Imperialism Syllabus
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- Mathew Perry
- President Filmore sent someone to Japan to try to open up trade
- william randolph hearst
- United States newspaper publisher whose introduction of large headlines and sensational reporting changed American journalism
- Expansionism
- extending national boundaries
- joseph pulitzer
- Owner of the New York World newspaper, helped start yellow journalism
- Spheres of influence
- an area where a nation had special trading priviledges
- George Dewey
- Commodore who won the Battle of Manila bay in the philipines
- White mans burden
- idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized
- Annexation of Hawaii
- US overthrew Queen Liliuokalani in order to make Hawaii part of the US
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Filipino rebel who helped the U.S capture Manila. Later he fought against the U.s for freedom
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Leader of the rough riders, strong believer for the Panama Canal
- Spanish American War
- a conflict between the united states and spain, in which the united states supported cubans' fight for indepedence
- Mexican American War
- Mexican people were very poor they rebelled against their leader Fransisco Madera who was killed by general Victoriano Huerta, he was a very harsh leader, U.S drove his forces out
- Boxer Rebellion
- an uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.
- Philippine Insurrection
- before the Philippines was annexed by the U.S. there existed tension between U.S. troops and Filippinos. eventually we entered into a war with the Philippines.
- Liliuokalani
- The queen of Hawaii who disliked American influence
- Remembering the Maine
- Fighting broke out in Havana, Cuba so president McKinley sent battleship Maine to protect americans it exploded and 260 people
- Imperialism
- policy of powerful countries seeking to control the economic and political affairs of weaker countries or regions
- Rough Riders
- Nickname of the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment during the Spanish-American War
- Isolationism
- Having little to do with the political affairs of other nations
- Roosevelt Corollary
- addition to the Monroe Doctrine it claimed the right of the U.S to intervene in Latin America to preserve peace and order
- Panama Canal
- a ship canal across the Isthmus of Panama built by the United States
- Open trade policy
- any nation can trade in the spheres of other nations
- Yellow journalism
- sensationalized stories that were often biased or untrue
- Sewards Folly
- William Seward purchased alaska and americans mockingly called it
- Alfred Thayer Mahan
- he was a us naval captain who argued that the prosperity of the us depended on foreign trade he wanted a bigger navy
- Washingtons farewell address
- he advised the nation to steer clear of permanent allies and he urged us to have as little connection as possible