undefined, object
copy deck
- 1096-1102
- first crusade
- 1215
- Magna carta
- 871
- Reing of Alfred the great
- 1050-1350
- High Middle ages
- 1066
- battle of hastings
- 1189
- second crusade
- 1204
- seize control of constatinople
- 1289
- mamluks recapture all
- reqonquista
- trying to get spain
- 1348
- first outbreak of the plague
- 1517
- 95 these
- 1521
- wont recant in worms
- erasmus
- great christian dutch humanist
- calvin
- predestination
- A
- A
- 1545-1563
- council at trent
- 1555
- peace at ausburg
- 1558-1603
- elizabeth
- 1581
- netherlands
- 1618-1648
- 30 years war
- 1648
- peace of wesphalia
- 1492
- columbus
- 1516
- Utopia by Thomas
- 1519-
- cicumnavigation of the earth
- 1543
- death of copernicus
- 1609
- gaelio