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world war II

this will help you pass the world war II exam. it includes the things you need to know, jeopardy, and the extra outline sheet.


undefined, object
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Served as president from 1933 to 1945.
interment, EO9066, 10 camps, DeWitt
Japanese AMerican hardships in America
1939 (september)
germany invades poland
german blitzkrieg attack
(The Proclamation Defining Terms For Japanese Surrender) was a statement issued on July 26, 1945, by Henry S. Truman, Winston Churchill, and Chiang Kai-Shek which outlined the terms of surrender for Japan as agreed upon at the Potsdam Conference. The agreement stated that if they didn't surrender, they would face "prompt and utter destruction."
potsdam declaration
atlantic charter
the Japanese surrendered because of the damage done and the risk of being further attacked by the allies.
How did the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki contribute to the ending of World War II in Asia?
In august 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill issued the Atlantic Charter, outlining their goals for the postwar world. They agreed that their nations would seek no territorial gain from the war and emphasized the right of all people to choose their own government. They also called for a new international organization that might succeed where the League of Nations failed.
atlantic charter
His time as leader was characterized by the further implementation of a communist economy, and the elimination of all opposition to his rule.
Josef Stalin
12. These are the German and Italian words that were used to address the "leaders," respectively.
Der Fuhrer, Il Duce
This treaty, which called for self-determination for Poland, Czechoslovakia and several other nations, also inflicted harsh punishment on Weimar Germany, which suffered on account of it.
treaty of versailles
A popular name for an offensive operational-level military doctrine which involves an initial bombardment followed by the employment of motorized mobile forces attacking with speed and surprise to prevent an enemy from implementing a coherent defense.
bracero program, zoot suit riots
mexicans/mexican americans
1938 (september)
hitler is given sudetenland
These two countries invaded Poland in September of 1939.
Germany and Soviet Union
recycleing-rubber, scrap metal, fats. drives-collect. victory gardens-so that people had more food in their own homes. liberty bonds to raise money for war
things people did to support war
The intense anti-Japanese fears led President Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 9066 in February 1942. The order was used to intern some 110,000 Japanese Americans for the duration of the war. The US army transported them to small, remote, internment camps enclosed by barbed wire. Armed soldiers looked down on them from guard towers.
japanese relocation/interment
These were two of the larger areas attacked in Japan's aggressive quest for empire in the 1930s.
china and manchuria
north africa leads to italian
On August 6, 1945, an American plane dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Within minutes, the blast and searing heat had killed more than 130,000 people. Still, the Japanese refused to surrender. On August 9, a second atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. Some 35,000 people died instantly. Many more in both cities would die slower deaths from radiation poisoning.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What Hitler made of the Jews of Europe when he blamed them for all of Germany's problems.
The US sought to strengthen ties to Latin America. Franklin Roosevelt created the Good neighbor Policy, which withdrew American troops from Nicaragua and Haiti. He also canceled the Platt Amendment, which had limited the Independence of Cuba.
good neighbor policy
1 dollar in 1919-4.2 marks. 1 dollar in late 1923-4.2 trillion marks. OMGGG
hyperinflation of early 1920s
Hitler ordered an air assault of Britain. Day after day, German planes attacked British cities. The raids took tens of thousands of lives, yet the British spirit never broke. By night, Londoners slept in subway stations. By day, they cleared the wreckage and buried the dead. Overhead, the British air force fought invading planes. The Battle Britain continued through the summer and into the fall. By then, Hitler had abandoned all plains to invade Britain.
battle of britain
1939 (march)
hitler takes rest of czechoslovakia
Prime Minister of Britain. He helped create the Atlantic Charter with Roosevelt.
winston churchill
These are three of the places in the Pacific where the Allies suffered defeats shortly after Pearl Harbor.
Guam, Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaya, Wake, and Singapore (any three)
By 1929, Josef Stalin was sole dictator of the Soviet Union. Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. He took brutal measures to control and modernize industry and agriculture. He ordered peasants to give crops, animals, and land to government-run farms. Millions of peasants who resisted were executed or sent to labor camps. In addition, an estimated four million soviets, including many of Stalin's rivals in the Communist Party, were killed or imprisoned on false charges of disloyalty to the state.
josef stalin
When Japan occupied this territory in 1941, the United States tightened their embargo from the previous year to include oil and steel in order to force the Japanese to withdraw.
french indochina
italy invades ethiopia
germany/soviets conquer poland (nazi-soviet pact)
While the United States did not take over the economy during the war, they did oversee what goods were produced and made sure that access to certain goods was limited. This is the name for the mechanism used to limit access and consumption.
