughters more positively than mothers who are unemployed
The venom of the black widow spider is believed to cause violent and uncontrollable muscle contractions by affecting the activity of which of the following neurotransmitters:
a. acetylcholine
b. norepinephrine
c. enkephalin
a. acetylcholine
Which of the following orders from least decline to most decline) best represents the changes in WAIS subtest scores that can be expected to occur with increasing age:
a. information, object assembly, arithmetic
b. coding, picture com
c. information, vocabulary, object assembly
The results of a longitudinal study designed to assess the relationship between age and intelligence is most likely to find that:
a. general IQ begins to decline in the early 20s
b. crystallized intelligence shows more decrements than
c. measures of reasoning and word fluency begin to show declines in scores ooner than measures of verbal meaning and number
A child in the preoperational stage of development
a. carefully follows the rules when playing a game
b. vies death as a bogeyman that can be outwitted
c. thinks objects disappear when they have been hidden from view
d. tre
d. treats objects as symbols of things (e.g., dolls as babies)
Which of the following is NOT true about Tourette's Disorder?
a. symptoms are likely to be lifelong
b. treatment often involves the administation of neuroleptics
c. symptoms cannot be voluntarily suppressed
d. symptoms tend
c. symptoms cannot be voluntarily suppressed
To maximize the usefulness or propts to faciliate the development of stimulus control, you would do all of the folloiwng except:
a. make sure prompts focus attention on the discriminative stimulus
b. use the weakest or least intrusiv
d. make sure the prompts involve keeping the discriminative stimulus constant while changing the nature of the S delta stimulus
In distinguisghing Social Phobia from Agoraphobia, it is important to keep in ind that:
a. the presence of panic attacks is more indicative of Agoraphobia than Docial Phobia
b. Agoraphobia involves anxiety in multiple social settings
c. a diagnosis of Social Phobia in adults is made only when the individual is aware that his/her anxiety is unreasonable
The need for physical guidance with possible resultant negative consequences (e.g., aggressive or avoidance bheaiors =) is addociated with which of the following:
a. aversive counterconditioning
b. negative practice
c. response
d. overcorrection
Research examining the roles of raters' expectations on their ratings ahs found that when ratees are equal in actual level of perfomrance:
a. raters assign lower ratings to ratees who perform worse than they expected than to ratees whose
c. raters assign lower ratings to ratees who perform worse or better than they expected than to ratees whose performance matches their expectations
Research on job satisfaction suggests that if:
a. is a relatively stable trait ans is minimally affected by job changes
b. is relatively stable within the same job but unstable when measured across different jobs
c. is relativel
a. is a relatively stable trait ans is minimally affected by job changes
During the first few sessions with a male client, you learn that he ahs trouble maintaining frienships and is disturbed by this since he doesn't like being alone, has frequent mood shifts, gets very angry about even minor irritations, isn't su
a. Borderline
A psychologist who views learning as the result of operant conditions would likely attribute the acquisition of complex behaviors to which of the following:
a. chaining
b. stimulus control
c. higher order conditioning
d. st
a. chaining
A behavioral therapist is using positive reinforcement to increase a desired behavior. AFter the behavior is well-established, the psychologist switches from a continuous schedule of reinforcement to an intermittent one. This technique is refe
a. thinning
A woman and her husband, who have been married for 2 years, come for marital therapy. The woman complains about her husband's lack of interest in family acitivites and in their 9 month old child, his lack of affection towards her, and his lack
b. schizoid
Tom, a 35 year old TV repairment, becomes extremely upset whenever his boss and co-workers say something unfavorable about his work and is very uncomfortable whenever he feels he is being watched at work. He reports having oly one close friend
c. Avoidant
Schizophrenia is typicaly charactierized by profound distrubances in thinking, affect perception, and psychomotor behavior. it is generally believed that a poor prognosis for shcizophrenia is associated with all of the following except:
b. acute onset of symptoms
When conducting research with human subects, a psycholoist should be aware that:
a. subjects must be debriefed promply after their participation in the study
b. subjects must be debriefed after their participation in a study only whe
c. subjects must be debriefed promptly if possible or if necessary to dealy the debriefing, psychologists must reduced the risk for harm
You are a psychodynamic psychotherapist and are seeing a client who has several problems. One of these problems has been found to respond best to a behaviorl technique. You should:
a. seek supervision when applying the technique
b. t
c. make a referral to a behavioral therapist
The goals of Gestalt therapy include helping the client recognize and satisfy needs and accept polarities that exist within his/her personality. A psychologist using a Gestalt approach would consider the key to achieving these goals to be whic
b. awareness
When conducting a research study, you want to ensure that you will detect a difference between the treatment group and the control (no treatment) group. Therefore, you will
a. decrease error variance by decreasing the magnitude of the IV<
c. increase experimental variance by increasing the mangitude of the IV
Dr. Hire, a psychologist who heads the personnel committee at a mental health facility, recommends that a spcyhologist who has an unresolved charge of sexual harassment against him not be considered for a promotion. In terms of teh guidelines
c. has acted unethically by violating the explicit requirement of the Code that psychologists not deny promotion on the basis of pending SH charges
Use of the Kuder Richardson Formula 20
a. is appropriate for assessing the reliability of speeded tests
b. is inappropriate for assessing the reliability of speeded tests because it produces a spuriously high reliability coefficient<
b. is inappropriate for assessing the reliability of speeded tests because it produces a spuriously high reliability coefficient
When working with elderly clients, it is important to remember that
a. psychotherapy, especially insight-oriented therapy is generally ineffective
b. there is greater variability among older people than younger people on a range of c
b. there is greater variability among older people than younger people on a range of characteristics
In terms of DSMIV the NOS categorization is appropariate in all of the following situations ecept:
a. symptoms are below the diagnostic threshold for a specific disorder
b. there is uncertainty as to whether the disorder is due toa G
c. the available information is adequate only for a "working diagnosis"
