Lesson 30 - Equipment, Pharmaceuticals and Tests
undefined, object
copy deck
- acetyl
- The acetic acid radical CH3CO
- agglutinin
- antibody that clumps particles
- computed tomography, computed axial tomography
- Doppler duplex sonography
- ultrasound study of the blood vessels
- electromyography, electromyogram
- test of muscle-nerve conduction, EMG
- endolaser photocoagulation
- Surgical coagulation of tissue by means of intense light energy, such as a laser, performed to destroy abnormal tissues or to form adhesive scars, especially in ophthalmology.
- finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin or heel-to-knee
- tests of cerebellar function
- funduscopic findings
- flame-shaped hemorrhages, cotton-wool patches, waxy exudates, capillary aneurysms, cell and flare, microhemorrhages
- Comberg method
- method of localizing foreign bodies in the eye
- LP
- lumbar puncture
- magnetic resonance imaging, a non-x-ray imaging test
- neurologic tests in physical examination
- pinprick, position, vibration, Brudzinski\'s sign, Kernig sign
- pars plana vitrectomy
- removal of vitreous by aspiration through a needle inserted over the pars plana ciliaris
- SF6 gas
- used to fill the eye at surgery
- slit lamp
- one embodying a diaphragm containing a slit-like opening, by means of which a narrow, flat beam of intense light may be projected into the eye. It gives intense illumination so that microscopic study may be made of the conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lens and vitreous, the special feature being that it illuminates a section through the substance of these structures
- atropine
- An alkaloid obtained from belladonna and related plants, used to dilate the pupils of the eyes and as an antispasmodic, antisudorific, and anticholinergic
- Augmentin
- A trademark for a preparation of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid
- barbiturate
- Any of a group of barbituric acid derivatives that act as central nervous system depressants and are used as sedatives or hypnotics
- clonidine
- A synthetic drug used in the treatment of hypertension and for the prevention of migraine headaches
- Diamox
- A trademark for the drug acetazolamide
- Dilaudid
- A trademark for the drug hydromorphone hydrochloride
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- Hct, HCT
- hematocrit
- Hemophilus (genus)
- influenzae
- immunoglobulins
- IgG, IgM, IgE, IgA, IgD
- Novocain
- the brand name for procaine hydrochloride, an ester, which is no longer used in the United States as an injectable. It is also the lay term for all types of dental local anesthesia
- platelet count
- determination of the total number of platelets per cubic millimeter of blood; the direct platelet c. simply counts the cells using a microscope, and the indirect platelet c. determines the ratio of platelets to erythrocytes on a peripheral blood smear and computes the number of platelets from the erythrocyte count
- phenytoin
- an anticonvulsant used in the control of various kinds of epilepsy and of seizures associated with neurosurgery
- Streptococcus (genus)
- pneumoniae, alpha-hemolytic
- Weber test
- A test for differentiating conductive hearing impairment from sensorineural hearing impairment. A vibrating tuning fork is applied to one of several points in the midline of the forehead; if the sound is heard better in the impaired ear, the middle-ear apparatus is at fault; if the sound is heard better in the normal ear, the hearing impairment is caused by diseased sensorineural apparatus