These took place after the war to ensure that the crimes of the Holocaust would not remain unanswered.
Nuremberg Trials
This is the order that sent Japanese Americans to their lives in internment camps. At these camps, they were forced to live in cramped quarters, endure a communal style of living, eat unfamiliar foods, and live in a hostile, unfamiliar climate
executive order 9066
Many Germans were angry over their defeat in WWI and the heavy reparation payments forced on them by the Allies. Hitler falsely claimed that Germany had not lost WWI but had been betrayed by Jews and other "traitors." The Great Depression increased Hitler's popularity. In 1933, he was named chancellor, or leader of the German parliament.
How did the Treaty of Versailles and worldwide depression help Hitler gain power?
These people were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps far from the coastal areas of the United States.
japanese americans+japanese
US created lend-lease
This agreement was created in order to support any nation whose security was vital to the defense of the United States. It allowed those nations access to the arsenal of the United States.
lend-lease act
boycott of jewish stores, nazi platform states no jew can be member of German nation, nuremberg laws outline race and strip jews of privileges, blamed for loss of world war i
scapegoating jews.
When Normandy was breached by the Allies, they were then able to advance further into Europe, relieve Stalin's army, and fight both sides to the middle until the Allies meet with Josef Stalin. Once they breached and took over France, the people were freed, plus they were able to advance east towards other territories.
How did D-Day contribute to the end of World War II in Europe?
In the German city of Nuremburg, Allied judges tried prominent Nazis for plunging the world into war and for the horrors of the death camps. In 1946, at the first Nuremberg Trials, 12 defendants were sentenced to death by hanging. Similar trials were held in Manila and Tokyo to try leaders of the Japanese war machine.
Nuremberg Trials
a warlike act by one country against another without cause.
capitalism, but the government is asking businesses to produce certain things and making sure they do. rationing, mechanism to limit access and consumption
changes to american economy
japan invades china
a nation in which a single party controls the government and every aspect of people's lives
totalitarian state
This "date that will live in infamy" was followed by a declaration of war by the United States on Japan.
december 7, 1941
In August of 1945 the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an act that led to Japanese surrender and years of debate. This is the name of the project through which these bombs were developed.
Manhattan Project
hitler puts troops in rhineland (violated treaty)
first put concentration camps, blamed in posters and speeches for poor state of economy
scapegoating communists/socialists
On December 7, 1941, Japanese bombers launched a surprise attack on American naval, air, and good ground forces at Pearl Harbor, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. The attack destroyed nearly half of the island's 400 military aircraft and damaged 8 battleships, two beyond repair. About 2400 Americans were killed.
pearl harbor
While the United States reaction to aggression in Europe and Asia in the 1920s and 1930s was isolationism, at the Munich Conference in 1938, European leaders reacted with this policy.
Allied victory in this area led to their invasion of Italy in 1943 which in turn contributed to their 1944 victory in France and their ability to enter Germany from the west in 1945 and meet the Soviets who entered from the east.
North Africa
the phase in the Western front of World War II that was fought in 1944 between German forces and the invading Allied forces. The campaign began with Normandy Landings on June 6, 1944 (commonly known as D-Day).
operation overlord
blames entire war on Germany (war guilt clause), humiliates them especially though reparations ($33 billion), demilitarizes them (military limited to 100,000 troops, no real air and sea power), takes land in europe-poland, czechoslovakia and overseas colonies (self determination, led to nin countries being created in treaty)
treaty of versailles (what it did to germany)
The US was determined to avoid getting involved. In 1935, Congress passed the Neutrality Act to keep the US at peace. It forbade the President from selling arms, making loans, or giving any other kind of assistance to any nation involved in war.
Describe United States foreign policy in the 1930s.
In return for calling off the March on Washington in 1941, FDR promised African Americans this.
no discrimination in jobs that had contracts with the government
japan takes french indochina+united states put embargo in place (oil, steel)
turning point
midway, june 1942
end of summer, britain was the only free nation that wasnt neutral in europe
The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.
