cg abnormal
undefined, object
copy deck
- aphasia
- general language loss
- apraxia
- motor function loss
- anoxia
- lack of oxygen
- Depression-Related Cognitive symptoms
1. deficits in procedural memory
2. aware of the symptoms & worried about them - anomia
- deficit in naming or word finding ability
- acalculia
- deficits in math ability
- fluent aphasia
- Associated with Alzheimer's. Choppy word flow.
- alexia
- word blindness
- Vascular Dementia
- (stroke) Damage depends on area affected. Risk factors: smoking, hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation.
- Dementia
Parkinson's (dopamine)
Huntington's (GABA) - Impotence is caused by...
Psych factors
Neurological problems
Hormones - Stroke recovery
- Physical symptoms resolve more quickly than cognitive.
- Delirium vs. Dementia
- Varied consciousness vs. Alert
- Alzheimer's Dementia
I 1-3 yrs --anterograde memory, mood, visuospatial
II 2-10 yrs --retrograde memory, delusional, apraxia
III 8-12 yrs --decreased IQ, rigidity, enuresis/encopresis - Sensory Aphasia
- Inability to understand words w/o inability to speak or hear.