undefined, object
copy deck
- Čo to je?
- What is this?
- Ako sa maš?
- How are you?
- Biela mačka je pod stoličkou.
- The white cat is under the chair.
- Dufam, že sa máš dobre.
- Hope you are well.
- Kde sú?
- Where are they?
- Mam sa dobre.
- I am fine.
- Na lavici je šesť fialových zošitov.
- There are six violet exercise book on the desk.
- Nepíš na stol!
- Don´t write on the table!
- Nezavri okno.
- Don´t close the window.
- Odkial si, Peter?
- Where are you, Peter?
- Otvor si knihu.
- Open your book.
- Pán Taylor je pri dverách.
- Mr.Taylor is at the door.
- Pani Hillová telefonuje.
- Mrs. Hill´s on the phone.
- Postav sa.
- Stand up. /stend ap/
- Pozrime sa na to.
- Let´s have a look.
- Pre koho je tento list?
Who is this letter for?
- Sú na prázdninách.
- There are on holiday.
- Sadni si.
- Sit down.
- See you soon.
- Uvidíme sa skoro.
Sme v Paríži.
Paríž je velkomesto. -
We´re in Paris.
The Paris is a city.
- Tam je náš dom.
- There is our house.
- Tu je velký balík.
- Here is a big parcel.
Tu je pohladnica.
Pre koho je?
Here is the postcard.
Who is it for?
- V dome je šesť stoličiek.
- There are six chairs in the house.
- Zavri si tašku.
- Close your bag.
- Zdvihni jablko.
- Pick up the apple.