Whenever a mother yells at her child when he is whining, the boy stops for a short period. Over time, the mother notices that she's having to yell at her son more and more often to keep the boy from whining. The boy is controlling his mom's be
b. negative reinforcement
A test is administered to 200 examinees and the distribution of raw scores is normal. If the examinee's raw scores are converted to percentile ranks the number of examinees who obtain percentile ranks between 91 and 95 will be:
a. equal t
a. equal to the number of examinees who obtain percentil ranks between 51 and 55
A research psychologist designs a study that involves hospitalized schizophrenic patients. Before beginning the study, he obtains signed informed consents from the patietns' legal guardians. The psychologist has acted:
a. unethically sinc
c. ethically as long as he has also obtained permission from the pts
As the standard deviation of the criterion scores increases:
a. the standard error of the measurement increases
b. the standard error of measurement decreases
c. the standard error of estimate increases
d. the standard erro
c. the standard error of estimate increases
The Zeigarnik effect is most likely to occur
a. under stressful conditions
b. under nonstressful conditions
c. in familiar circumstances
d. in unfamiliar circumstances
b. under nonstressful conditions
Research on goal setting theory suggest that monetary incentives
a. are irrlevant to goal achievement as long as the goals have been accepted by employees
b. are irrelvant to goal achievement as long as the goals have been self-set b
d. have a positive effect whether or not employees have been involved in goal setting
Research on shiftwork sugggests that:
a. all tasks, regardless of complexity, are performed more efficiently and accurately on the day shift
b. simple monotonous tasks are ordinarily performed equally well on day or night shifts
c. complex mental tasks involving short term meomorymay be performed better on night shifts than on day shifts
The predictions of goal-setting theory appear to be most accurate for:
a. easy tasks and people high in need for achievement
b. easy tasks and people low in need for achievement
c. complex tasks and people high in need for achi
a. easy tasks and people high in need for achievement
Change through therapy is accompanied by stress and the therapeutic system must be capable of dealing with it. This statement was made by:
a. Glasser
b. Bowen
c. Adler
d. Minuchin
d. Minuchin
When assessing the reliability and validity of a job selection test, your sample includes current employees who are all doing fairly well on the job. The nature of your sample will most likely have which of the following effects:
a. it wi
b. it will deflate the relaiability and validity
An assumption for a one way ANOVA is violated. The best course of action would be to use which of the following to analyxe the date:
a. Mann Whitney
b. Vilcoxon
c. Kruskal Wallis
d. Scheffe
c. Kruskal Wallis
A young man is found guilty of driving while intoxicated and is required by the court to receive in-patient treatment at an alcohol rehabilitation center. As a therapist working at the rhabilitation center, ou should be aware that:
a. it
d. it is necessary to have the man sign a release of infromation before releasing any information to the court
A psychologist conducts a custody evaluation for a divorce proceeding.
In terms of making a specific recommedation about custoyd, the psycholgist should:
a. avoid making a recommendation and instead leve the final decision to the co
d. make a rec only if it based on adquate psych data and consideration of the best interest of the child
With regard to the DSM, the term polythetic refers to
a. the fact that an individual can exhibit only a suset of the diagnostic criteria for a disorder to be assigned that diagnosis
b. the fact that disorders are characterized by both
a. the fact that an individual can exhibit only a suset of the diagnostic criteria for a disorder to be assigned that diagnosis
Piaget's concrete operational stage of development is characterstic of children aged:
a. 2-7
b. 5-8
c. 7-11
d 10-15
c. 7-11
A listerner who is processing a persuasive message peripherally (using the peripheral rout) is most likely to be persuaded by the message if she is
a. bored
b. in a good moood
c. in a bad mood
d. emotionally unstable
b. in a good moood
To assess the effectiveness of differential reinforcement for alleviating a child's bad habits (nail biting, thumb sucking, hair pulling, pencil chewing) the best research design would be which of the following:
a time series
b. Solom
b. Solomon four group
Dr. D. Centt is conducting a study to investigate the effectiveness of a brief behavioral treatment for reducing self-mutilation in young women. The treatment involves 20 hourly sessions that will be administered once a week for 20 weeks. Dr. C
c. ddiscontinue the study and offer the treatment to the women in the control group immediately
Childhood-onsent OCD:
a. is about equally common in boys and girls
b. is four times more common in girls than boys
c. is two times more common in girls than boys
d. is more common in boys than girls
d. is more common in boys than girls
The DSM IV TR diagnosis of Transient Tic Disorder requires all of the following except:
a. the presence of one or more motor and/or vocal tics
b. a duration of symptoms for no more than six consecutive months
c. an onset of sympt
b. a duration of symptoms for no more than six consecutive months
Statistics released by the CDC in the last several years consistently indicate that among African American males, those aged 25 to 44 are at highest risk for suicide. However, the most recent statistics, which report data in terms of more prece
b. 20-24
Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development differ from Piaget's theory in terms of their:
a. emphasis on info processing
b. emphasis on the role of social influences
c. rejection of a stage model of development
d. rejec
a. emphasis on info processing
Vygotsky's approach to cognitive develpment has had the greatest influence on which of the following:
a. the reciprocal teaching method
b. the teaching for understanding method
c. the use of computer adaptive instruction for chil
a. the reciprocal teaching method
In the last 3 decades:
a. the infant mortaility rate has declined but the proportion of infant deaths caused by congenital malformations has increased
b. the infant mortaility rate and the proprotion of infant deaths caused by congent
a. the infant mortaility rate has declined but the proportion of infant deaths caused by congenital malformations has increased
L-Dopa acts as a:
a. dopamine agonist
b. dopamine antagonist
c. dopamine neurotoxin
d. dopamine metabolite
a. dopamine agonist
Group decisions tend to be better than decisions made by individuals when
a. the task requires a high degree of creativity
b. the group is highly cohesive
c. the group consists of members with complementary expertise
d. the
c. the group consists of members with complementary expertise
A friend of yours says, "Every time I plan aa picnic with my family, it rains." Assuming this is not really true, your friend's statement best illustrates which of the following:
