psych 473F chapters 6-10
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- provides people with cues that remind them to perform a behavior. (verbal,envi, physical,behavioral)
- Prompting
- process by which an event is presented as a consequence of a behavior INCREASES the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated.(hold door open...they say thanks...more likely to hold door again)
- positive reinforcement
- an event that acts as a consequence increasing the likelihood of a behavior. 4 types: tangible,social,token, and reinforcing activities
- positive reinforcer
- reinforcers consisting of attention and affirmation from other people
- social reinforcers
- schedule of reinforcement where only some of the occurrences of a target behavior are reinforced
- intermittent reinforcement schedule
- states that a higher-probability behavior will serve as a reinforcer for a lower-probability behavior
- Premack Principle
- procedure for making a generalized reinforcer into a reinforcer for an individual client. First given gen reinforcer non-contingently, then when its valued, given contingently
- reinforcer sampling
- procedure where the behaviors of a group of clients as a whole, determine the consequences for each member of the group
- group contingency
- schedule of reinf\'t where target behavior is reinforced every time its performed
- continuous reinforcement schedule
- an event that is removed/avoided as a consequence of performing a behavior. INCREASES likelihood of the behavior being repeated
- negative reinforcer
- material objects that serve as reinforcers
- tangible reinforcers
- process that occurs when removal/ avoidance of an event serves as a consequence of a behavior that was performed, which increases it chances of continued performance. (take aspirin...headache goes away///go the speed limit...avoid a ticket)
- negative reinforcement
- treatment that directly decelerates a maladaptive behavior by associating it with an unpleasant stimulus
- Aversion Therapy
- Variant of differential reinf\'t where the reinforcer is id\'d as a maintaining consequence of a problem behavior is administered on a frequent FI schedule whether or not the client engages in the decel target behavior
- Noncontingent Reinforcement (reductions in behavior following this reinforcement therapy are believed to be related to SATIATION AND EXTINCTION)
- variant of differential reinf\'t that teaches clients to use acceptable ways of communicating the desire for a reinforcer as an alternative to their typical unacceptable way.
- Functional Communication Training (In contrast to standard diff. reinf\'t procedures, the alternative behavior that is reinforced in functional comm training is SPECIFICALLY TAUGHT TO THE CLIENT, rather than being a naturally occurring behavior
- consequential decel therapy where client\'s access to generalized reinforcers is withdrawn for a few mins after the client has engaged in a maladaptive behavior, usually placed in room or area
- Time Out from Positive Reinforcement
- consequential decel therapy where client corrects the harmful effects of a decel target behavior (restitution) and then intensively practices an accel target behavior (positive practice)
- Overcorrection has 2 phases: 1) restitution: makes amends for the damage done 2)positive practice: client performs an acceptable adaptive behavior in an exaggerated fashion usually repeatedly -when the consequence of a bad behavior can\'t be easily corrected, positive practice is used WITHOUT restitution -overcorrection is generally applied immediately after bad behavior, but also appears to be effective when its delayed -INCREASING the DURATION of positive practice DOES NOT result in greater reductions of bad behavior, and SOMETIMES VERY BRIEF PERIODS ARE EFFECTIVE
- overcorrection treatment for stealing that involves exaggerated restitution, where client is req\'d to return the stolen items to the victim as well as purchase additional similar items for the victim
- theft reversal
- process of gradually withdrawing prompts as the client performs the accel target behavior more frequently
- fading
- intervention where a behavior change agent for a client to engage in an active, desirable behavior, which reduces the opportunity for the client to engage in the problem behavior
- planned activity scheduling
- process by which the consequence of a behavior INCREASES the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated
- Reinforcement
- a reinforcer that is readily available to clients in their natural envi
- natural reinforcer
- a person who administers reinforcers
- reinforcing agent
- event that functions as a reinforcer for many people
- generalized reinforcer
- reinforcing component of a target behavior that are successively closer approximations of the complete target behavior
- shaping
- indirectly decelerating a maladaptive behavior by reinforcing an alternate acceleration target behavior
- differential reinforcement
- indirectly decelerating a bad behavior by reinforcing accel target behaviors that preclude the simultaneous performance of the decel target behavior
- differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors incompatible means that accel and decel target behaviors can\'t occur simultaneously
- decel bad behavior by reinforcing accel target behaviors that interfere with the simultaneous performance of the decel target behavior
- differential reinforcement of competing behaviors
- indirectly decelerating a bad behavior by reinforcing ANY behaviors other than the decel target behavior
- differential reinforcement of other behaviors
- indirectly decelerating a bad behavior by reinforcing less frequent performance of the target behavior
- differential reinforcement of low response rates
- treatment that DIRECTLY decelerates a bad behavior by changing its consequence
- consequential deceleration therapy -eliminates reinforcement of the target behavior OR -makes the consequences of a behavior undesirable
- process of withdrawing or withholding reinforcers to decrease maladaptive behaviors
- extinction
- consequential deceleration therapy where a clients access to a valued item or privilege is removed as a consequence of performing a bad behavior * Ogden Lindsley and the Sunday Box
- Response-cost
- process by which the consequence pf a behavior decreases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated
- Punishment
- additional treatment after therapy has been terminated, which is designed to promote long term maintenance of therapeutic gains
- booster treatments
- physically painful/unpleasant consequences used to decelerate a maladaptive target behavior electric shock
- physically aversive coinsequences
- aversion therapy where an aversive stimulus and a maladaptive target behavior are associated completely in the clients imagination *developed by Joseph Cautela *treats overeating, alcohol abuse, and smoking almost always used with adults
- Covert sensitization
- a consequence of a behavior that increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated
- reinforcer
- symbolic reinforcers (money,points) that can be exchanged for desired tangible reinforcers and reinforcing activities
- token reinforcers
- process where clients administer reinforcers to themselves for performing target behaviors
- self-reinforcement
- procedure where the behaviors of an individual client determine the consequences for that client
- individual contingency