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Čo to je?
What is this?
Ako sa maš?
How are you?
Biela mačka je pod stoličkou.
The white cat is under the chair.
Dufam, že sa máš dobre.
Hope you are well.
Kde sú?
Where are they?
Mam sa dobre.
I am fine.
Na lavici je šesť fialových zošitov.
There are six violet exercise book on the desk.
Nepíš na stol!
Don´t write on the table!
Nezavri okno.
Don´t close the window.
Odkial si, Peter?
Where are you, Peter?
Otvor si knihu.
Open your book.
Pán Taylor je pri dverách.
Mr.Taylor is at the door.
Pani Hillová telefonuje.
Mrs. Hill´s on the phone.
Postav sa.
Stand up.    /stend ap/
Pozrime sa na to.
Let´s have a look.
Pre koho je tento list?
Who is this letter for?

Sú na prázdninách.
There are on holiday.
Sadni si.
Sit down.
See you soon.
Uvidíme sa skoro.
Sme v Paríži.
Paríž je velkomesto.
We´re in Paris.
The Paris is a city.
Tam je náš dom.
There is our house.
Tu je velký balík.
Here is a big parcel.
Tu je pohladnica.
Pre koho je?
Here is the postcard.
Who is it for?

V dome je šesť stoličiek.
There are six chairs in the house.
Zavri si tašku.
Close your bag.
Zdvihni jablko.
Pick up the apple.

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