a. self-fulfilling prophecy effect
b. illusor
b. illusory correlation
Berscheid's (1983) emotion-in-relationship model proposes that strong positive emotions are more likely to be elicited in the initial stages of a relationship than in later stages because:
a. in the early stages, the partners have limited
b. in the early stages, each partner is more likely to do something that is both positive and unexpected
Obtaining research subjects for a study on the sexual practices of single young adults from computer dating services, singles clubs and activities for singles sponsored by a variety of organizations would help increase
a. statistical power
d. external validity
A memory in sensory memory:
a. has been converted to an iconic form
b. has been converted to an echoic form
c. is in the form of the original stimulus
d. is in the form of a memory trace
c. is in the form of the original stimulus
Erikson proposed that an adolescent who doesn's successfully resolve the psychosocial conflect of identity versus identity confusion due to uncertainty about his/her sexual identity is liekly to exhibit which of the following maladaptive respon
d. repudiation
As described by Piaget, a child in the autonomous stage of moreal development believes that:
a. rule violations will be punished
b. rules can be changed by consensus
c. rules can be changed by authorities only
d. rules are m
b. rules can be changed by consensus
A person with damage to the cerebellum is most likly to experience
a. acute pain
b. an inability to control body temperature
c. a loss of coordination
d. changes in the sleep/wake cycle
c. a loss of coordination
The complete loss of color vision resulting from a lack of functioning cone cells is referred to as:
a. color agnosia
b. akinetopsia
c. prosopagnosia
d. achromatopsia
d. achromatopsia
Recent research on visual imagery has linked it to which of the following structurs of the brain:
a. putamen
b. hippocampus
c. reticular formation
d. basal ganglia
b. hippocampus
Which of the following best describes the impact of pay on motivation from the perspective of equity theory:
a. pay is important only to the extent that it helps satisfy the employee's most prepotent need
b. an employees's perception
b. an employees's perception about the fairness of pay is more important than the absolute amount of pay
According to Donal Super, carer maturity reers to:
a. the final stage of career development
b. the ability to accomplish the tasks of each stage of career development
c. the ability to make relistic career choice
d. th acqui
b. the ability to accomplish the tasks of each stage of career development
Recent research on the effects of normal aging on WAIS III scores indicates that:
a. Verbal IQ begins to decline in the mid 40s
b. Perfromance IQ begins to decline in the mid 20s
c. verbal and performance IQ begin to show signifi
b. Perfromance IQ begins to decline in the mid 20s
PKE is an inheirited disorder that can cause MR in
a. only in individuals who are homozygous for the condition
b. only in persons who are heterozygous for the condition
c. in individuals who are either homozygous or heterozygous
a. only in individuals who are homozygous for the condition
Research conducted by Mamie and Kenneth Clark in the 40s led to their conclusion that
a. for young black children, recognition of thier race is linked to low self esteem
b. distrust of whites by adolescent and adult blacks is a helat
a. for young black children, recognition of thier race is linked to low self esteem
Damage to the postcentral gyrus is most likely to impair which of the following:
a. sense of touch
b. motor coordination
c. vision
d. executive cogntivie functions
a. sense of touch
In terms of drug use a person is exhibiting habituation when he/she:
a. has developed physical dependence on the drug
b. requires higher and higher doses of the drug to achieve the same effects
c. has a desire to continue using t
c. has a desire to continue using the drug with little or no desire to increase the amount of the drug
Hippocampus is to explicit memory as what is to implicit memory:
a septum
b. thalamus
c. medulla
d. cerebellum
d. cerebellum
As described by Krumboltz (1996) career counseling involves
a. assessing the individual's self-concept and then identifying careers that match his/her self-concept
b. helping the individual trnsition from the anticipation/preoccupatio
c. instilling an attitude of self-development in the individual so that he/she can adapt to changing work rquirments in the future
A new selction test is apparently having an adverse impact on females To determine if the adverse impact is being caused by unfairness you would check
a. the predicture socres obtained by males and females
b. the slopes of the regress
a. the predicture socres obtained by males and females
OCD and OCPD share which of the following symptoms:
a. prominent obsessions
b. repetitive rituals
c. risk aversion
d. emotional rigidity
b. repetitive rituals
Anxiety sensitivity consists of 3 factors - physical concerns, psychological conserns, and social concerns. Research compairing males and females on these factors ahs found that:
a. males score higher than females on all three factors
d. females score higher on physicla conerns while males score higher on psychological and social concerns
The suicide rates for white males are higher than those for Native American males for all age groups except for males between the ages of
a. 10-19
b. 20-29
c. 40-49
d. 60-69
a. 10-19
An elderly man has a stroke involving the middle cerebral artery. His symptoms will likely include:
a. memory impairment and cortical blindness with denial of the disability
b. contralateral weakness and sensory loss in the leg, amne
c. contralateral weakness and sensory loss in the arm and face, expressive aphasia and visual disturbances
Sleep Terror Disorder and Sleepwalking Disorder shar in common wich of the following:
a. both occur during REM sleep
b. both are followed by amnesia for the event
c. both are related to a general medical condition
d. both a
b. both are followed by amnesia for the event
A manager engaged in long-range planning for his company is very confident about a strategic plan he has developed for the future. In this situation, the approach-avoidance conflict model predicts that, as it gets closer to the time to impleme
c. the positive and negative aspects of the plan will both increase in strength for the manager, but the negative aspects will increase more
The most common cause of dementia in the elderly is:
a. Vascular Dementia
b. AD
c. Dementia due to Nurtirional Condition
d. Dementia due to Endocrine Disorder
b. AD
A waiter is waiting on a group of professors from the local university. Being familiar with social loafing theory and desiring the largest tip possible, the waiter hopes that:
a. each professor will leave his/her own tip
b. the profe
a. each professor will leave his/her own tip
A practitioner of nonsexist therapy
a. interprets a client's behavior in terms of soical, politicaland cultural forces
b. stresses the egaliatrian nature of the therapeutic relationship
c. views gender as a key deterinant of beh
d. uses non-biased techniques designed to promote personal growth
In terms of long-term effects, the most successful treatment for functional enuresis is:
a. fluid restriction and night lifting
b. night alarm
c. synthetic antidiuretic drup
d. antidepressangt drug
b. night alarm
Rapid withdrawal from Inderal, a non-selective beta-blocker is
a. an acceptable, and sometimes preferable, method of withdrawal
b. not recommended because it can produce severe bradycardia and hypotension
c. not recommnded beca
c. not recommnded because it can cause palpitations, headaches, and tremulousness
Carol Gilligan considers adolescnese to be a particularly crucial period for girls because it involves a conflict between:
a. loyalty to girlfriends and growing interest in boys
b. self-centeredness and concern abou tothers
c. i
c. individual characteristics and stereotypc role demands
The majority of adolescent suicide victism suffer from some form of psychpathology, especially an affective disorder. Ther risk for suicide increases when an affective disorder:
a. is accompnaied by ADHD, Conduct Disorder, or Substance Ab
a. is accompnaied by ADHD, Conduct Disorder, or Substance Abuse
Probably the best way to reduce aggression in children is to:
a. have them engage in strenouse physical activity
b. build empathy toward potential victims
c. teach alternative nonaggressive responses
d. model prosocial beha
c. teach alternative nonaggressive responses
When working with an African-American family the best approach is to:
a. focus on parent-child subsystems initially
b. rely on non-directive nonstructured techniques
c. adopt a multisystems approach
d. use a combination of
b. rely on non-directive nonstructured techniques
Which of the following is generally considered the best defense for a spcyhologiset in cases of litigation
a. licensure
b. adequate records
c. informed consent
d. liability insurance
b. adequate records
Research examining the effects of divorce suggest that maladjustment in children following the divorce of their parents is most likely the result of
a. the parent's separation
b. parental discharmony
c. disruption in lifestyle
b. parental discharmony
When using cluster sampling, you:
a. make sure that the proportion of subjects sampled from each identified group matches the proprotion of individuals in the population
b. systematiclaly sample every kth element ineach target group
d. identify and then randomly select naturally-occuriring groups of subjects from the population
During aversive conditioning an US is repeatedly presented just prio to a conditioned stimulus. As a result, which of the following will occur:
a. the target behavior will eventually be eliminated
b. the target behavior will eventual
d. the target behavior will not change in frequency
You receive a request from the attonrey of a former client of yours for rw test data that you collected while seeing the client over a 2 year period. The client has singed a waiver, and the information is needed in a court case in which the cl
c. release the data only t to a professional who is qualitifed to interpret it
In Major Depressive Disorder, REcurrent, psychosocial stressors
a. play a more signfiicant role in the preceiptiation of initial episodes
b. play a more singificant role in the precieptioation of later episodes
c. play a similar
a. play a more signfiicant role in the preceiptiation of initial episodes
To reduce a 5 year old's nightime fear of the dark, the most effective treatment would be
a. coping self-statements and positive imagery
b. in vivo exposure with response prevention
c. stress inoculation
d. systematic desen
a. coping self-statements and positive imagery
With regard to informed consents in research, APA's Ethics Code:
a. requires psychologists to provide potential research subjects with specific information in reasonable understandable language prio to consenting to participate
b. re
a. requires psychologists to provide potential research subjects with specific information in reasonable understandable language prio to consenting to participate
A treatment for depression that is based on Rehm's self control theory is most likely to include
a. having the client keep a record of automatic thoughs
b. having the client keep a record of positive experiences
c. helping the c
b. having the client keep a record of positive experiences
According to Yalom, in group therapy, increasing intimacy and willingess to self-disclose and greater adherence to group norms are the result of:
a. cohesiveness
b. universlity
c. identification
d. group transferences
a. cohesiveness
For a client or former client to successfully bring a charge of malpractice against a spcyhologist, he/she must show that:
a. the psycholgist practiced in a way that could have led or did lead to harm
b. the psychologist knowlingly o
c. the psychologist's actions were the cause of a demonstrable injury
In vivo exposure with response prevention (flooding) and impolosive therapy are both based on:
a. mediated generalization
b. graded desensitzation
c. counterconditioning
d. classical extinction
d. classical extinction
Traditional Native Americna social organization is best described as:
a. linear
b. bilateral
c. nuclear
d. collateral
d. collateral
According to Aaron Beck, the core link between depression and suicide is:
a. learned helplessness
b. lack of social suport
c. severe symptoms
d. feelings of hopelessness
d. feelings of hopelessness
A systemic family therapist uses circular questionin in rder to a. obtain unbiased info from family members
b. help family members recognize differences in their perceptions
c. refocus the attention of family members to the here and
b. help family members recognize differences in their perceptions
You have been seeing a couple in therapy for 6 months. The wife cals you and says she wants to start seeing you for indiviudal sessions also. You should
a. bring up this possibility in th next couples session
b. tell her you cannot
a. bring up this possibility in th next couples session
The belief that distorted schema develop early in life and leave the individual susceptible to depression or other disorders when faced with stress is most consistent with the views of
a. Lewinsohn
b. Beck
c. seligman
d. r
b. Beck
During your first session with a client, she revelas that she's been seeing another therapist for the past four months. The woman seems unsure about why she has come to you. Your est course of action would be to:
a. continue seeing the cl
d. help the client clarify her reasons for seeing both you and the other therapist and then evaluate whether it is appropriate for her to continue seeing both of you
An advantage of a 2 way factorial design over a 1 way design is that it leads to a more powerful test by
a. reducing withn cell variange
b. increasing within cell variance
c. reducing between cell variance
d. increasing bet
a. reducing withn cell variange
Dr. A, a psychologist, provides office space and secreatarial services to Dr. B, a newly licensed psycholist in exchagne for 25% of the fee that Dr. B. collects from his patients. Dr. A begins referring clients to Dr. B. and charges him 35% fo
c. ethical only if the larger fee for referred clients reflects increased sots to Dr. A for making referals to Dr. B
Relaxation training seems to be less effective than biofeedback for trating which of the following disorders
a. chemostherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
b. tension headaches
c. sthma
d. raynaud's deisease
d. raynaud's deisease
You evaluate the effects of a training program and the satisfaction of trainees in order to determin what changes in teh program are needed to achive maximum effectivenss. This is an example of:
a. needs assessment
b. functional anal
d. formative evaluation
Investigators have identified 3 types of cries in newborns - the hungry cry, angry cry, and pain cry. Moreover, it has been found that by what moth of age, most infants begin to emit a fussy or irrgular cry
a. 1-2
b. 3-4
c. 5-6<
a. 1-2
Research on the effects of TV viewing on the behavior of child viewers gugest that:
a. viewing antisocial TV shows increases antisocial behaviors but viewing prosical TV shows has little or no effet on prosocial behaviors
b. viewing
c. viewng antisocial TV shows increases antisocial behaviors and viewing prosocial tV shows increases rosocial behaviors even more
Raw test data refers to
a. test scores
b. test stimuli and test scores
c. test stimuli, test scores, and the examinees' responses to test items
d. test scores and written reorts and intepretations based on those scores
c. test stimuli, test scores, and the examinees' responses to test items
The gradual decline in the intensity, frequency or duration of a response to the repeated presentation of the same stimulis is called
a. satiation
b. inhibition
c. fading
d. habituation
d. habituation
A school psychologist is contacted by the father one of the school's students. He informs the psychologist that the family is moving to another state and request that whe provide him with a copy of his child's records. The psychologist should<
c. request the name and address of the new school and forward the records to the schol psychologist once the family has moved
Whcih of the following would NOT be useful for increaing a tests reliability coefficient:
a. increasing the sample variance
b. ensureing that the average p value is close to .50
c. increasing the heterogeneity of the content dom
c. increasing the heterogeneity of the content domain
The ability to perform some intellectual tasks aears to declien during adulthood, while for other tass, ability seems to remain about the same or een increase. Of the following which is likely to shown the greatest decilne with increasing age:
a list learning memory
A patient exhibits emotional blunting, social withdrawal, eccentric behavior and mild loosiening of associations. Of the types of Schizophrenia, these symptoms are most suggestive of which of the following:
a. catatonic
b. undifferen
d. residual
With regard to fees in forensic settings the specialyt guidelines for forensic psychologists :
a. mandate that psychologists do not provide services to participants in a legal proceedings on the basis of contingent fees
b. recommend
a. mandate that psychologists do not provide services to participants in a legal proceedings on the basis of contingent fees
An insurance company is conducting a peer review and request that you provide it with information abou a current client whose fe is being paid by the company. In this situation, you are best advised to:
a. procide the company with the req
c provide the complany with the relevant information after ensuring that it is aware of the ened to maintain confidentiality
Which of the following is most likely to be true when a 23 year old man experiences delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate affect, and disorganized thinking, but has little change in intellectual functioning?
a. the man is not likely to r
c. the man's symptoms are most likely due to a neurotransmitter (versus brain structure) abnormality
A couple comes to therapy complaining that their conversations always end up as arguments. In talking with the couple, you realize that a common pattern is for one partner to make an offensive comment to the other and for the other partner to re
a. symmetrical
A child who has just profressed into Kohlber's conventional level of moral development has been caught stealing from other children at school. The child's parents would be best advised to do which of the following to discourage the child's steal
b. help her understand how the children she steals from feel about having their things taken
Which of the following is true about the sleep of older adults?
a. Older people have less REM sleep but more stage 3 and 4 sleep
b. older people have a decreased need for sleep
c. older people often exhibit an advanced sleep phase
c. older people often exhibit an advanced sleep phase
According to Tiedeman and O'Hara (1963) career development involves 2 phases anticipation and preoccupation - that each consist of several stages. Moreover, during these stages, the individual:
a. attempts to achieve a balance between integ
a. attempts to achieve a balance between integration and differentiation
In their often cited study of community mental health services and ethnicity, Sue and his colelagues (1991) found that with regard to treatment outcomes
a. Mexican and African Americans whow substantially less improvment than Anglo and As
c. African Americans show somewhat less improvement than MExican, Anglo, and Asian Americans
A university freshman would be best advised ro rely primarily on which of the following when studying for his Psychology 101 final exam:
a. overlearning
b. stimulus coding
c. imagery
d. elaborative reheasrsal
d. elaborative reheasrsal
Research investigating the outcomes of parenting style for adolescents has found that the strength of the relationship between authoritative parenting and adolescent scholastic achievement is modertated most by which of the following:
a. g
b. ethnicity
Cocaine is believed to exert its effects primarily by:
a. increasing dopamine levels
b. decreasing serotonin levels
c. increasing sensitivity to epinephrine
d. decreasing sensitivity to norepinephrine
a. increasing dopamine levels
A message is likely to be most persuasive when:
a the listener is in a bad mood and the message is in the lister's latitude of noncommitment
b. the listener is in a neurtral mood and the message is in the listener's latitude of noncom
c. the listner is in a good mood and the message is in the listener's latitude of acceptance
A new client says she wants you to giver an IQ test so that she can use the results to join MENSA. You administer the test, but she obtains an IQ score of only 105. The client asks you to give her the test results so that she can destroy them,
a. give the original record of the test results to the client as requested
Which of the following is true abou sensory memory:
a. information is retained for only 1/4 to 2 seconds
b. without rehearsal, info is retained for only 1 to 3 seconds
c. with attention, information is retained for up to 30 secod
a. information is retained for only 1/4 to 2 seconds
For some patients with mild to moderate AD tacrine hydrochloride (Cognex) or donepezil hydrochloride (Aricept) will have beneficial effects on memory and reasoning. These drugs exert their effects by:
a. increasing ACh levels
b. incre
a. increasing ACh levels
If the court deterines that a selection procedure is having an adverse impact a company:
a. can no lnger use the procedure