What was the immediate cause of the United States entry into World War II?
As Britain warred with Nazi Germany, Roosevelt provided Lend-Lease aid to Winston Churchill and the British war effort before America's entry into World War 2 in December, 1941. On the home front he introduced price controls and rationing, and relocation camps for 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans as well as thousands of Italian and German-Americans. Roosevelt led the United States as it became the 'Arsenal of Democracy'. As the Allies neared victory, Roosevelt played a critical role in shaping the post-war world, particularly through the Yalta Conference and the creation of the United Nations. Later, alongside the United States, the Allies defeated Germany, Italy and Japan.
FDR during WWII
This program permitted American companies to recruit Mexican workers. Ironic, when you think that so many Mexicans were deported during the Great Depression.
Bracero program
An extreme nationalist. By 1921, he had become leader of a small group known as the Nazi party. He told Germans that they were a "master race," destined to rule over Slavs, Gypsies, and others they considered inferior. Hitler falsely claimed that Germany had not lost World War I but had been betrayed by the Jews and other "traitors." They Great Depression increased Hitler's popularity. In 1933, he was named chancellor, or leader of the German Parliament. Once in power, Hitler quickly created a totalitarian state. All other parties were outlawed.
adolf hitler
japan invades manchuria
After World War I, economic problems in Italy had led to unrest. Benito Mussolini promised to restore order through strong leadership. In October 1922, Mussolini and his followers threatened to overthrow Italy's elected government. In response, the king appointed Mussolini prime minister.
benito mussolini
1938 (march)
hitler annexes austria
victory in europe
may 8, 1945
This style of attack involved a massive attack by coordinated air and land forces. It was used to great success in Europe in 1940.
AXIS POWERS: Germany, Italy, Japan, and six other nations. ALLIED POWERS: Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and 45 other nations.
What were the two sides called in World War II and which countries were the key players for each side?
women working in factories (Rosie), women take support roles in military
women's initiative at home
When Churchill and Roosevelt met on a ship in 1941, they came up with this, which laid out a plan for the post-war world that included a League of Nations like organization.
Atlantic Charter
During the Great Depression, Roosevelt created the New Deal to provide relief for the unemployed, recovery of the economy, and reform of the economic and banking systems.
FDR during the Great Depression
Military leaders pressured the civilian government to take control of nearby countries. Militarists argued that their island nation needed more space, as well as raw materials for its booming industries. By 1936, militarists were in complete control of the Japanese government.
What were Japan's reasons for aggression in the 1930s?
a policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war
The D-Day attack on June 6, 1944, forced the Germans to fight the Allies on both fronts. This was the region in France where the forces landed.
During the war, Hitler moved beyond restrictions on Jews to what he termed the "final solution to the Jewish problem"—the attempt to annihilate all Jews in Europe. Some 6 million Jews were murdered under the Nazis.
On June 6, 1944, more than 155,000 American, British, and Canadian troops crossed the English Channel. They landed on five beaches at Normandy, in western France. Troops at four of the beaches quickly overcame German opposition.
1924-less than 1,000,000. 1932-greater than 5,000,000
high rate of unemployment in late 20s early 30s
Out of this conference came an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face destruction as well as a decision about the status of the countries of eastern Europe, which would remain under the control of Soviet Russia.
Potsdam Conference
They established a system without controlling what the citizens do like in a socialist country. The government started rationing foods and items for the everyday life of people. they also encouraged the citizens to do things through propaganda.
What was the government's role in the wartime economy?
Throughout Europe in the 1930s, this kind of state developed. In these countries a single party controlled the government and every aspect of the lives of the people.
totalitarian state
june 6, 1944
normandy france-d-day. (proceed east into Germany, meet up with Soviets from the west)
In the Munich Pact, Britain and France agreed to let the German leader occupy the Sudetenland, a portion of Czechoslovakia populated largely by people who spoke German. In return, Hitler promised he would seek no further territory.
While African Americans were not pleased that they had to fight under white commanding officers, they fought with valor. This group of black fighter pilots is famous for their accomplishments.
Tuskegee Airmen (if you don't know this, Ms. Collins WILL cry)
a person or group who holds complete authority over a nation. They usually take and retain this power by unconstitutional means.

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