psych 473F chapter 9
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- list of events that elicit anxiety, ranked in order of increasing anxiety
- anxiety hierarchy
- relaxing all muscles not essential to the behavior being performed
- differential relaxation
- brief/gradual exposure to actual anxiety-evoking events
- In Vivo Exposure Therapy
- scale clients use to rate the level of anxiety they experience in anxiety-evoking situations. 0=total calm and 100=highest anxiety
- subjective units of discomfort scale (SUDS)
- treatment where client experiences a highly anxiety-evoking event for a lengthy period in order to ultimately reduce the anxiety
- prolonged/intense exposure therapy
- variation of systematic desensitization where client uses anxiety-related bodily sensations as cues to actively cope with anxiety -developed by Marvin Goldfried
- Coping Desensitization
- treatment for anxiety and other negative emotional responses that exposes clients under careful conditions, to the situations/events that create anxiety
- exposure therapies
- exposure therapy procedure where clients expose themselves to anxiety events on their own
- self-managed exposure
- exposure where the therapist guides the client through the exposure
- therapist-directed exposure
- therapy procedure that induces physical sensations of panic attacks that clients can practice using cog-behavioral coping skills to prevent panic attacks * developed by: David Barlow
- interoceptive exposure
- variation of systematic desensitization where client uses anxiety-related bodily sensations as cues to actively cope with anxiety * developed my Marvin Goldfried
- coping desensitization
- exposure therapy procedure where client uses pleasant thoughts as competing responses for anxiety *used in kids
- emotive imagery
- common anxiety hierarchy used for all the clients in group system. desense.
- group hierarchy
- brief/graduated exposure therapy where client imagines successively more anxiety-evoking situations while at the same time engaging in a behavior that competes w/ the anxiety * developed by Joseph Wolpe *1st major behavioral therapy
- Systematic Desensitization
- systematically relaxing groups of skeletal muscles *Edmund Jacobson
- progressive relaxation