b. can use the procedure if there is evidence that the adverse imact represents fair deiscrimination
c. ca
d. can use the procedure only if there is evidence that it is valid and there are no alternative procedures
During a court-ordered evaluation of a defendant to determine his competency to stand trial, the defendant reveals information that confirms his guilt. The psychologist conducting the evaluation should:
a. include this information in his e
c. include only information relevant to the defendant's competency in the evaluation report
In Ainsworth's strange situation, a 2 year old shows little distress when her mother leaves the room and ignores her when she returns. Most likely, this mother is:
a. neglectful or physically abusive
b. depressed
c. impatient or
c. impatient or overstimulating
Which of the following is least likely to e caused by damage to the temporal lobe:
a. disturbances in language comprehension
b. deficits in long term memory
c. changes in sexual behavior
d. deficits in response inhibition
d. deficits in response inhibition
A potential difficult with Holland's theory of vocational choice is that, in terms of cross-cultural vocational counseling, it:
a. doesn't take into account the possibiliity that certain occupational environments may not be available to me
a. doesn't take into account the possibiliity that certain occupational environments may not be available to members of minority groups
A depressed client says she feels worthless and unlikable and every time she treis to do something to make things better, she is faced with barriers put up by her parents, boss, etc, who don't seem to recognize her efforts. In terms of the thir
c. she feels that things will never change
The goodness of fit model proposed by Thomas and Chess is supported by which of the following research findings:
a. Participation in goal-setting is associated with higher levels of effort primarily for those who are low in need for achiev
d. irritable temperament in children is predictive of insecure attachment only when mothers are not socially supportive
Following a head injury, a middle-aged man experiences a loss of sensation in the fingers of his left hand. Most likely the damage involves the
a. postcentral gyrus
b. precentral gyrus
c. lateral fissure
d. precentral sulcus
a. postcentral gyrus
In the area of psychometrics, banding has been proposed as a method for
a. increasing reliability
b. reducing false positive
c. improving incremental validity
d. remedying adverse impact
d. remedying adverse impact
For a therapist relaying on Beck's cognitive approach to treat a client suffering from an Anxiety Disorder, the initial cognitive restructuring will most likely focus on
a. reattribution
b. cogntive rehearsal
c. thought stopping<
d. decatastrophizing
A number of studies have been conducted to determine the stability of the Big Five personality traits during adulthood. Overall the best conclustion that can be drawn from these studies is that:
a. neurotocism declines while extroversion,
d. N,E, A,C, and O do not change substantially with increasing age
Problems involving sensation in the innter forearm and the ring and little fingers are most likely due to spinal injury at the _____ level.
a. L1
b. S1 to S4
c. T2 to T12
d. C8 to T1
d. C8 to T1
The effectiveness of an intervention for cigarette smoking is most related to
a. duration of smoking
b. gender and age
c. family history of cigarette smoking
d. level of dependence
d. level of dependence
A psychologist tells the parents of an 8 year old to give him a time out each time he torments his little sister. The parents find that, over time the child needs less and less time in the time out to calm down and apologize for his behavior. T
a. negative punishment
Which of the following statements illustrates animistic thinking?
a. step on a crack, break your mom's back
b. my knees are shaking, so I must be cared
c. at night the sun takes a nap
d. the man on the TV is talking to me.
c. at night the sun takes a nap
Which of the following is least characteristic of Huntington's chorea:
a. anxiety, depression, and mania. tics that increase with stress
c. dysarthric speech
d. apraxia apahasia, and agnosia
d. apraxia apahasia, and agnosia
Research on the compressed 4 day workweek suggests that it results in:
a. increases in job satisfaction but decreases in job productivity
b. increases in job satisfaction and mixed results in terms of absenteeism
c. improvements
b. increases in job satisfaction and mixed results in terms of absenteeism
For members o fminoirty groups, long term exposure to racial oppression is most kely to result in
a. downplaying the importance of ethnicity and adopting a culture free identity
b. focusing on satistying physiological nees and acquir
c. attempting to earn acceptance by acquiring material goods and other signs of status
IMplicit memory:
a. is relatively unaffected by aging
b. isv ery sensitive to head trauma
c. is an aspect of nonverabal memory
d. is mediated primarily by the hippocampus
a. is relatively unaffected by aging
Expressive aphasia is to Broca's area as _____aphasia is to Wernicke's area
a. global
b. conduction
c. impressive
d. motor
c. impressive
The larger the group size the more likely that social oafing will occur. This may be due to:
a. the sleeper effect
b. increased social inhibition
c. decreased arousal
d. decreased self-attention
d. decreased self-attention
Studies investigating the relationship between maternal socialization practices and children's internalization of consciece have found that:
a. maternal gentle discipline is predictive of internalization regardless of a child's temperament
c. maternal gentle discipline is predictive of internalization for children who are fearful and anxious prone
Prosopagnosia, or the inability to recognize familiar faces, is believed to be due to the dameage to the
a bilateral occipitotemporal area
b. left occipitoparietal area
c. cingulate gyrus
d. central sulcus
a bilateral occipitotemporal area
You receive an order from the court to conduct a presentencing evaluation of a defendant who has been convicted of meurder. You shold
a. obtain a signed release of information form the defendanct before conducting the evaluation
b. di
b. discuss the limits of confidentiality with the defendant even though a release of information is not legally required in this situation
The progression of symptoms in AD is often decribed in terms of three stages. I nthe middle stage (duration of symtoms of 2-10 years), which of the following symptoms is most likely
a depression or irritability and anomia
b. apathy an
c. labile mood, paranoia, and fluent aphasia
Sue and Sue (90) propose that differences inworldview may arise in cross-cultural counseling and itnerfere with its effectivenss. They descirbe the worldview of counselors and their clients in terms of 2 dimensions - locus of control and locus
c. internal locus of control/external locus of responsibility
A baby is least likely to exhibit strager anxiety when:
a. the stranger approaches slowly
b. the stranger is quiet
c the stanger picks up the baby
d. the child is securely attached to his/her mother
a. the stranger approaches slowly
