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History Review Midterm


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DeLome Letter
Cause: when letter from Spanish Ambassador was sent saying McKinley was weak
Hawaii Imperialism
difficulties in getting Hawaii: Japan also wanted it, President Cleveland did not really want it, some Americans opposed it due to racism-got it anyway
Alfred T. Mahan
US Admiral who called for a multi-fleet navy
Theodore Roosevelt (domestic)
President who pushed to regulate the drug and food industry after reading the jungle; believed in the people; Conservationist; Progressive
Child Labors
Was not banned but was slowed down
American writer who wanted to expose corruption, during Progressive Era
Sherman Antitrust Act
first antitrust law- at first was vague and of little value until new laws came up to help.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Started when government lost revenue by lowering tariffs; first federal government regulatory agency; to watch over trade
Frederick Taylor
Scientific management; the enforcement of work standards; simple but boring jobs
16th Ammendment
Income tax
US expanding to other parts of the world and some Americans wanted no parts of adding tettitories becasue of racism
Interstate commerce act
created the ICC-was the first attempt at federal regulation of trade
Vertical Intergration
company owns all elements or an industry
Henry Ford
Mass production, worker innovations, small profit on large amount of sales; tried many new worker innovations to improve worker relations
Theordore Roosevelt (foreign)
He wanted the US to get ready to be a world power; he helped settle the Russo-Japanese War when Japan asked him to help, they were winning but were running out of money.
Sinking of the Maine
Cause: It was an American Destroyer that people believed was sunk by Spain
William McKinley (Foreign)
president during the Spanish-American War
Hepburn Act of 1906
Federal regulatory agency on commerce created
Warren G. Harding
return to normalcy plus teapot dome scandal involving government officals
Underwood tariff
tax on imports under the Wilson administration
New Nationalism
Theodore Roosevelt's domestic plan of stronger presidents and bigger government
consolidation of two or more companies
reward ones supporters
First Federal Income tax
started when American government needed more money after lowering tariffs
Election of 1912
Wilson won because of a split in the Republican party
New Freedom
Wilson's domestic plan of smaller government and more business competition
Commodore Dewey
suprise victory over the spanish in Spanish- American War in the Philippines
William H. Taft
followed Theodore Roosevelt as president- also a Progressive, but had less faith in the government and it's ability to make changes; Taft also got in trouble over to raise or lower tariffs; dollar diplomacy
Philippine-American War
war following Spanish-American War that was more costly than Spanish- American War
Spanish American War
Causes & Results. Causes: Delome Letter, Sinking of the Maine, Yellow Journalism; American Army was not well trained for this type of war; 3. Yellow Journalism was news writing- that should make new; results: we won; got Philippines and Puerto Rico
18th Ammendment
17th Ammendment
Direct election of senators
Open Door Policy
US proposed to keep China open to all nations trade
American Foreign Policy(Imperialism)
Reasons for it 1. over-expansion in American markets 2. overabundance or products 3. needed new markets 4. also some political leaders wanted to expand; so we changed from isolationism to expansion
Calvin Coolidge
took over for Harding- president who let business alone in the 1920s
Pure Food and Drug Act
Roosevelt's law which got companies to start labeling their ingredients
New methods of production
turn of the century- large sized and mostly mechanized; mass production; and assembly lines
Women in business (early 1900s)
very few professional careers open to them still
19th Ammendment
Womens' Vote
Clayton Antitrust Act
An addition to the Sherman Antitrust Act which helped get rid of monopolies
Grandfather Clause
only whites could vote in southern states
African Americans in business (early 1900s)
Worked in the South almost like slaves (Peonage)
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese rebellion to remove foreigners in China; failed
W.E.B. Bubois
African American leader who believed in getting an education was an important way for African Americans to get ahead
Federal Reserve Act
Most important domestic law under Wilson; created the National Banking System

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