Government Chapter 1-2
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- Autocracy
- one person has power
- Oligarchy
- a small, usually self-appointed elite has power
- Unitary Gov't
- all powers belong to a single central agency (ex. Great Britain)
- Federal Gov't
- powers of a gov't are divided between central gov't and state gov'ts (ex. USA)
- Confederation
- an alliance of independent states. (ex. CSA)
- Presidential Gov't
- separation of powers b/w executive and legislative branches.
- Parliamentary Gov't
- a gov't in which the exceutive bramch is made up of a prime minister and his/her cabinet.
- Montesquieu
- had the idea to have 3 branches of gov't with equal powers
- Thomas Hobbes
- believed in social contract, b/w gov't and people. That gov't will protect the rights of the people.
- John Locke
- disscussed the concept of natural rights. (Life, Liberty, Property)
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
- believed in popular soverignty (the power of the gov't to rule rests in the people.)
- characteristics of a state
- population, territory, soverignty, gov't
- Theorys of a state
- force, evolutionary, divine right, social contract.