The police arrive at your office with an arrest warrant for one of your clients. They tell you that they need the client's most recent address and telphone numbe.r You should:
a. pride them with the nformation they request
b. make a c
d. not give them any information about hte client
The risk for schizophrenia is higher for twins than for non-twin biological siblings. Moreover, if one twin is diagnaosed with this disorder, the risk of the same diagnosis for a monozygotic twin is about ___tiems the risk for a disygotic twin:
b. 2.5
Cross cultural research on prosocial behavior suggests that cultures that stress which of the following are most likely to produce children with high levels of altruism:
a. explicit reinforcement of prosocial acts
b. de-emphasis of cu
d. assigning children responsbilitity for siblings and animals
Research investigating the effectiveness of training first graders in the use of rehearsal strategies has found that:
a. these children learn to appy rehearsal to the current task but do not generalize this knowledge to toher tasks
a. these children learn to appy rehearsal to the current task but do not generalize this knowledge to toher tasks
In their reformulation of the learned helplessness model of depression, Abramson, Metalsky and ALloy (1989)
a. deemphasize the role of punishment and emphasize the role of reinforecement
b. deepmhasize the role of helplessness and em
c. de-emphasize the role of attributions and emphasize the role of hopelessness
Compared to young depressed adults, older depressed adults are least likely to
a. be anxious
b. have memory problems
c. express feelings of heopelessness
d. express feelings of sadness
d. express feelings of sadness
Research on parenting styles has shown that a combination of a moderate degree of control with warmth and responsiveness has which of the following effects on chidren:
a. beneficial effects on social development but little or no effect on
b. beneficial effecs on both social developemtn and academic achievement
People who have had strokes that affected the left anterior cerebral hemisphere are most likely to exhibit which of the following:
a. depression and worry
b. apathy
c. denial of feelings of depression
d. flight of ideas and
a. depression and worry
Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate when devising a therapy plan for Native Americans
a. a collaborative approach
b. a structured approach
c. a directive approach
d. an aggressive approach
a. a collaborative approach
Jack and Joe ae friends who both have recently taken jobs as life insurance salesemen. When Jack is asked why he and Joe took these jobs he is most likely to reply
a. I did so becuase I needed the money, Joe did so because he likes sales
a. I did so becuase I needed the money, Joe did so because he likes sales
Which of the following is characteristic of Piaget's concrete operational stage
a. the development of the reflective self
b. the ability to reason about reasoning
c. the construction of unit concepts
d. the mergence of repr
a. the development of the reflective self
Research on the jigsaw classroom supports the findings of
a. zimbardo's deindividuation study
b. sherif's robbers cave study
c. berkowitz frustration anxiety hypothesis
d. ajzen and fishbein's reasoned action theory
b. sherif's robbers cave study
Members of an outpatient therapy group are likely to rank which of Yalom's therapeuitc factors as most mportant:
a. interpersonal input, catharsis cohesiveness, and self-understanding
b. self-understandign, universalit, identificatio
a. interpersonal input, catharsis cohesiveness, and self-understanding
The most prominent risk factor for drug abuse in adolescence is:
a. parent and fmaily member drug use
b. availab ility of drugs
c. prior use of gateway drugs
d. depression
c. prior use of gateway drugs
One criticism of BARS is that:
a. it requiresraters to indicate the kinds of behaviors they would expect of ratees rather than the behaviors that they have actually observed
b. it requires raters to recall the frequency of critical b
a. it requiresraters to indicate the kinds of behaviors they would expect of ratees rather than the behaviors that they have actually observed
To reduce the risk of relapse for a 23 year old man who has been hospitalized with a diagnosise of Schizophenia and who will now be returning home to live with his parents, the best intervention wold be
a. indivdual psychotherapy plus pha
b. family therapy plus pharmacotherapy
In working with a client who has received a diagnosies of DID a cognitive therapists initial goal would be:
a. to collaborate with the client to identify specific treatment goals
b. to make a cognitive diagnosis for the purpose of de
d. to establish a working alliance that provides the client with a sense of safety
Self-disclosure by reticent therapy group members:
a. will occur only when it is intiated (modeled) by the therapist
b. is more likely to occur when at least one of the members begins to self-disclose
c. will occur once the high
b. is more likely to occur when at least one of the members begins to self-disclose
Bandura’s social learning theory predicts that:
a. cognitive events act as intervening variables in the acquisition of a new behavior
b. social approval is a powerful and primary reinforcement
c. reinforcement has a greater im
a. cognitive events act as intervening variables in the acquisition of a new behavior
Restlessness psychomaotor agitation, flushed face, diuresis, rambling speech and muscle twitching are most suggestive of:
a. alcohol withdrawal
b. caffeine intoxication
c. cocaine intoxication
d. hyperthyroidism
b. caffeine intoxication
During the first session with the victim of wife battering a feminist therapist would most likely
a. help the woman recognize the social and political forces that are keeping her in the abusive relationship
b. help the woman identify
d. help the woman identify and rehearse an escape plan to use when her husband becomes abusive
Pavlov produced experimental neurosis in experimental dogs by using which of the following procedures:
a. applying negative reinforcement each time the dogs ate
b. pairing eating with an aversive tone
c. making it impossible for
. requiring the dogs to make difficult discriminations
When determining a treatment plan for mild to moderate hypertension, it is important to keep in mind that:
a. EMG feedback is the most effective treatment
b. EKG feedback plus medication is the most effective treatment
c. Biofee
d. Blood pressure feedback and training in general relaxation are about equally effective
A 33 year old male client presents with hallucinations and bizarre delusions. His parents report no psychosocial stressors and say that he has been sick and out of work for about 5 weeks Your tentative diagnosis is:
a. Schizophrenia
b.Schizophreniform disorder
A researcher wants to compare the effects of four different prevention programs on willingness to sue safe sex practices for sexually active male and female adolescents. Subjects will be randomly assigned to one of the four programs and six mo
c.multiple sample chi-square
c.multiple sample chi-square
d.conflict is a substitute for love and affection in a disengaged family
Regression analysis is used to:
a. predict the mean value of a DV on the basis of a known value on an IV
