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psych lecture notes review


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requires no learning history to acquire reinforcement values (food,sex)
primary reinforcers
reinforcer which acquires its value through assoc. with a primary reinforcer (money)
secondary reinforcer
first behavior occurs after a constant pre-determined time interval is reinforced *rapid rate of responding before reinf\'t *pauses after reinf\'t
fixed interval schedule
reinf\'t after a fixed # of responses *generate high rates of responding, but there is often a pause after reinf\'t
fixed ratio schedule
reinf\'t is variable in that the first response after a pre determined interval has elapsed is reinforced. ex: 3,8,1,7, and 6 minutes
variable interval schedule
# of responses req\'d for reinf\'t will vary every time the individual is reinforced * generally produce a high, steady rate of responding * in humans, most schedules are ratio
variable ratio schedule *variable schedules produce greater resistance to extinction
a process of reinf\'t and prompting (piano playing)
1)these include behavioral coding 2)single-case experimental methodology 3)ABAB reversal design
behavioral assessment procedures (operant procedures)
single subject reversal study that has 4 phases: 1) baseline 2) treatment 3) reversal to baseline 4)reinstatement of treatment
ABAB design
-multiple treatment procedures - \" therapists -type of placebo control -invariance problem -follow-up compliance
problems that occur in experimental group designs
include: -test-test reliability -internal consistency: the degree to which individual items correlate w/ each other -validity: the degree to which the test measures what it says it measures
methodological challenges in psychological assessment
1) external corroboration 2) criterion-related validity: refers to a test\'s ability to distinguish b/t 2 defined groups 3)convergent validity: confirmatory support from another independent method of assessment 4) discriminant validity: disconfi
the 4 types of Validity
consist of: 1) interviews 2) in vivo assessment via behav. coding 3) behav. avoidance procedures (Peter Lang\'s method and Levis\' phobic test apparatus
behavior therapy pre and post-treatment assessment methods
Structure Tests -fear survey schedule (FFS-II) -Beck\'s depression inventory (BDI) -Minnesota multi- phasic personality inventory (MMPI) -Binghamton child abuse screen (BCAS)
psychophysiology measurements
1) how is fear learned? (is response learned?) 2) how is avoidance behavior learned? (can learning occur w/ absence of reinf\'t) - keep a CS on constantly = no learning -must incorporate a constant + drive : fear -widely accepted theory -UCS imp
O.H. Mowrer\'s 2-factor theory of avoidance
- developed theories of learning (avoidance learning) -most prominent learning book \'Hillganger\'
O.H. Mowrer
- escape fear/response to fear - reinforce behavior..negative reinforcement? -when you avoid, fear decreases and avoidance increases -fear strengthens reinf\'t -response avoids onset of painful stimulus
avoidance/escape response
1) 1-way avoidance 2) shuttle box 3) which apparatus = the fastest learning and why -fear: particular situation -anxiety: unclear situation Auto N.S. controls emotions -sympathetic -parasympathetic (regulates emotions) 4) expreassion: joy,
the avoidance paradigm
shock to animal, runs to safe box for a # of trials
one-way apparatus *best reinforcer * Levis created something similar to this (stimulus change= greater reinf\'t and showed a person can avoid all cues related to fear)
same compartment -CS goes -safety box -tone comes on in other box -back and forth response ( fear is present)
shuttle apparatus
1) secondary conditioning 2) higher order conditioning 3) stimulus generalization 4)response mediated generalization 5)semantic & symbolic mediated condition 6) memory reactivation
learning principles in the transfer of fear
-fear is an energizer -anticipate fear all over (lock door b/c a robber can break in even tho you\'ve never been robbed) -we take on fear (driving fast)
instrumental learning: drive note
response to avoidance when probability is low, unlikely to occur -issue at looking at probability -engage in symponomalic behavior
-well-known behavior therapist -study on snake phobics and argued that fear wasn\'t a unitary construct
Peter Lang
Is fear a unitary construct??
YES, and Lang is wrong. these constructs are interrelated: 1)cognitive- verbal report 2)behavioral- avoidance test 3)psychophysical-auto nomic...heart rate etc..
-created by Albert Ellis -straight cognitive approach to treatment (in vivo exposure as homework) -past is non- crucial, focus on present (exclamatory sentences, talk to self) 3 types of insight: 1) all behaviors (neg and pos)have clear cut ideol
Rational Emotive Therapy
study on avoidance condition of dogs, 3 observations: 1)rising traumatic shock = extreme resistance to extinction 2) avoidance latencies shortened w/ more training w/ response latencies b/t 1-4 seconds 3)if animal makes a long latency response,the fe
Solomon and Wynne\'s resolution (1954) -explains symptom maintenance
partial irreversability hypothesis- explains the finding of extreme resistance to extinction -conservation of anxiety hypothesis: fear to any part of the CS will be conserved unless it has been sufficiently exposed to permit full extinction -study wa
Solomon and Wynne interpretation
-extension of conservation of anxiety hypothesis (maintain the fear over time) -the serial CS procedure -principle of intermittent reinforcement -unlearning fear -response prevention procedure
Stampfl\'s Resolution to the Neurotic paradigm
S1-tone S2-flashing lights S3-buzzer UCS -rat escapes shock by jumping over barrier -learns quick (like 3 trials) -multiple CS\'s act as a cue -fear gets conditioned
serial CS procedure *last part, S3 is most crucial *fear is strongest when it gets near buzzer
fear goes down in serial CS procedure
generalization extinction
increase rats\' resistance to extinction
secondary intermittent reinforcement
-why do human symptoms persist for years and are destructive/ disruptive? -why do patients maintain this behavior until they die?
neurotic paradox

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