dental hygiene
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- Caries
- Dental term for cavities
- Anterior
- The front teeth canine to canine
- Extra-Oral
- Out side of the mouth
- Alloy\'s
- Metals used to make fillings
- Intra-Oral
- With in the mouth
- Inter-proximal
- Between the teeth
- Impacted tooth
- A tooth that has either partially emerged or submerge red under the tissue and sometime even the bone
- Wax bite
- An impression of the upper and lower teeth in wax
- Pulp
- The center of the tooth
- Sutures
- stiches
- Gingivectomy
- The removsl of tissue only surrounding the tooth typically used in the treatment of periodontal disease and cosmeti dentistry
- Acid etch
- Applyin attachant to tooths surface roughs up the ttoths surface to mechanically bind the composite resisn filling to the tooth
- Cervical cavity
- Decay of the gum line
- Cusps
- The peeks on the chewing surface of posterior teeth
- Decidous Teeth
- The first set of teeth or baby teeth
- Root Canal Therapy
- Removal of the pulp nerve and restoration of the root tip
- Crown
- The portion of the tooth which progects above the tissue A porcelain or gold cover for ecayed damaged brittle or discolored tooth that has a strong base and root
- Mid line
- Imaginary line running from the tip of your nose between the front teeth to the chin
- Maxilla
- Upper part of the jaw
- Incisal
- The edge of an interior tooth used for biting
- Denture
- False teeth partial or complete removable or fixed
- Seat
- The cementing of the permanent crown
- Prophylaxis
- Cleaning of the teeth using a rubber wheel and abrasive dental paste
- Clasp
- A metal prong on a partial supports denture by hookin around the tooth
- Laminate veneer
- A porcelain or composite covering used to restore discolored or damaged teeth usually on the facial portion
- Bridge
- Artificial teeth used to replace missing teeth that are attached usually on both sides by crowns to adjacent teeth
- Tmj
- A problem disorder with the joint that connects the lower jaw with the skull typically associated with a pop or pain in the joint
- Burrs
- small shaped cutting and grinding tools like drill bits used in the hand piece
- Mandible
- Lower part of the jaw
- Anaerobic Bacteria
- Bacteria that do need oxygen to survive and grow
- Mesial
- Surface of the tooth closet to the midline
- Gingiva
- The soft tissue surrounding the tooth
- Gingivitis
- Inflamed and swollen gum tissue most commonly caused by plaque if left untreated may lead to periontal disease
- Composite Resign Filling
- A wear resistant material such as quartz or ceramics known as the tooth colored filling usually used on anterior teeth has a tendency to stain
- Dentin
- Hard tissue under enamel of the tooth
- Fistula
- small pus pocket above an infected tooth bubble or blister
- Distal
- portion of the tooth farthest from the midline
- Inlay
- A gold porcelain or composite custom made filling cemented into the tooth
- Impression
- A procedure using trays and alginate to make molds of the teeth
- Hand piece
- An instrument dill used in dentistry slow and high speed handpieces
- Night Guard
- A plastic mouth piece used to prevent damaged caused from bruxism
- Facial
- The side of the tooth closet to the lip
- Cavity
- A hole in the tooths surface due to decacification of the enamel and dentin by acid producing bacteria
- Scaling
- scraping of the tooth above the gums
- Endodontics
- root canals emoval of the nerve and restoration of the root
- Bonding
- The covering of a tooths surface to correct staining or damaged teeth by painting a layer of composite resin on the tooth
- Core build up
- Hard filling usually accompanied by a post used to strengthen the inside of a tooth after a root canal
- Bite wing
- small x- ray that only show the chewing portion of the tooth
- Occlusal
- pertains to the chewing surface on posterior teeth
- Onlay
- An inlay that is built upon the occlusal or incisal edges of the tooth
- Posterior
- Back teeth 1st bicuspid 3 rd molar
- Cavitron
- An instrument that vibrates ultra sonically and sprays water used by hygienist to remove calculus tartar
- Amalgam
- A commonly used silver colored filling mixed silver tin copper and mercery
- Buccal
- out side surface of the posterior teeth near cheek
- Calculus
- hardened plaque otherwise know as tartar colonies of bacteria
- Implant
- a titanium cage or screw placed in the bone to replace a lost tooth or teeth a crown bridge or bar and denture can be fixed to the implant
- Sealant
- plastic coating applied painted on the occlusal surface of the tooth to fill deep grooves and prevent decay
- abscess
- A local infection in the collection of pus under pressure a dental abcess may be caused by severe decay trauma or gum disease and will be characterized by swelling and pain if an an abcess ruptures it will be accompanied by sudden relief from pain and a foul taste in the mouth
- Periapical x-ray
- x-rays of the tip of the root
- Lingual
- Edge side of the tooth closet to the tongue
- Bruxism
- The habit of grindings ones teeth usually while sleeping
- Extarction
- Removal of a tooth severly decayed broken loose causing crowding
- Rebase
- A proceure done by the dentist or dental laoratory which adds new base to denture
- N20
- Nitris oxide laughing gas does not put patient to sleep but does make them relax
- Root planing
- The removal of hard deposits with metal scalers on the root surface to allow for attachment of the gums to the tooth and ultimately pocket reduction