last minute history
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- armada
the great fleet sent from spain against england
1588 - Dutch east india company
- first multinational corporationn first to issue stocks
- commercial revolution
- rise of private banking, money economy, and trading organization
- cardinal richlieu
- the poer behind the throne of Louis xiii 1585-1642
- Bill of rights
- addresses the rights of parliment 1689
- charles i
- struggled with parliment resulted in civil ward was beheaded for treason 1625-1649
- charles ii
- reigned during the restoration a period of expanding trade 1660-1685
- Colbert
- french politician, advisor to louis xiv, reformed taxes centralized the administration and tried to expand trade 1619-1683
- constitutionalism
- government in which power is distibuted and imited by a system
- oliver cromwell
- lord protector of england 1559-4658
- diggers and levellers
- christian communist land rights movement during the rule of Oliver cromwell
- divine right monarchy
- monarch owed his rule to the will of god
- frederick the great
- king of persia won the war of the austrian succession and the 7 year war brought persia great military prestige 1749-1786
- Frederick william
- elector of bradenburg reorganized and rebuilt after 30 year war 1640-1688
- French classicim
- early 17th century french art, implies and adherence to cetain rules of proportion and sobriety uncharacteristic to borque
- the frode
- political party that opposed the government and made war upon the court party during louis xiv
- glorious revolution
- resulted in the deposition of james ii and the accession of william iii and mary ii to english thrown
- habeas corpus
- the right of a citizen to obtaina legal document
- Thamas hobbes
- philosopher and politician theoist wrote a book leviathan about submission to absolute authority 1588-1679
- interregnum
- interval of time between en d of sovereign reigh an the accession of a successor
- james i
- believed in devine right of kings
- james ii
- last stuwart king to tule both england and scotland1685-1688
- john locke
- philosopher ideas formed liberal democracy and influenced french and american revolution 1632-1704
- louis xiv
- the sun king longest reign in french history 1643-1715
- maria thesa
- queen of hungary and bohemia war of austria succession and 7 year war 1740-1780
- mercantilism
- system of political ecomomy prevailing in europe after the decline of feudalism
- new model army
- professional soldiers lead by trained generals
- peace of utrecht
- series of treaties that concluded the spanish succession 1713
- peter the great
- transfomred russia from isolation to a empire with european powers 1682-1725
- petition of right
- refusal of parliment to fund kings unpopular foreign policy 1628
- puritan revolution
- against charles i of england ended in defeat and execution of the king resulted int he createion of common wealth
- puritans
- strict religious discipline protestant beliefs
- restoration
- after emporer napoleon i and bourbon king returend louis xvii was returned to the throne
- test act
- ecluded from office all those who refused to take oaths of alligence and supremacy
- versailles
- palace built by louis xiv in 17 century
- war of the spanish succession
- last of the general european wars caused by efforts of louis siv to expand france
- william of orange
- proclaimed joint monarch with mary daughter of mjames ii after james fled
- absolutism
- all power vested in one ruler