b. predict the true value of a DV on the basis of a known value on an IV
c. estimate the true value of a variable on the ba
a.predict the mean value of a DV on the basis of a known value on an IV
When considering concurrent individual and group therapy for a client it is important to keep in mind that:
a. combined treatments are contraindicated for narcisstic and borderline clients who benefit more from individual therapy alone express unhappiness about a lack of relationships but to act in ways that suggest a lack of interest in intimate contacts
A middle aged man is convinced that TV commercials are sending hm personal messages, and he cannot be talked out of this belief. This is an example of which of the following
a. delusion of being controlled
b. delusion of reference
c. magical thinking
A father wants to increase his son’s studying and violin practice and therefore, reinforces each behavior whenever it occurs with a token that can be exchanged later for a desired privilege. After a period of time, the father realizes that h
c.violin practice will decrease but studying will increase
Overcorrection is a behavioral technique that has been found to be particularly useful for reducing certain types of socially-inappropriate and personally harmful behaviors. Research assessing the effects of overcorrection suggest that it is m
c.the positive practice phase involves a topographically similar behavior
One of the most common impairments following brain injury is memory loss. Although the nature of the disturbance depends on the locus and extent of the damage, most often it involves:
a. an inability to transfer information from sensory m
d.problems related to retaining certain kinds of new information
From a psychoanalytic perspective, a phobia is:
a. displaced fear of death
b. an externalization of a forbidden impulse
c. a displaced sexual urge
d. projection of shame and guilt externalization of a forbidden impulse
You’ve been hired by a company president to evaluate his employees to assist him in making decisions related to termination, training, and promotion. One of the first issues you will need to calirfy in this situation is:
a. whether the
b.what information about the employees will be provided to the employer and what information will be withheld
Research on sexual and nonsexual dual relationships between therapists and their clients has found that:
a. male therapists engage I more sexual dual relationships but female therapists engage in more nonsexual dual relationships
c. in a sexual dual relationship, the client is, on the average 10 years younger than the therapis
blank test question
blank answer
The research examinging the consequences of providing info to kids with cancer about their illness suggess that:
a. young children who are given very limited info about their illness have better psyc outcomes than those who are given more c
b. young kids who are given more complete info have better psych outcomes than those with limited ifo
When applying Lewin's field theory to the study of human behavior a psychologist would most likely
a. collect the data needed to accurately describe the average person
b. conduct a well-controlled case study
c. apply scientific pr
b. conduct a well-controlled case study
From the perspective of Berry's bidirectional acculturation model, blank is characterized by low involvement in one's own minority culture and in the majority culture
a. moratorium
b. alientation
c. separation
d. marginaliza
d. marginalization
The cyclic release of gonadotrophins in females is the result of regulation by the
a. adrenal gland
b. pituitary gland
c. hypothalamus
d. thalamus
c. hypothalamus
In a research study, control group subjects first learn a list of names. Once they are able to recite the list without error they are asked to count backwards from 10 over an dover. After a predetermined period of time the subjects are then ask
a. retroactive inhibition
Which of the following theories of leadership provides a leader with a decision tree to help him or her decide wheter an autocratic, consultative, or group decision making stayle is optimal given the characteristics of the situation?
a. He
d. Vroom and Yetton's leader-participation model
A parent complains that her 11 year old seems motivated primarily by his strong need for attention and power and desire to get even with anyone who he thinks has wronged him. Therapy based on teh work of which of the following individuals would
d. Adler
In Huntington's Disease
a. cognitive and psychiatric symptoms may appear well before motor symptoms
b. cognitive and psychiatric symptoms usually develop after the appearance of mild to moderate motor symptoms
c. cognitive sympto
a. cognitive and psychiatric symptoms may appear well before motor symptoms
In operant conditioning the contrast effect is best explained by which of the follwing
a. burnout
b. aversion
c. frustration
d. procrastination
c. frustration
A common migraine
a. begins with an aura and is usually accompanied by nausea
b. is constant and not throbbing and may be exacerbated by bright lights
c. does not begin with an aura and may be exacerbated by bending over or lifti
c. does not begin with an aura and may be exacerbated by bending over or lifting
A group's task performance is limited by the performance of the least effective member of the group. Apparentl the task that is being perfrmed by the group is:
a. additive
b. compensatory
d. conjunctinve
d. conjunctinve
Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood, Inhibited Type, is most likely to inovlve
a. stereotypy
b. unsuaual verbal and nonverbal communication
c. indiscriminant attachments
d. hypervigilance
d. hypervigilance
Overall research comparing biofeedback and relaxation training for the treatment of migtaines indicates that:
a. thermal biofeedback is no more effective than EMG feedback, but both are more effective than relaxation training
b. therm
c. thermal biofeedback alone is equally effective as relaxation training alone
Recent research on medical illness in kids suggests that in terms of communication teh best strategy for parents is to
a. give the child minimal infor about his/her illness
b. ive the child infor about the illness making sure it is co
b. ive the child infor about the illness making sure it is consistent with the child's developmental level
In perhaps his best-known studies, Pavlov taught animals to saliate to a tone. Pavlov considered the tone in these experiments to be an
a. conditioned stimulus
b. 2nd order stimulus
c. unconditioned stimulus
d. secondary rei
a. conditioned stimulus
Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the provisions of APA standards for ed and psych testing
a. it requires that test items be made available to examinees on request
b. it requires that tests should not be t
a. it requires that test items be made available to examinees on request
Tom is not color blind but he has a brother who is color blind. Tom's wife, Alic is color blind and does not have ny relatives who are color blind. What is the lieklihood that the chldren of Tom and Alice will be color blind:
a. their male
d. neither their male nor their female children will be color blind

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